9 karmic law of the universe
It often happens that something unpleasant and disturbing our peace of mind? So we did not take into account one of the laws!
The Pursuit of Happyness People always forget that we in this world - only guests that the universe has existed for millions of years before us, and there will be millions of years after being stable and self-sufficient body, protected from the destruction of the laws of the equilibrium of the universe, which in -Other called karmic law.
1. The law of the
Everything is thought. The idea is primary and precedes any materialization. In life we get what we currently namyslili.
Law implementation, based on the mentality of the universe is the very foundation of our lives. Everything that happens to us, initially appears in our consciousness as a mental image. It is your thoughts, we embody the reality.
The world that we call reality is actually real only in relation to a specific person, as built by himself - his ideas, desires, aspirations, fears and concerns.
Due to the implementation of the law, the images (both positive and negative), created by our thoughts materialize and manifest in everything that surrounds us.
From the intensity of the content of our mental images mental energy depends on the degree of their impact on our lives: some mental images will not play a decisive role in our destiny, while others take it in a strong position.
2. The law of consonance
As the bottom and top. Small still great. What happens to us, it happens to the universe. And vice versa.
Each person is unique, irreplaceable part of the universe and it is in a constant feedback. That is why, when it comes to harmony with the universe, above all, understood the harmony of man with himself.
Everything that happens to us - it signals how harmonious our lives, and what to pay attention to ourselves. When we act in tune with the desires of his soul, and do not tolerate violence against it, we are living in tune with the wishes of the universe. At the same time, we all succeed, we all get. This condition is called - "being in the flow».
If we do well, and we feel comfortable, so for some time, we have balanced your inner state with its outer reflection - folding situations around us and the events of the outside world, that is, it reached a certain harmony.
Consonance Act allows us to understand that external stimuli that cause us uncomfortable emotional state, such as resentment, bitterness, anger, irritation and others, are merely a reflection of what is within us, that we are currently present.
Law consonance explains why none of the situation, based on the manipulation and violence, and no one has ever brought no happiness.
You can not change the world without changing yourself.
3. The law of the merger
Like attracts like, and merges with it.
This law explains why in life we attract only the situation and the people who are close to us on the inner self. Thanks to this law, at every stage of our lives, we are dealing with people whose views of the world and human relationships are identical to our.
Its environment we create, and if it does not satisfy us, we are able to change it, without resorting to violent measures and manipulyatorstvu. To do this, you must change your way of thinking. And only then we will have around different people - close to us in spirit, support our initiatives and believe in us.
The law allows us to merge a whole new way to look at the people with whom we come in nice and in unpleasant situations for themselves. The realization of this law gives a clear understanding of what, if any environmental quality we do not like, then we ourselves have similar qualities, but diligently to close their eyes.
In the face of surrounding a person always has before his eyes a mirror in which he can see.
4. The law changes
All is movement. Change is inevitable. Fear of change leads to stagnation. Stagnation is like death.
Everything in the universe is subject to change. What yesterday seemed eternal and immutable, as time becomes obsolete and gives way to the new. Changing social formations, the model of development of society, the principles of the social structure and ideological system.
There is nothing permanent and nothing remains the same.
"Everything flows, everything changes».
However, we wish to continue with perseverance and stability are afraid to part with it.
Problems generally arise and because we do not want to change anything in their lives, afraid of losing something familiar and stable, we cling to a situation that no longer existed.
Fear of the future, forcing us to deal with the impending changes and to rely on an illusory stability, does not allow us to look at the situation as the beginning of something new.
The destruction of the familiar brings us pain and shock, however, the easier we let old and stop feeling sorry for the departed, the sooner and painlessly start a new stage, which carries no less, and often even more joy and happiness than we have had in the past .
It is the emergence of problems shows us that it is time for change. End any situation - it is always the beginning of another, gives us a new chance at happiness. Do not be afraid of change! Bold move forward, and your efforts will be rewarded.
5. The Law of Rhythm
Everything flows and flows; everything has its tides; All phenomena arise and fall into decay.
This law is directly related to the law of change. Any chaotic at first glance, movement, any phenomenon in human life and in the development of society, are subject to the universal law of rhythm. All events in our lives, thanks to the action of this law, are arranged in a certain rhythmic sequence.
Law of rhythm sometimes frightens us with its inevitability. Hard to believe that stability does not exist, and really want to stop a moment, especially if it's fine. But the feelings we rolled on with the inevitable intervals, as the tides. Woe alternates with joy, excitement - with equanimity, irritation - with calmness, sadness - with joy.
Do not despair if life started a black stripe, and it seems that suffering has no end. No disaster in this. You must wait for the change of cycles, in full confidence that everything will change. The appropriate model of behavior tells us the serenity of nature, quiet passing of the state of the day in a state of night, in anticipation of what tomorrow will again dawn.
6. The law of duality
The universe is dual. Every thing has its opposite, without which it can not exist separately. Opposites - parts of a whole, and differ only in the level of manifestation of their intrinsic qualities.
This law tells us that every phenomenon in our universe has its opposite, without which it could not exist. The universe is harmonious, but because we are all important and necessary part of one great and harmonious organism.
Anyone who met on our way, not bad and not good. He - just a man, manifested in different situations in different ways. There is no separate bad from good, as there is no joy without sorrow.
Each situation is sometimes the most catastrophic, certainly has its opposite - just look at it from a slightly different angle. Black would not exist without white, darkness tells us the limits beyond which begins light and exhaling breath entails.
The law of duality has taught us not to rush to hang labels on people and events that we meet on the way. You should always remember that double-edged sword, and two sides of the coin.
7. The law of the pendulum
Every thing tends to turn into its opposite, with greater speed, the sharper it manifested the inherent quality of both opposites. Measure swing to the right is compensated by the measure swing left.
Equilibrium - the most important condition for the existence of the universe, and it restores it with the law of the pendulum.
In our daily life, this law is manifested everywhere. It is closely related to the law of rhythm, as the pendulum moves from side to side, subject to certain rhythm. In this way, we are developing our friendship, our faith in different ideological systems, our state of mind.
The law of the pendulum clearly gives us to understand: the darker the night before the dawn, and in the most hopeless blackness already glimmering ray of the future shine. Nothing is permanent, everything changes, and measure the right swing is compensated measure swing left.
8. The law of causality
In the universe there is a causal connection between the phenomena. Everything that happens to us is the inevitable consequence of the reasons laid down in the past. In the universe there is no chance. Any case refers to laws that have not yet informed us.
"Under the influence of this law, every person is really master of his fate, he gives himself a reward, punish himself. The law says that all thoughts, all words, all actions are reflected in the future of human life, and not as a reward or punishment, as is usually understood the idea, but as the inevitable result that follows its cause "~ Ramacharaka
Knowledge of the law of causality allows us to understand that everything in the universe is closely interconnected, and nothing accidental can not come in our way. His thoughts and actions we are laying the circumstances of his future life.
9. The law of equilibrium
Uniform law of the universe, which unites eight major laws. Only when the equilibrium is reached when acquiring the center, where the movement reaches a speed that becomes peace, they can be synthesized and completed all aspects of the common law.
This single law stipulates the work of all the above laws, and shows us that none of the karmic laws can not be considered in isolation from each other, and that any phenomenon in the universe is determined by their totality.
The ancient esoteric knowledge about the karmic law of the universe formed the basis of modern applied psychology Karmapsihologii industry that has emerged at the intersection of sociology and esoteric.
Karmapsihologiya studies the impact of the universal laws of the development of society and the formation of a person's identity, as well as developing methods to overcome the psychological crisis, based on karmic learning, the core of which is the doctrine of reincarnation, familiar to mankind since ancient times and is the basis of many religions.
According to the doctrine of reincarnation, the human soul does not die with the body, and has consistently and repeatedly returns to Earth in other bodies in order to gain experience and learn all.
Karmic destiny of man - knowledge, and thus no experience negative or positive. There's just an experience, thanks to which the human soul and understands the difference between extreme poverty of certain qualities. That is why we must learn to live these extreme manifestations, and not be afraid of them and do not avoid.
The teachings of the laws of the universe tells us that there is no karmic punishment or karmic rewards. If it happens to us something unpleasant and disturbing our peace of mind, then we have not taken into account one of the laws and thus upset the balance on which rests and all things in the universe.
Galina Zubkov

The Pursuit of Happyness People always forget that we in this world - only guests that the universe has existed for millions of years before us, and there will be millions of years after being stable and self-sufficient body, protected from the destruction of the laws of the equilibrium of the universe, which in -Other called karmic law.
1. The law of the
Everything is thought. The idea is primary and precedes any materialization. In life we get what we currently namyslili.
Law implementation, based on the mentality of the universe is the very foundation of our lives. Everything that happens to us, initially appears in our consciousness as a mental image. It is your thoughts, we embody the reality.
The world that we call reality is actually real only in relation to a specific person, as built by himself - his ideas, desires, aspirations, fears and concerns.
Due to the implementation of the law, the images (both positive and negative), created by our thoughts materialize and manifest in everything that surrounds us.
From the intensity of the content of our mental images mental energy depends on the degree of their impact on our lives: some mental images will not play a decisive role in our destiny, while others take it in a strong position.
2. The law of consonance
As the bottom and top. Small still great. What happens to us, it happens to the universe. And vice versa.
Each person is unique, irreplaceable part of the universe and it is in a constant feedback. That is why, when it comes to harmony with the universe, above all, understood the harmony of man with himself.
Everything that happens to us - it signals how harmonious our lives, and what to pay attention to ourselves. When we act in tune with the desires of his soul, and do not tolerate violence against it, we are living in tune with the wishes of the universe. At the same time, we all succeed, we all get. This condition is called - "being in the flow».
If we do well, and we feel comfortable, so for some time, we have balanced your inner state with its outer reflection - folding situations around us and the events of the outside world, that is, it reached a certain harmony.
Consonance Act allows us to understand that external stimuli that cause us uncomfortable emotional state, such as resentment, bitterness, anger, irritation and others, are merely a reflection of what is within us, that we are currently present.
Law consonance explains why none of the situation, based on the manipulation and violence, and no one has ever brought no happiness.
You can not change the world without changing yourself.
3. The law of the merger
Like attracts like, and merges with it.
This law explains why in life we attract only the situation and the people who are close to us on the inner self. Thanks to this law, at every stage of our lives, we are dealing with people whose views of the world and human relationships are identical to our.
Its environment we create, and if it does not satisfy us, we are able to change it, without resorting to violent measures and manipulyatorstvu. To do this, you must change your way of thinking. And only then we will have around different people - close to us in spirit, support our initiatives and believe in us.
The law allows us to merge a whole new way to look at the people with whom we come in nice and in unpleasant situations for themselves. The realization of this law gives a clear understanding of what, if any environmental quality we do not like, then we ourselves have similar qualities, but diligently to close their eyes.
In the face of surrounding a person always has before his eyes a mirror in which he can see.
4. The law changes
All is movement. Change is inevitable. Fear of change leads to stagnation. Stagnation is like death.
Everything in the universe is subject to change. What yesterday seemed eternal and immutable, as time becomes obsolete and gives way to the new. Changing social formations, the model of development of society, the principles of the social structure and ideological system.
There is nothing permanent and nothing remains the same.
"Everything flows, everything changes».
However, we wish to continue with perseverance and stability are afraid to part with it.
Problems generally arise and because we do not want to change anything in their lives, afraid of losing something familiar and stable, we cling to a situation that no longer existed.
Fear of the future, forcing us to deal with the impending changes and to rely on an illusory stability, does not allow us to look at the situation as the beginning of something new.
The destruction of the familiar brings us pain and shock, however, the easier we let old and stop feeling sorry for the departed, the sooner and painlessly start a new stage, which carries no less, and often even more joy and happiness than we have had in the past .
It is the emergence of problems shows us that it is time for change. End any situation - it is always the beginning of another, gives us a new chance at happiness. Do not be afraid of change! Bold move forward, and your efforts will be rewarded.
5. The Law of Rhythm
Everything flows and flows; everything has its tides; All phenomena arise and fall into decay.
This law is directly related to the law of change. Any chaotic at first glance, movement, any phenomenon in human life and in the development of society, are subject to the universal law of rhythm. All events in our lives, thanks to the action of this law, are arranged in a certain rhythmic sequence.
Law of rhythm sometimes frightens us with its inevitability. Hard to believe that stability does not exist, and really want to stop a moment, especially if it's fine. But the feelings we rolled on with the inevitable intervals, as the tides. Woe alternates with joy, excitement - with equanimity, irritation - with calmness, sadness - with joy.
Do not despair if life started a black stripe, and it seems that suffering has no end. No disaster in this. You must wait for the change of cycles, in full confidence that everything will change. The appropriate model of behavior tells us the serenity of nature, quiet passing of the state of the day in a state of night, in anticipation of what tomorrow will again dawn.
6. The law of duality
The universe is dual. Every thing has its opposite, without which it can not exist separately. Opposites - parts of a whole, and differ only in the level of manifestation of their intrinsic qualities.
This law tells us that every phenomenon in our universe has its opposite, without which it could not exist. The universe is harmonious, but because we are all important and necessary part of one great and harmonious organism.
Anyone who met on our way, not bad and not good. He - just a man, manifested in different situations in different ways. There is no separate bad from good, as there is no joy without sorrow.
Each situation is sometimes the most catastrophic, certainly has its opposite - just look at it from a slightly different angle. Black would not exist without white, darkness tells us the limits beyond which begins light and exhaling breath entails.
The law of duality has taught us not to rush to hang labels on people and events that we meet on the way. You should always remember that double-edged sword, and two sides of the coin.
7. The law of the pendulum
Every thing tends to turn into its opposite, with greater speed, the sharper it manifested the inherent quality of both opposites. Measure swing to the right is compensated by the measure swing left.
Equilibrium - the most important condition for the existence of the universe, and it restores it with the law of the pendulum.
In our daily life, this law is manifested everywhere. It is closely related to the law of rhythm, as the pendulum moves from side to side, subject to certain rhythm. In this way, we are developing our friendship, our faith in different ideological systems, our state of mind.
The law of the pendulum clearly gives us to understand: the darker the night before the dawn, and in the most hopeless blackness already glimmering ray of the future shine. Nothing is permanent, everything changes, and measure the right swing is compensated measure swing left.
8. The law of causality
In the universe there is a causal connection between the phenomena. Everything that happens to us is the inevitable consequence of the reasons laid down in the past. In the universe there is no chance. Any case refers to laws that have not yet informed us.
"Under the influence of this law, every person is really master of his fate, he gives himself a reward, punish himself. The law says that all thoughts, all words, all actions are reflected in the future of human life, and not as a reward or punishment, as is usually understood the idea, but as the inevitable result that follows its cause "~ Ramacharaka
Knowledge of the law of causality allows us to understand that everything in the universe is closely interconnected, and nothing accidental can not come in our way. His thoughts and actions we are laying the circumstances of his future life.
9. The law of equilibrium
Uniform law of the universe, which unites eight major laws. Only when the equilibrium is reached when acquiring the center, where the movement reaches a speed that becomes peace, they can be synthesized and completed all aspects of the common law.
This single law stipulates the work of all the above laws, and shows us that none of the karmic laws can not be considered in isolation from each other, and that any phenomenon in the universe is determined by their totality.
The ancient esoteric knowledge about the karmic law of the universe formed the basis of modern applied psychology Karmapsihologii industry that has emerged at the intersection of sociology and esoteric.
Karmapsihologiya studies the impact of the universal laws of the development of society and the formation of a person's identity, as well as developing methods to overcome the psychological crisis, based on karmic learning, the core of which is the doctrine of reincarnation, familiar to mankind since ancient times and is the basis of many religions.
According to the doctrine of reincarnation, the human soul does not die with the body, and has consistently and repeatedly returns to Earth in other bodies in order to gain experience and learn all.
Karmic destiny of man - knowledge, and thus no experience negative or positive. There's just an experience, thanks to which the human soul and understands the difference between extreme poverty of certain qualities. That is why we must learn to live these extreme manifestations, and not be afraid of them and do not avoid.
The teachings of the laws of the universe tells us that there is no karmic punishment or karmic rewards. If it happens to us something unpleasant and disturbing our peace of mind, then we have not taken into account one of the laws and thus upset the balance on which rests and all things in the universe.
Galina Zubkov