These 20 wise laws of life make everyone think! Sobering truth. . .

Every day you try to understand loved ones, help them in everything, keep them close to you or persistently prove something. But, strangely enough, you do not feel happier from this. What if it's not worth doing at all? Famous psychologist-practice Natalia Grace in her famous book “The Laws of Grace” tried to formulate the basic wisdom of life and point out the most important mistakes that everyone makes. It's amazing how right she is.
1. Law of zero.
When you come from work like a lemon, the last day off was last month, and there is still a mountain of household chores at home, don’t be surprised if you can’t remember what day it is or what you ate for breakfast. This is because the brain cannot work equally efficiently 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He, like the whole body, needs rest and reset. Do not be afraid at least sometimes to reset your brain, cleansing it from an excess of information from the outside!
2. The law of small things.
It is not for nothing that the details often decide everything. Take a close look at the person - as he manifests himself in small things, so he really is. There are many promises and stories to be told, but actions and details often speak for themselves.
3. The law of false kindness.
And although in all religions, helping others is considered one of the main dogmas of kindness and obedience, practice, unfortunately, shows the opposite – solving other people’s problems, we do not help people. In fact, we're just making things worse. If a person did not come to some decision himself, but was forcibly “pulled by the ears” with a kind soul, there is no special effect from this. Most often, the one who was helped, can not be grateful for a good deed and returns to the usual. Hence the conclusion: let each person solve his problems for himself - from this he grows and develops as a person.
4. Better not-- than re--
Try to apply this rule every day! Going to visit - say goodbye a little before you begin to ask the owners of the house. You see a breakdown in a relationship - don't wait for your partner to take action, do it first.
5. The law of joint harness.
Everyone knows the scientific fact: each of the horses can pull 3 tons, but two horses in one team - not 6, but all 15 tons. What more than two people undertake will be more effective (with the right allocation of responsibilities!) than alone. There is a saying that one head is good and two are better.
6. The law of embryos.
Like all living things, phenomena and actions also have their embryos, which, oddly enough, also have the ability to reproduce. One sock thrown on the floor will entail mountains of dirty clothes, one glass of vodka, and even then only on holidays, often leads to prolonged incurable alcoholism. The conclusion is one: absolutely all adverse phenomena and events need to be able to recognize in the bud and prevent them from growing into something more.
7. The law of influence.
No matter what anyone says, and the environment is very influential on a person, so carefully look at who is nearby. Society can both help open up a person, and completely “suppress” him, because, no matter how you turn, most often the environment affects you, not you on him.
8. The law of the magic word.
Forget that the magic word is “please.” As practice shows, in our time, the most necessary skill is to say “no” in time. You can avoid a lot of problems if you learn how to refuse people correctly. Do not spend time in unnecessary company "old friendship". Do not suffer living with an unloved person, but “it seems to be getting used to it.” An amazing phenomenon: when a person reasonably refuses, his self-esteem automatically increases! Are you afraid to say no because you don't like it, because you don't want to hurt it because you're going to feel guilty? You can't please everyone! So don’t be afraid to tell the truth and refuse if you really have a reason for it.
9. The law of supply.
Observe carefully everything that happens to you, and accept all proposals – they are made for a reason. Life often takes care of us!
10. The Not Your People Act.
No matter how hard you try, sooner or later your people will not leave you anyway. Just accept that fact.
11. The law once established.
Once established, as a rule, carries a string of good events in the future.
12. The law of the falsity of ideal conditions.
Remember, there will never be perfect conditions. Therefore, you need to learn to perceive all the conditions in which you are now as the most ideal at the moment. And act without waiting for the best of times, but now. You won't make it!
13. The law of compensation.
In nature, the law of compensation works perfectly. It is known that if a person is deprived of one of the senses, then, as a rule, another is given to him in excess. It's the same with people. If in some sphere a person has achieved significant success, then in something else he usually has a shortage. But we love others not for the absence of vices, but for the presence and quantity of virtues.
14. The law of the cross.
If it seems that you can not withstand all the trials that are due to you, remember one simple rule: heaven gives everyone only as much as he can endure. No more, no less.
15. The Law of Polar Response to Talent.
If you are talented at something, you will not be able to go unnoticed. Talent is either admired or hated. But they don't ignore it. Small people will always envy you, if only because you have talent, not them. Don't worry, you're not a hundred dollar bill to please everyone.
16. The law of shared memory.
Why do we adore our friends and acquaintances? That's right, first of all, for having common good memories. This is exactly the thread that can bind people for many years, precisely the “pood of salt”, which is not a sin to remember in many years. Leave only good memories!
17. The law of binding thoughts to others.
A person who violates your personal space somehow makes you think about yourself. So it’s good to always think before letting someone “too close” – you won’t kick them out.
18. The law of right doing.
If a person knows exactly where he is going and what he is doing right, his life gets better and better every day!
19. The Law of Inevitability of Loss.
Keep your head down: losses are inevitable! It is said that only he who does nothing is wrong. On the way, in any case, there will be setbacks and losses, and this fact is simply worth accepting.
20. The Law of Halfs.
In our world, everything is made up of halves. And it's only when you put them together that the whole picture emerges. It's like the beginning and the end points that eventually have to come together. And separately, they are only incomplete components of one large whole. To give you an example: when an artist comes on stage, he has clear goals and expectations from the audience – this is the first half. And with all his strength, he makes it so that the audience eventually applauds him standing up - this is the second half, the final point. Set the right starting point and the second half of success is sure to come!
Surely these laws will force you to look at your behavior and the world around you in a different way today. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes, because this is the only way to achieve absolute happiness. Share these truly wise tips with your friends, let them be happy now.
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