How smart people behave with those who do not like them
In order to think like a sage, it is not necessary to wait for a deep old age, to know by heart dozens of wise sayings, or to become a Tibetan monk. It is enough just to learn to objectively analyze the situation and show more patience to yourself and others.
Sometimes the behavior of other people gives us a lot of trouble, which makes us irritable and rude. However, such a reaction makes no sense, because negativity is extremely destructive and contributes only to the development of emerging conflicts.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell about the main differences between the thinking of wise people and others and help to understand why a loyal attitude to others is the best way out of conflict situations.
The thought of wise people “It is impossible to like everyone at once” Many people tend to ascribe only positive qualities to themselves and in every way fence themselves off from any criticism. They naively believe that others are incredibly lucky to deal with them. Therefore, such people perceive any disagreement and reproach in the case as a personal insult.
Wise people understand that it is impossible to like everyone at once. They accept that others have the right to disagree with them on any issues and insist on their own, and therefore are much faster able to come to a consensus.
“Everyone has the ability to be wrong.” Wise men are never satisfied with the company of flatterers. They know that they are imperfect, and they understand that constructive criticism helps their personal growth, while the sang-along society acts in the opposite way.
In addition, they agree both to help an unpleasant person and to accept it, because they understand that personal relationships should in no way affect the common cause.
“It is impossible to resolve conflict by acting arrogantly.” Thoughts of wise men Free from anger and irritation. They are built not around events, but around the inner state of a person. After all, such people understand that some situations can not be changed, but you can change your attitude towards them.
In conflict situations, they do not rush into battle, but take a step back and take a deep breath. Instead of waging a desperate struggle, they prefer to take time to think and come up with the most effective way to resolve the dispute.
“Before pointing out the mistakes of others, it is worthwhile to realize your own.” Their politeness towards those they dislike is not hypocrisy. They are able to sincerely respect their enemies and rejoice in their successes. Instead of analysing their opponent, they reflect on things they may have been wrong or too harsh about and try to correct their mistakes.
No one knows for sure what will happen to him tomorrow. Wise people do not expect more from others than from themselves. They also do not expect that the communication with this or that person will go exactly according to their ideal scenario. Instead, they think ahead of time different scenarios and prepare for the fact that they will not guess with any of these options.
To solve a problem, it must first be identified. Wise people voice their desires and problems. They do not expect that the interlocutor has the gift of clairvoyance, and the problem will solve itself. Instead, they take control of the situation and try to find the best solution for themselves.
And wise people keep their distance. Sometimes circumstances force us to deal with people we don’t like. And other than adapting to this situation, there is nothing left. But often, having the opportunity to distance ourselves from the person who causes us negative emotions, we find thousands of reasons not to do so. Why do you think this is happening?

Sometimes the behavior of other people gives us a lot of trouble, which makes us irritable and rude. However, such a reaction makes no sense, because negativity is extremely destructive and contributes only to the development of emerging conflicts.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell about the main differences between the thinking of wise people and others and help to understand why a loyal attitude to others is the best way out of conflict situations.
The thought of wise people “It is impossible to like everyone at once” Many people tend to ascribe only positive qualities to themselves and in every way fence themselves off from any criticism. They naively believe that others are incredibly lucky to deal with them. Therefore, such people perceive any disagreement and reproach in the case as a personal insult.
Wise people understand that it is impossible to like everyone at once. They accept that others have the right to disagree with them on any issues and insist on their own, and therefore are much faster able to come to a consensus.

“Everyone has the ability to be wrong.” Wise men are never satisfied with the company of flatterers. They know that they are imperfect, and they understand that constructive criticism helps their personal growth, while the sang-along society acts in the opposite way.
In addition, they agree both to help an unpleasant person and to accept it, because they understand that personal relationships should in no way affect the common cause.

“It is impossible to resolve conflict by acting arrogantly.” Thoughts of wise men Free from anger and irritation. They are built not around events, but around the inner state of a person. After all, such people understand that some situations can not be changed, but you can change your attitude towards them.
In conflict situations, they do not rush into battle, but take a step back and take a deep breath. Instead of waging a desperate struggle, they prefer to take time to think and come up with the most effective way to resolve the dispute.

“Before pointing out the mistakes of others, it is worthwhile to realize your own.” Their politeness towards those they dislike is not hypocrisy. They are able to sincerely respect their enemies and rejoice in their successes. Instead of analysing their opponent, they reflect on things they may have been wrong or too harsh about and try to correct their mistakes.

No one knows for sure what will happen to him tomorrow. Wise people do not expect more from others than from themselves. They also do not expect that the communication with this or that person will go exactly according to their ideal scenario. Instead, they think ahead of time different scenarios and prepare for the fact that they will not guess with any of these options.

To solve a problem, it must first be identified. Wise people voice their desires and problems. They do not expect that the interlocutor has the gift of clairvoyance, and the problem will solve itself. Instead, they take control of the situation and try to find the best solution for themselves.

And wise people keep their distance. Sometimes circumstances force us to deal with people we don’t like. And other than adapting to this situation, there is nothing left. But often, having the opportunity to distance ourselves from the person who causes us negative emotions, we find thousands of reasons not to do so. Why do you think this is happening?
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