How to return the “sticky” fasteners on shoes
I've never liked shoes that zip on Velcro. Ever since I was a kid, when my parents bought me Velcro sandals. At first everything is fine, and then Velcro stops holding. This has always been an inconvenience, so Velcro shoes Not for everyone.
Over time, the soft side of the Velcro fluffs up, and it stops zipping normally. In addition, it sticks threads, pet hair or reels from clothes. Previously, I had to take shoes to the workshop for replacement and wait for a new one to sew. This is an additional financial expense, and the situation may recur over time.
In this article, I will talk about how to restore Velcro on shoes, clothes or backpack. At first, I didn’t believe it could be that simple. However, thanks to this method, old Velcro will no longer be a problem.
First, we'll need a lighter or a match. You need to gently burn the disheveled ends of the sticky part. Only you need to set fire especially carefully so as not to burn Velcro villi. It is best to perform this procedure over the bathroom with the water stream included. This way, you will be safe if something goes wrong.
Secondly, you need to use a needle to carefully remove debris from Velcro. It happens that she clogged with something solid - in such cases, the lighter will not help. I have already treated all the Velcros I found in the house, and the result is completely satisfactory.
In addition, it is necessary to observe special care so as not to get burned. When the disheveled tips of the Velcro are melted, it will fasten like new. This method I have already tested more than once, try and you, and then write in the comments about your result. Good luck!

Over time, the soft side of the Velcro fluffs up, and it stops zipping normally. In addition, it sticks threads, pet hair or reels from clothes. Previously, I had to take shoes to the workshop for replacement and wait for a new one to sew. This is an additional financial expense, and the situation may recur over time.

In this article, I will talk about how to restore Velcro on shoes, clothes or backpack. At first, I didn’t believe it could be that simple. However, thanks to this method, old Velcro will no longer be a problem.

First, we'll need a lighter or a match. You need to gently burn the disheveled ends of the sticky part. Only you need to set fire especially carefully so as not to burn Velcro villi. It is best to perform this procedure over the bathroom with the water stream included. This way, you will be safe if something goes wrong.

Secondly, you need to use a needle to carefully remove debris from Velcro. It happens that she clogged with something solid - in such cases, the lighter will not help. I have already treated all the Velcros I found in the house, and the result is completely satisfactory.

In addition, it is necessary to observe special care so as not to get burned. When the disheveled tips of the Velcro are melted, it will fasten like new. This method I have already tested more than once, try and you, and then write in the comments about your result. Good luck!
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