14 great tips that will help restore a magnificent view of the shoe
Shoes - a thing which can not save. Of course, spending a decent amount of shoes, I want to make it last longer. It is better to wear a good pair of shoes for several years, than to change each season, buying cheaper but lower-quality shoes or boots. < Website to share with the reader useful tips on how to care properly and effectively for a new pair of shoes without special tools!
1. Replace white podoshve
Toothpaste is not only useful for the teeth, but also, for example, for shoes that have to do with white. Take an old toothbrush and apply a small amount of paste, and then thoroughly clean her shoes. The same tool can be used to clean the fabric shoes - Rub in textiles paste, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with a damp cloth every
2.. How to clean a leather obuv
For products rubbing alcohol suitable leather. It is sold in pharmacies, but note that you need not ethanol and isopropanol (this point can be specified always from the seller). If the shoe formed spot, just wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in the alcohol and leave for half an hour.
3. Freshness footwear - a pledge of confidence in sebe
Before going to bed a little sprinkle shoes soda and leave overnight and in the morning you will need to shake it and clean - baking soda absorbs odors
4.. Manicure Nail File not only for manikyura
Dirty marks and stains on suede shoes perfectly cleaned using a normal manicure nail file. For best results, take the first dry cloth, try to erase as much of the dirt, and then strip the sawing this place. Too much rubbing is not necessary - just a soft stripping
5.. Acetic solution obuvi
Due to its acidic properties, vinegar solution will not only help remove odors, but also neutralizes road salt. Spread 1/3 cup of vinegar with 1 quart of water and generously soak the cloth in the solution. Wrap up shoes what rags and leave for a couple of hours, and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.
6. Return gloss lacquered tuflyam
This will help you Vaseline. This is a cheap alternative to the brand means to care for shoes. Wipe them clean shoes properly, paying more attention to scratches and minor flaws.
7. Oatmeal against stains on zamshe
Greasy spots that often appear on the shoe made of suede, can be easily removed with the help of oatmeal. Take a little flour and rub it into the stain, leave for half an hour. Then simply wipe with a cloth.
8. Stretch shoes using fena
To shoes were comfortable and perfectly got on your foot, you will need thick socks and hair dryers. Wear socks, shoes, and then to baking mode properly warm shoes.
9. Stretch shoes in morozilke
Here is another way to stretch too narrow shoes. But this time we do not use heat and cold. You will need 2 packages with a fastener that need to be filled with water and put in socks shoes. Leave shoes to bags for the night and taking in the morning, let the ice melt naturally for 20 minutes.
10. Sandpaper against skolzheniya
In order to avoid problems with slipping in the new shoes, take note of the following life hacking - as soon as you have bought shoes with flat soles, rub them with sandpaper. Thus it turns abrasive layer that will not let you slip and fall.
11. Warn voldyri
Each of us at least once in his life rubbing feet in new shoes, but it turns out, this can be easily avoided if to rub the problem areas usual deodorant.
12. Are glued fingers when wearing shoes kablukah
Sounds strange, it is true, but we women know that the frequent wearing of shoes with heels in the end distorts the foot "by itself". Is not it easier to avoid the pain and immediately do the leg "suitable" for a narrow toe? Helps normal patch ... Of course, abuse this method is not necessary, but it fits perfectly.
13 "publication". Waterproof obuv
This advice is equally good both for the leather and footwear for the rag. In order to make the shoes waterproof, rub their usual beeswax. Suffice it to a very thin layer to the protective properties preserved for a long time.
14. Soothing mozoli
If you still rubbed his legs, will help tea. But not inside, but outwardly. Tea foot bath soothe tired feet, removes puffiness and at the same time ease the pain in the rubbed areas.
via marketium.ru/14-obuvnyh-lajfhakov/
1. Replace white podoshve

Toothpaste is not only useful for the teeth, but also, for example, for shoes that have to do with white. Take an old toothbrush and apply a small amount of paste, and then thoroughly clean her shoes. The same tool can be used to clean the fabric shoes - Rub in textiles paste, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with a damp cloth every
2.. How to clean a leather obuv

For products rubbing alcohol suitable leather. It is sold in pharmacies, but note that you need not ethanol and isopropanol (this point can be specified always from the seller). If the shoe formed spot, just wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in the alcohol and leave for half an hour.
3. Freshness footwear - a pledge of confidence in sebe

Before going to bed a little sprinkle shoes soda and leave overnight and in the morning you will need to shake it and clean - baking soda absorbs odors
4.. Manicure Nail File not only for manikyura

Dirty marks and stains on suede shoes perfectly cleaned using a normal manicure nail file. For best results, take the first dry cloth, try to erase as much of the dirt, and then strip the sawing this place. Too much rubbing is not necessary - just a soft stripping
5.. Acetic solution obuvi

Due to its acidic properties, vinegar solution will not only help remove odors, but also neutralizes road salt. Spread 1/3 cup of vinegar with 1 quart of water and generously soak the cloth in the solution. Wrap up shoes what rags and leave for a couple of hours, and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth and leave to dry naturally.
6. Return gloss lacquered tuflyam

This will help you Vaseline. This is a cheap alternative to the brand means to care for shoes. Wipe them clean shoes properly, paying more attention to scratches and minor flaws.
7. Oatmeal against stains on zamshe

Greasy spots that often appear on the shoe made of suede, can be easily removed with the help of oatmeal. Take a little flour and rub it into the stain, leave for half an hour. Then simply wipe with a cloth.
8. Stretch shoes using fena

To shoes were comfortable and perfectly got on your foot, you will need thick socks and hair dryers. Wear socks, shoes, and then to baking mode properly warm shoes.
9. Stretch shoes in morozilke

Here is another way to stretch too narrow shoes. But this time we do not use heat and cold. You will need 2 packages with a fastener that need to be filled with water and put in socks shoes. Leave shoes to bags for the night and taking in the morning, let the ice melt naturally for 20 minutes.
10. Sandpaper against skolzheniya

In order to avoid problems with slipping in the new shoes, take note of the following life hacking - as soon as you have bought shoes with flat soles, rub them with sandpaper. Thus it turns abrasive layer that will not let you slip and fall.
11. Warn voldyri

Each of us at least once in his life rubbing feet in new shoes, but it turns out, this can be easily avoided if to rub the problem areas usual deodorant.
12. Are glued fingers when wearing shoes kablukah

Sounds strange, it is true, but we women know that the frequent wearing of shoes with heels in the end distorts the foot "by itself". Is not it easier to avoid the pain and immediately do the leg "suitable" for a narrow toe? Helps normal patch ... Of course, abuse this method is not necessary, but it fits perfectly.
13 "publication". Waterproof obuv

This advice is equally good both for the leather and footwear for the rag. In order to make the shoes waterproof, rub their usual beeswax. Suffice it to a very thin layer to the protective properties preserved for a long time.
14. Soothing mozoli

If you still rubbed his legs, will help tea. But not inside, but outwardly. Tea foot bath soothe tired feet, removes puffiness and at the same time ease the pain in the rubbed areas.
via marketium.ru/14-obuvnyh-lajfhakov/
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