For those who care about the state of the roads in his city
The system puts pressure on you by the laws?
Let the laws work against the system.
Read, Learn to read and pass on!
Do not stay on the sidelines.
A sample application
For those who care about the state of the roads in his city, the program "TV Auto Club 100" published a sample application to the streets, the state and the equipment does not meet the requirements of state standards (GOST 50597-93).
Application send to the head of the district traffic police department, we - a copy (autoclub@tv100.ru), so we can control the process of elimination of deficiencies.
The statement must specify:
1. Three coordinates on a street went from a ... toward a ...
2. Description of the road:
* Potholes, pits. The above Standard prescribes that "limiting the size of individual drawdowns, potholes, etc. should not exceed the length 15 cm, width - 60 cm and depth - 5 cm »;
* Problematic manholes. The same Standard reports that "not permitted deviation hatch on the level of cover 2, 0 cm»;
* Lack of appropriate road signs, fences or improper installation. Standard points out that "the surface of the signs must be clean, free from damage, hampering their perception" and "dangerous to the movement areas of highways, streets and roads, towns and other settlements, including passing on bridges and overpasses, shall be equipped with barriers »;
* Description tramways. Standard stipulates that unacceptable "deviation railhead top tramway or railway tracks located within the carriageway relative to the covering 2, 0 cm»
4. Photo with location (if possible). Sample application:
Head of the Department of Traffic Police at ______________ p-well (see here my neighborhood)
by ____________________ (name),
residing at:
tel. ____________________
The application for an administrative offense
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Art. 28.1 of the Administrative Code, to inform you that:
1) "01" in May 2010 for about 15 hours and 20 minutes, following a driver of a vehicle on the street in the direction of __________________ st. _____________________, The house I was _____ (s) found (s) of violation (s) of road surface - namely the pits and potholes in the pavement (Appendix 1).
This state of the road surface is a clear violation of the requirements of GOST 50597-93 "Highways and streets. Requirements for the operating condition, allowable under the terms of the road safety "and does not meet the requirements established by Article 12 of the Federal Law 196-FZ dated 10 December 1999" On Road Traffic Safety "and implies for the officials responsible for the state of roads, rail crossings and other road structures, liability provided for by Article. 12.34 of the Administrative Code.
2) As of ____________ (date) at the prospect. ______________ Around homes and ____ _____ (Scheme 1 of Annex 2) no marking 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 and 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 signs indicating pedestrian crossing. The flow of cars in both directions through this section of the road in the morning practically blocks the possibility to cross the road to educational institutions located or stop routing traffic. Pedestrians have to cross the road at an undisclosed location, putting themselves and drivers mortal danger (photo 1 of Annex 2).
3) As of ____________ (date) at the prospect. __________ At the exit from the parking lot the sign 4.1.2, but it contradicts the above installation GOST R 52289-2004 and common sense. (photo 1 of Annex 3)
Fact offenses recorded by a camera ____________ S / N _____________
In connection with the above, in accordance with Art. 10 of the RF Law "On militia" from 04.18.1991, Articles 2, 11 and 12 of the "Regulations on the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Interior Ministry" from 15.06.1998 years, and in accordance with the order of excitation and consideration of cases on administrative offenses, provided for the Administrative Code, please You:
1. In the terms established by legislation to make check me into the discovery of violations of the requirements of GOST 50597-93 on that section of road.
2. In the terms established by legislation to identify the officials responsible for violations of the rules of the repair and maintenance of roads, railway crossings and other road structures.
3. The period provided for by the legislation, ie immediately after the detection of an administrative offense (Art. 1, Art. 28.5 of the Administrative Code), make in respect of such persons report on administrative offense under Art. 12.34 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation or to make a determination to initiate an administrative case and conduct an administrative investigation.
4. As a result of the case, make the appropriate view for the immediate elimination of the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of an administrative offense and monitor its implementation (in accordance with Art. 29.13 of the Administrative Code).
5. Essentially my statement and the measures taken ask you to inform me in writing within the statutory period.
You are the official organs of internal affairs, and, in accordance with claim 1 of the 2 st.28.3 Administrative Code, authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses provided for by these articles of the Administrative Code. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 39 of Part 5 of the "Instruction on the admission, registration and authorization in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, statements, reports and other information on the incident," the chief of the internal affairs shall be personally responsible for compliance with the law in receiving, recording and leave a message about the incidents.
Appendix 1: photos
Photo 1. View of the roadway near the village .___________
Photo 2. Detail of roadway with premises in the destroyed mobile telephony
Appendix 2: diagram Photo
Appendix 3: Photo
"01" May 2010 Signature __________________ (name) And here is how it works:
Writes Bulk:
Article 12.34
I received a letter.
Such letters do not come very often, but always make me happy.
I share your happiness.
He lives in the town of Krasnogorsk dude named Fedor Ezeev.
At the dude next to the house the road and on the road - a couple of healthy bumps.
Nothing in the original total, each of us has a number of road bumps.
Well, Fyodor these bumps infuriated enormously. That too is not a novelty.
Each of us enrage potholes on the road near the house.
But unlike all of us Fedor was not lazy and said to myself 'I'm too busy for that ».
He decided to kick system.
As he wrote in his letter:
I have been reading your LJ and also decided to make a stick with a nail to poke her in the administration of the city of Krasnogorsk.
Fedor just googled "Standard Road" found that the pit in front of his house does not meet the state standards (this was obvious, but we have something to refer to) and wrote a letter to the local traffic police.
After some time the answer came:
And, most interestingly, the administration closed up the biggest hole in the road.
Fyodor wrote again and asked for the documents taken from a survey of potholes.
The answer was very interesting:
But best of all - the road next to the house of Fyodor repaired.
Here you can read his story.
Why is this particular case so important? Why Fedor did not act in a series of "small useful things," and a series of "grand victory over rogues»?
Consider the construction of roads. I nemnozhno familiar with this topic, and I would argue that no roads in Russia is not built without kickbacks and bribes. Neither the auction was not honest. And where the auction (tender competition) was fair - the winner is still forced to pay for the certificate of acceptance.
You can climb on site procurement and see. Where an agreement has been concluded with the only bidder - on the bank rolled the organizer of the 15%, where the competition was - later rolled the 7-10%.
If you describe things primitive, then it looks like this:
State (municipality) officials (the organizers of the auction) with the winner taking 15% of the total order.
Winner employs some Armenians subcontracting, their roof and is responsible for state acceptance. For it takes 20%.
Armenians delve into this road (sometimes honestly, sometimes not). They are not idiots, and such a risky business involved with a minimum margin of 30%.
Thus, from 100 rubles allocated for the construction of the road, the actual construction takes 47 rubles 60 kopecks.
Normal situation suggests that the project would soon come the Armenians and the conditional, with a margin of 15% spent on construction of 85 rubles.
Clearly, it is clear that the road is a complex engineering structure, there stratagem customers, general contractors and subcontractors, but base it looks that way. And certainly this pattern axiom perfect for so-called "patchwork" repairs anywhere in Krasnogorsk.
What did Fedor? He ate someone's margin. The system did not anticipated that there will be some kind of Fedor and begin to swing right. She had to spend real money in the real repair.
Where will the money on something to repair the road Fedorov?
In theory, a local official calls this conditional Armenians and says: Dude, is there a way for which we will pay two years ago. The warranty period is not released, and a pit on the road. Repair at his own expense.
In practice, a local official got dough, so he closed his eyes to the fact that Armenians are just sprinkled asphalt on the ground and did not drain. He knew that the road will become worthless through the season, but he was silent.
After all, the less real work, the more real pullback.
Therefore, in this case Fedorov road will be repaired due to the fact that the road is not repaired close to Ivan, Coley and Petya.
But what happens if Vanya, Kohl's, Peter and the scandal of Leonid second entrance also will write a complaint?
Aha! That is our task.
Vzyatkoemkoe narrows the space for crooks. If they know that the money on the road, you can simply write off (not repaired), then they will steal 80%. If you know that the people will make trouble, it will steal 10%. That is not bad.
Generally, it would make sense to start small but useful proektiki.
Raise your hand, those who have next to the house is a huge hole in the road.
I see a forest of hands, thank you.
Make Website: Read GOST, photographed and obmeryali pit laid it all on the website and wrote a complaint to the traffic police. Then vygladyvaet response, etc. Create a whole array of proceedings in about "the hole in the asphalt».
You can be the fastest flattening crooks.
Clearly, if you live in the village Katsapetovka where the money for the repair of roads isolated the last time in 1913, everything is more complicated. But I want to remind you that even in poor regions have federal roads, grants, etc. And if we see that the way to do, and next spring it's all in the pits, this is exactly our case.
Site elementary needs.
Hang addresses - poke at them, you get to a particular page of the pit, which is moderated by people fighting with the pit.
Standard and other things are not very complicated. That immediately gave Google:
According to the current in the Russian State Standard 50597-93, dimensions wells should not be more than 15 cm in length, 80 cm width and 5 cm in depth. All sections of the road that are at least one parameter must be indicated by traffic signs, and in poor visibility conditions - with a barrage of flashing lights ////
If goes well, the work can be expanded - poissledovat status of newly built roads, which spent enormous money. For example, once a plan of 4 trillion rubles. I am sure that many interesting things can be found.
The venture looks entertaining and from a political point of view. Here comrade. Kudrin said recently that in the next 10 years, all roads in the Russian Federation will meet European standards. The money will come from the newly established Road Fund, which we fill with you - in the excise tax on gasoline.
Is not it nice to poke a stick with a sharp nail on the end of the road fund and the fatted calf Kudrin and Levitin?
Certainly nice! Imagine how they would scream funny.
In short, if there is a volunteer - a step forward. I'll help in every possible way. You can write to the post office or in the comments. (navalny)
Here, Kirovo-Chepetsk people quite successfully implements this idea
Samples of applications. It turns out there are powerful men who have advanced in this topic.
A similar project in Perm
via tv100.ru, navalny.livejournal
Thank you all, I have everything.
Let the laws work against the system.
Read, Learn to read and pass on!
Do not stay on the sidelines.
A sample application
For those who care about the state of the roads in his city, the program "TV Auto Club 100" published a sample application to the streets, the state and the equipment does not meet the requirements of state standards (GOST 50597-93).
Application send to the head of the district traffic police department, we - a copy (autoclub@tv100.ru), so we can control the process of elimination of deficiencies.

The statement must specify:
1. Three coordinates on a street went from a ... toward a ...
2. Description of the road:
* Potholes, pits. The above Standard prescribes that "limiting the size of individual drawdowns, potholes, etc. should not exceed the length 15 cm, width - 60 cm and depth - 5 cm »;
* Problematic manholes. The same Standard reports that "not permitted deviation hatch on the level of cover 2, 0 cm»;
* Lack of appropriate road signs, fences or improper installation. Standard points out that "the surface of the signs must be clean, free from damage, hampering their perception" and "dangerous to the movement areas of highways, streets and roads, towns and other settlements, including passing on bridges and overpasses, shall be equipped with barriers »;
* Description tramways. Standard stipulates that unacceptable "deviation railhead top tramway or railway tracks located within the carriageway relative to the covering 2, 0 cm»
4. Photo with location (if possible). Sample application:
Head of the Department of Traffic Police at ______________ p-well (see here my neighborhood)
by ____________________ (name),
residing at:
tel. ____________________
The application for an administrative offense
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Art. 28.1 of the Administrative Code, to inform you that:
1) "01" in May 2010 for about 15 hours and 20 minutes, following a driver of a vehicle on the street in the direction of __________________ st. _____________________, The house I was _____ (s) found (s) of violation (s) of road surface - namely the pits and potholes in the pavement (Appendix 1).
This state of the road surface is a clear violation of the requirements of GOST 50597-93 "Highways and streets. Requirements for the operating condition, allowable under the terms of the road safety "and does not meet the requirements established by Article 12 of the Federal Law 196-FZ dated 10 December 1999" On Road Traffic Safety "and implies for the officials responsible for the state of roads, rail crossings and other road structures, liability provided for by Article. 12.34 of the Administrative Code.
2) As of ____________ (date) at the prospect. ______________ Around homes and ____ _____ (Scheme 1 of Annex 2) no marking 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 and 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 signs indicating pedestrian crossing. The flow of cars in both directions through this section of the road in the morning practically blocks the possibility to cross the road to educational institutions located or stop routing traffic. Pedestrians have to cross the road at an undisclosed location, putting themselves and drivers mortal danger (photo 1 of Annex 2).
3) As of ____________ (date) at the prospect. __________ At the exit from the parking lot the sign 4.1.2, but it contradicts the above installation GOST R 52289-2004 and common sense. (photo 1 of Annex 3)
Fact offenses recorded by a camera ____________ S / N _____________
In connection with the above, in accordance with Art. 10 of the RF Law "On militia" from 04.18.1991, Articles 2, 11 and 12 of the "Regulations on the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Interior Ministry" from 15.06.1998 years, and in accordance with the order of excitation and consideration of cases on administrative offenses, provided for the Administrative Code, please You:
1. In the terms established by legislation to make check me into the discovery of violations of the requirements of GOST 50597-93 on that section of road.
2. In the terms established by legislation to identify the officials responsible for violations of the rules of the repair and maintenance of roads, railway crossings and other road structures.
3. The period provided for by the legislation, ie immediately after the detection of an administrative offense (Art. 1, Art. 28.5 of the Administrative Code), make in respect of such persons report on administrative offense under Art. 12.34 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation or to make a determination to initiate an administrative case and conduct an administrative investigation.
4. As a result of the case, make the appropriate view for the immediate elimination of the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of an administrative offense and monitor its implementation (in accordance with Art. 29.13 of the Administrative Code).
5. Essentially my statement and the measures taken ask you to inform me in writing within the statutory period.
You are the official organs of internal affairs, and, in accordance with claim 1 of the 2 st.28.3 Administrative Code, authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses provided for by these articles of the Administrative Code. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 39 of Part 5 of the "Instruction on the admission, registration and authorization in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, statements, reports and other information on the incident," the chief of the internal affairs shall be personally responsible for compliance with the law in receiving, recording and leave a message about the incidents.
Appendix 1: photos
Photo 1. View of the roadway near the village .___________
Photo 2. Detail of roadway with premises in the destroyed mobile telephony
Appendix 2: diagram Photo
Appendix 3: Photo
"01" May 2010 Signature __________________ (name) And here is how it works:
Writes Bulk:
Article 12.34
I received a letter.
Such letters do not come very often, but always make me happy.
I share your happiness.
He lives in the town of Krasnogorsk dude named Fedor Ezeev.
At the dude next to the house the road and on the road - a couple of healthy bumps.
Nothing in the original total, each of us has a number of road bumps.
Well, Fyodor these bumps infuriated enormously. That too is not a novelty.
Each of us enrage potholes on the road near the house.
But unlike all of us Fedor was not lazy and said to myself 'I'm too busy for that ».
He decided to kick system.
As he wrote in his letter:
I have been reading your LJ and also decided to make a stick with a nail to poke her in the administration of the city of Krasnogorsk.
Fedor just googled "Standard Road" found that the pit in front of his house does not meet the state standards (this was obvious, but we have something to refer to) and wrote a letter to the local traffic police.
After some time the answer came:

And, most interestingly, the administration closed up the biggest hole in the road.
Fyodor wrote again and asked for the documents taken from a survey of potholes.
The answer was very interesting:

But best of all - the road next to the house of Fyodor repaired.
Here you can read his story.
Why is this particular case so important? Why Fedor did not act in a series of "small useful things," and a series of "grand victory over rogues»?
Consider the construction of roads. I nemnozhno familiar with this topic, and I would argue that no roads in Russia is not built without kickbacks and bribes. Neither the auction was not honest. And where the auction (tender competition) was fair - the winner is still forced to pay for the certificate of acceptance.
You can climb on site procurement and see. Where an agreement has been concluded with the only bidder - on the bank rolled the organizer of the 15%, where the competition was - later rolled the 7-10%.

If you describe things primitive, then it looks like this:
State (municipality) officials (the organizers of the auction) with the winner taking 15% of the total order.
Winner employs some Armenians subcontracting, their roof and is responsible for state acceptance. For it takes 20%.
Armenians delve into this road (sometimes honestly, sometimes not). They are not idiots, and such a risky business involved with a minimum margin of 30%.
Thus, from 100 rubles allocated for the construction of the road, the actual construction takes 47 rubles 60 kopecks.
Normal situation suggests that the project would soon come the Armenians and the conditional, with a margin of 15% spent on construction of 85 rubles.
Clearly, it is clear that the road is a complex engineering structure, there stratagem customers, general contractors and subcontractors, but base it looks that way. And certainly this pattern axiom perfect for so-called "patchwork" repairs anywhere in Krasnogorsk.

What did Fedor? He ate someone's margin. The system did not anticipated that there will be some kind of Fedor and begin to swing right. She had to spend real money in the real repair.
Where will the money on something to repair the road Fedorov?
In theory, a local official calls this conditional Armenians and says: Dude, is there a way for which we will pay two years ago. The warranty period is not released, and a pit on the road. Repair at his own expense.
In practice, a local official got dough, so he closed his eyes to the fact that Armenians are just sprinkled asphalt on the ground and did not drain. He knew that the road will become worthless through the season, but he was silent.
After all, the less real work, the more real pullback.

Therefore, in this case Fedorov road will be repaired due to the fact that the road is not repaired close to Ivan, Coley and Petya.
But what happens if Vanya, Kohl's, Peter and the scandal of Leonid second entrance also will write a complaint?
Aha! That is our task.
Vzyatkoemkoe narrows the space for crooks. If they know that the money on the road, you can simply write off (not repaired), then they will steal 80%. If you know that the people will make trouble, it will steal 10%. That is not bad.
Generally, it would make sense to start small but useful proektiki.
Raise your hand, those who have next to the house is a huge hole in the road.
I see a forest of hands, thank you.
Make Website: Read GOST, photographed and obmeryali pit laid it all on the website and wrote a complaint to the traffic police. Then vygladyvaet response, etc. Create a whole array of proceedings in about "the hole in the asphalt».
You can be the fastest flattening crooks.

Clearly, if you live in the village Katsapetovka where the money for the repair of roads isolated the last time in 1913, everything is more complicated. But I want to remind you that even in poor regions have federal roads, grants, etc. And if we see that the way to do, and next spring it's all in the pits, this is exactly our case.
Site elementary needs.
Hang addresses - poke at them, you get to a particular page of the pit, which is moderated by people fighting with the pit.
Standard and other things are not very complicated. That immediately gave Google:
According to the current in the Russian State Standard 50597-93, dimensions wells should not be more than 15 cm in length, 80 cm width and 5 cm in depth. All sections of the road that are at least one parameter must be indicated by traffic signs, and in poor visibility conditions - with a barrage of flashing lights ////

If goes well, the work can be expanded - poissledovat status of newly built roads, which spent enormous money. For example, once a plan of 4 trillion rubles. I am sure that many interesting things can be found.
The venture looks entertaining and from a political point of view. Here comrade. Kudrin said recently that in the next 10 years, all roads in the Russian Federation will meet European standards. The money will come from the newly established Road Fund, which we fill with you - in the excise tax on gasoline.
Is not it nice to poke a stick with a sharp nail on the end of the road fund and the fatted calf Kudrin and Levitin?
Certainly nice! Imagine how they would scream funny.
In short, if there is a volunteer - a step forward. I'll help in every possible way. You can write to the post office or in the comments. (navalny)
Here, Kirovo-Chepetsk people quite successfully implements this idea
Samples of applications. It turns out there are powerful men who have advanced in this topic.
A similar project in Perm
via tv100.ru, navalny.livejournal
Thank you all, I have everything.
