Overview FineVu CR-2000S: I studied recorder with two luxury Full HD-cameras
Recently I came across statistics analysts SmartMarketing - for the last 2013 sale registrars in Russia increased by 30%, to nearly 1, 5 million pieces. And let the growth rate decreased (previous year was already 80%), local motorists are still actively acquire "videosvidetelyami." Until satiety market clearly still far away - on January 1, 2013, there were 50, 5 million cars. In my view, the majority of motorists buying recorders "once and for all." This is especially frustrating when the video will really need a receptionist zaglyuchit miss important seconds of shooting, "zaporet" file or because of extremely low quality recording does not allow to consider the number of the car.
I myself am somewhat overly concerned about their own safety in the car, because closely study all "themed" novelty and without hesitation ready to give a substantial sum for even expensive, but really useful device. Understandably, no one wants to pay 10-20 thousand rubles for the registrar without testing - you never know what moments will seem critical flaws. Yes and beautiful marketing word often at odds with the harsh reality. So I was extremely pleased to have this opportunity to get acquainted with this interesting product, as FineVu CR-2000S.
If someone does not know, this model went on sale at the end of last year, but still officially sold only in South Korea - where and produced. Of course, the "gray" deliveries reached and Russia. However, I was not very impressed by the idea of buying totally localized machine without any local service support. The situation has improved in the first quarter of this year - the Koreans repainted white hull registrar black, added the Russian base location of speed cameras, and simultaneously put Russian voice acting and translation of the menu. The resulting creature called the editors «Black Edition» and launched on the market in Russia.
Options h4> I guess you could make a box and a smaller, but representative of the category of «best of the best» all should be at the highest level - even the size of the package. I am impressed by the lack of a box on the mix of the advantages of nuclear models, although FineVu CR-2000S - as is the case when you could not particularly shy in nahvalivanii their product. In general, it is literally two lines of visual characteristics yes triple icons - that's all "information attack". Yes, plus a sticker with the name on the version FineVu CR-2000S for Russia.
Appearance, connectors and buttons h4>
The paper h4> By silence after the screen is displayed with the transmission of images from the camera in real time. Above left for recording flashes green dot if the accelerometer was triggered - should beep and the color changes to red briefly. By default, there are three buttons at the bottom. If you click on the icon with the camera, thereby activated record up to one minute in a separate folder «camcoder». In fact, this kind of manual start emergency recording to obtain a secure file erasure. The icon on the left speaks for itself - turns on and off the microphone. Pressing the center key, go to the settings. If you touch any area other than the buttons, it will broadcast first image from the rear camera, then - with two in one window, and finally - the display with time, date and distance to the speed cameras.
Video h4> Ambarella A7 becomes so common processor registers that from FineVu CR-2000S other "heart" I did not expect. Despite the fact that I'm familiar with the characteristics of the family Ambarella A7LS, support for dual recording in Full HD has become for me a revelation. But who does not like this processor to its frequency in the 700 MHz responsible for frankly not weak load dual channel recording. After the first couple of days of use, I realized that the metal and numerous vents FineVu CR-2000S contains no accident. The body is heated, and otherwise we would have observed regular failures in work. Fortunately, FineVu CR-2000S functioned stably, and even about a two-hour crossing endured with dignity.
Conclusion i> h4> At the moment FineVu CR-2000S no direct competitors, if you start from the support of dual-channel recording in Full HD. You can call a couple of close on possible models, but they are still not equivalent rivals. The only question is how high you will appreciate the benefits of FineVu CR-2000S and decide whether to pay for a model of almost 20 thousand rubles. Personally I do not see in this price tag is nothing supernatural, because the market offers and recorders for 12-14 thousand rubles, and even single-channel.

I myself am somewhat overly concerned about their own safety in the car, because closely study all "themed" novelty and without hesitation ready to give a substantial sum for even expensive, but really useful device. Understandably, no one wants to pay 10-20 thousand rubles for the registrar without testing - you never know what moments will seem critical flaws. Yes and beautiful marketing word often at odds with the harsh reality. So I was extremely pleased to have this opportunity to get acquainted with this interesting product, as FineVu CR-2000S.
If someone does not know, this model went on sale at the end of last year, but still officially sold only in South Korea - where and produced. Of course, the "gray" deliveries reached and Russia. However, I was not very impressed by the idea of buying totally localized machine without any local service support. The situation has improved in the first quarter of this year - the Koreans repainted white hull registrar black, added the Russian base location of speed cameras, and simultaneously put Russian voice acting and translation of the menu. The resulting creature called the editors «Black Edition» and launched on the market in Russia.
Options h4> I guess you could make a box and a smaller, but representative of the category of «best of the best» all should be at the highest level - even the size of the package. I am impressed by the lack of a box on the mix of the advantages of nuclear models, although FineVu CR-2000S - as is the case when you could not particularly shy in nahvalivanii their product. In general, it is literally two lines of visual characteristics yes triple icons - that's all "information attack". Yes, plus a sticker with the name on the version FineVu CR-2000S for Russia.
Immediately, I note only downside configuration. The box did not have a cable for connection to a computer. You could even attach a card reader. Especially this omission kopeck accessory does not fit neatly folded in a cover microSD card of 32 GB, so even with the SD-adapter. Incidentally, the registrar, in principle, does not work with cards of less than 16 GB.
My indignation abated when I drew an impressive 7-meter cable to connect the back of the camera. I even think that FineVu slightly overdone - a strength and length, I would rather expect to see in any device for military equipment.
So far I have not seen the Registrar in which present external module GPS. I am aware of the latest trend when the receiver is built directly into the mount, but if the user does not need to pay attention to it. In FineVu CR-2000S in stock not just GPS, as a hybrid receiver GPS / GLONASS. Apparently, in order to improve the signal has to deal with another cable, but still thinking where to secure the housing to an adhesive tape 3M. Well, that during the whole construction FineVu CR-2000S is the only drawback, otherwise the installation and connection of the device left me with a positive impression.
The charger for the cigarette lighter made with a long cable, with its margin enough for concealed gaskets from the connector to the recorder. I have in store just in case splitters connector. But if I did not have them, you would not have to spend money - right in the body charging full integrated connector USB. So during FineVu CR-2000S I periodically recharged smartphone that at the same time as using the navigator.
I did not resort to using hooks complete with stickers, yet the device does not remain in me, can holders for wires need future "permanent" instance owner. Nevertheless, the very existence of hooks plus replacement stickers for the cameras can not but rejoice.
A couple of words about the instructions. There is practically no continuous monotone text of which I do not want to open the user manual in almost every first registrar. The manual FineVu CR-2000S, all information is framed in such a way that the book I want to read at least once, and a good head content to digest. To my knowledge, complete and is still brand guarantee, so I do not see a problem in the absence of addresses and phone numbers of the service center directly in the manual.
Appearance, connectors and buttons h4>
In fact, buttons FineVu CR-2000S no single one. All control is entirely focused on the touch screen. You are right to think - even the process of turning on and off will not give us control. This implies at least the logical conclusion that the registrar "does not exist" outside of the machine. The model is simply not its own battery, only the emergency condenser for proper conservation of the video in the event of faults in the electrical system of the vehicle.
3, 5-dyuymvy screen - it's very much for the registrar generally accepted limited to a maximum of 3 inches. On the other hand, the small size of the touch screen completely "killed" would have all the comfort of use. What FineVu CR-2000S struck me was that there was IPS-matrix, and not common and cheaper TN-Film. The picture quality and viewing angles are good, otherwise with the screen, I was not expecting. However, there is no claim to the sensitivity. Pushing is better with applying a force to eliminate the need to repeat the gesture. Very noticeable that the sensor layer is loosely fitted to the matrix screen, there is a "gap" in a couple of millimeters. Best surface reacts to the touch of a fingernail, that is suggestive of the resistive type screen.
Looks FineVu CR-2000S is expensive, it will not take away from the model. Yes, the body weight under 200 grams says that is not within the budget components. However, this logic is controversial, most affected by the weight using the metal element. Use single piece of aluminum (if I'm not mistaken), which forms a frame around the display, and also covers the sides. The surface of the plate is slightly stylized horizontal, slightly embossed "fiber". The rest of the surface - front, top, bottom - shelter gloss. Cover with a large hunting collects fingerprints, but I have in the course of the tests will not be necessary to take on high-gloss finish - enough metal bokovushek.
From the front, there is nothing but a lens with "chrome" and the orange ring.
On the left side mounted AV-out jack and microUSB. Empirically, I found that to power the logger can be used not only to the appropriate connector on top, but microUSB - so I was able to power the unit from the usual outlets and calmly deal with the menu FineVu CR-2000S home.
Right - the whole two slots for memory cards, microSD and SD. Just note that without the microSD card recorder refuses to shoot, and the SD card is required to save the video in the parking lot. And, you can copy video between cards. Until then, I saw the possibility of copying only between the internal memory (at best up to 256 MB) and a card.
Upstairs is the miniUSB connector for connecting the second chamber, and the power input. This is very convenient, as the cable goes up and looming before the eyes, as a registrant with side miniUSB.
The holder of the registrar with a click into the body and rapidly removed. Himself bracket has only one hinge, which allows arbitrarily adjust the camera position. Remembers with horror the receptionist where the retainers for adjustment in each plane meant a screw, and the total number of "intermediaries" reached three. Immediately foot miniature, the holder is not trying to increase the overall dimensions of the structure with the registrar. Without one screw did not pass, it is designed to precisely fix the selected position. In registers much more common brackets with hinges without any additional fixation. And I always think that a couple of years a hinge completely lose stiffness and stroke will hang limply from the camera under glass.
The rear camera is made in the form of a cube, except the eye, on the body is only a connector for connecting the wires. Fastening has a wide angle of deviation, even in the same plane.
The paper h4> By silence after the screen is displayed with the transmission of images from the camera in real time. Above left for recording flashes green dot if the accelerometer was triggered - should beep and the color changes to red briefly. By default, there are three buttons at the bottom. If you click on the icon with the camera, thereby activated record up to one minute in a separate folder «camcoder». In fact, this kind of manual start emergency recording to obtain a secure file erasure. The icon on the left speaks for itself - turns on and off the microphone. Pressing the center key, go to the settings. If you touch any area other than the buttons, it will broadcast first image from the rear camera, then - with two in one window, and finally - the display with time, date and distance to the speed cameras.
The main feature settings - at some point you would not have come here not to be scrollable screens. That is, all of the options fit into one dialog box. And it's great because I was not happy with the endless scrolling lists push registrar. Developers FineVu obviously went for the reduction of available settings. Although correct to say so - I did not find some familiar items that "average" user is still unlikely to be changed. Interface - five points, it was adapted for touch control, excessively small active elements are missing.
After the first test runs, I noticed that the accelerometer is working with too high sensitivity. However detect settings G-sensor I could not the first time. Who would have thought that I needed option hides under "Sensitivity / WDR». The costs of "all in one box", you know. Funny (in the best sense of the word) made the possibility of changing the memory allocation. Just FineVu CR-2000S has five types of records that are stored on a memory card in a separate folder. By the way, when viewed on a video recorder split into tabs according to the type - a very, very convenient solution.
Ability FineVu CR-2000S warn about speed cameras is based on a rather banal setting method base coordinates "supervisors". GLONASS / GPS-receiver keeps track of the movement of the car and as soon as we get closer to the camera warns us. Unsurprisingly, FineVu CR-2000S can "pinpoint" any stationary complex, including the latest "Arrow-ST". Applaud for how to organize storage base. In the root directory of the memory card file is stored speedcam.txt, which easily editable. Thus, you can easily update the database by the type of open source projects mapcam.info. Actually, I did, and therefore the accuracy of warnings nothing special to say. According to the latest data of the same mapcam.info, my FineVu CR-2000S was able to warn of almost 400 000 objects.
I should say a few words about the receiver. The use of GLONASS / GPS logger in no navigation option, it does not seem justified. Yes, stable and accurate signal reception is higher in comparison with conventional GPS. However, even in a device like FineVu CR-2000S special advantages it gives. But then, if we are dealing with the top registrar, then it all has to be at the highest level, including a satellite receiver.
Video h4> Ambarella A7 becomes so common processor registers that from FineVu CR-2000S other "heart" I did not expect. Despite the fact that I'm familiar with the characteristics of the family Ambarella A7LS, support for dual recording in Full HD has become for me a revelation. But who does not like this processor to its frequency in the 700 MHz responsible for frankly not weak load dual channel recording. After the first couple of days of use, I realized that the metal and numerous vents FineVu CR-2000S contains no accident. The body is heated, and otherwise we would have observed regular failures in work. Fortunately, FineVu CR-2000S functioned stably, and even about a two-hour crossing endured with dignity.
I can not say much about the 2, 4-megapixel matrix Sony Exmor - as I recall, in the top segment of the registrar, she appeared recently and properly promotes quality shooting. Incidentally, the same matrix is installed in the rear chamber. For comparison, the former leader of two-channel recorders - BlackVue DR550GW-2CH - behind the back shot is responsible for only 1 megapixel matrix Sony Exmor, who writes not in Full HD, but only in HD. On the lens, I did not find the official data, but in numerous news publications listed shestilinzovaya optics enlightened glasses. Thus, in cloudy weather and at night the picture should not roll up "cereal" dark pixels.
Before turning to the evaluation results of the survey, a little more talk about video modes and features of the shooting. The receptionist at the got the motor vehicle immediately and starts shooting. If no rear camera connected, first of all, we get a warning about it. A pleasant female voice says "There is a video" - went. The choice of available options for resolution: HD, HD + (1600 x 900 pixels) and Full HD. I do not understand why the menu for the front camera is a "square" with the frame rate, because it does not change varies between 15/30 FPS only for the rear camera. For each camera, you can adjust the sharpness, brightness (worth believing in the daytime) and brightness at night. DVR supports WDR (Wide Dynamic Range), so copes with "lightening" pictures at night in areas with a lack of roadside lighting. In DVR There are parking survey of two types. First - intervention on movement in the frame. The second - an unusual, detection signals of the accelerometer, before me like not met.
By and large, I have a claim only to the partition file when recording - intervals of two minutes does not seem to me the best. And the more I do not understand what guided specialists FineVu, completely prohibiting change this interval or even record without splitting into fragments.
Оригинальный file
Оригинальный file
Getting the example video I liked. Not to say that it is the quality of the beyond - the receptionist is always there and will to grow, but in fact there is nothing special to me even describe. WDR cameras helps to cope with contrasting scenes, when the sun is shining directly into the camera, color transfer is excellent, particularly striking in the night. I would like to see better readability distance numbers, but so far I have not met in principle registrars with distinguishable over 10-15 meters. I advise you to feel free to experiment with the advanced settings, for example, on cloudy days I exhibited sharpness and brightness one notch above the "norm".
With video cameras came back with a small technical pad, so give a couple of examples only evening and night recording.
Оригинальный file
Оригинальный file
Conclusion i> h4> At the moment FineVu CR-2000S no direct competitors, if you start from the support of dual-channel recording in Full HD. You can call a couple of close on possible models, but they are still not equivalent rivals. The only question is how high you will appreciate the benefits of FineVu CR-2000S and decide whether to pay for a model of almost 20 thousand rubles. Personally I do not see in this price tag is nothing supernatural, because the market offers and recorders for 12-14 thousand rubles, and even single-channel.
In cons FineVu CR-2000S, I'll write an external module GPS, no battery, and too easy interface and the settings are not all like them. Picking obviously does not prevent the cable to connect to your computer. Last point - it is obvious that with dimensions FineVu CR-2000S talking about hidden installation goes.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/smartgadget/blog/220809/
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