Russian manufacturers registrars are taught to avoid penalties

What Russian does not like to drive fast? Especially if for it then do not get summonses? On YouTube posted a video in which the chief engineer of the company - the manufacturer of DVR "CB Datacom" personally demonstrates how to use its products "right" to violate traffic rules, avoiding fines. new model Datakam G5 Russian company is positioning as much as the« iPhone among DVRs. " And boldly declares: today Datakam G5 - the most "fancy" the registrar in the world, it involved over 20 local know-how. Advertising is more than pathetic:

"Fully Russian" registrars Datakam called because their development in any form are not allowed Asians. All work at the center of development of the brand, which is located in Moscow, Russian engineers have performed, the former "defense industry» .

Among the main principles of development "Datacom" - a complete ban on savings in the selection of components and assembly. Perhaps that is why "recorders, iPhones" are like the wing of the aircraft significantly more expensive than the average - from 10 000 rubles against 3-5 thousand for a typical Chinese "crafts", which is now littered with shops elektroniki.Chto is so special about Datakam G5? If you believe the surveys (for example, this: root-nation.com/13/04/2015/datakam-g5 / ), then almost everything. Description of the "uniqueness" is incredibly long, we can only feel sorry for the journalists, which falls on the review of such an advanced apparat.

Speaking briefly, it is worthy of special attention precisely "pumped" video processor able to read sverhchёtkoe video bit rate 20 Mbit / sec (maximum for all other registrars - 15 Mbit / s, the higher the bit rate, the more it turns crisp video) .On this practice useful even outside the car - a miracle processor allows you to replace Russian "Datakamom" decaying western most advanced American action camera GoPro. And GoPro does not show on the video speed, as in the American chamber no GPS, GLONASS much less. And in "Datakamah" there and then, and more. And because "Datacom" is not only shoots video, but also captures the speed record. The chief engineer of "Datacom" (the same "instigator of violations of traffic rules") personally tests Datakam G5 on the slopes, accelerating to a crazy speed of 103 km / h! Russian" Kulibin "even mount on the windshield did not take the Chinese finished, and have developed their own, as they say," from scratch ". Registrar to superkreplenie not screwed, but just put on a special nano neodymium magnity.

More visual instruction to "understand":

Confidence in yourself and your product engineers from the "KB Datacom" ready to confirm in the "real dispute". That is, they did not hesitate to dismantle a screw top-end model of the registrar and two competitors to demonstrate the difference of approaches to the development and production of consumer electronics. To get here you can: autokadabra.ru/shouts/90162 .After reading this material no doubt remains: Datakam G5 - really original domestic development. Not unlike any other registrar. And even more so on the "extra-budgetary" model Made in China.Glavny issue remaining after the first acquaintance with the ambiguous Russian registrar if this Datakam really so good, why he such a "crazy" advertising?