Boat lawyer successfully challenged the 160,000 fines for parking in London and New York
For the 21 month service DoNotPay helped cancel fines in the amount of $ 4 million
In February Geektimes it has been reported that the British IT-student Joshua Browder (Joshua Browder) has launched an automatic service that helps to compose and send an appeal to the received receipts of fines for wrong parking. Such fines are written sometimes unfair, but they are difficult to challenge yourself an ordinary person and a lawyer will cost more than the fine.
At this point the IM bot helped successfully challenge the more than 160 thousand penalties in London and New York. In this case "lawyer" is working for free, demonstrating the benefits that can bring the IM bots. Creator calls its service "the first robot in the world as a lawyer." The interface is quite simple - in fact, it can work with a child.
First, the service asks the user a series of leading questions that allow you to find out whether it is possible in the current situation to appeal the penalty. These issues include, for example, the item "Is it good to see the parking signs?". After the user answers to all the questions, and it turns out that an appeal is possible, the service helps to undergo this procedure.
Bot The results are really impressive. From 250,000 appeals were successful 160000. Thus, the service efficiency of 64%. The amount of the fines is successfully challenged already $ 4 million.
"I think that people who receive parking tickets, are the most vulnerable in society. These people do not violate the law. It seems to me that the government uses them as a source of income ", - says Joshua Browder. Every year in the UK collect fines by about one billion US dollars.
Browder knows he is talking about. A year ago, he received 30 fines. Then, the developer was only 18 years old, and he just started driving around London in his own car. Browder claims that the appeals process template, such a procedure is ideal for bot.
"Hi. I would like to tell you that I have successfully returned the penalty for parking in Bromley using this site. Legend [parking - Ed] were confusing. Officials said they had not received my appeal and requested to pay the fine in full. However, I applied for a personal presence at the court appeal. Once I have received a written confirmation of the possibility of the presence at the trial, and I received an official letter from Bromley, which stated that the officials will contest the appeal. Perseverance helped win the process! Thank you for your help, "- said in one of the letters of thanks received by the service creator.
And indeed, thanks for good reason, because the procedure of appeal takes about half a minute.
Now Browder plans to expand its geographical presence and service DoNotPay Seattle. But now, in addition to contesting the fines for parking, he decided to go and airlines. Botha is planned to train apply for compensation for flight delays. Also, the developer is going to help HIV-positive people to learn their own rights, and refugees - to understand the intricate laws of other countries.
At the same time, Browder is working on the creation of a platform that will develop their own robot to anyone who knows the laws. Particularly useful such a platform can be for lawyers.
Yes! Actually testing a 'developer' platform-that requires only legal knowledge - do you have time to chat on phone? https://t.co/I0TtZa8Sv0- Joshua Browder (@ jbrowder1) May 2, 2016
Whatever it was, Browder showed that the chat bot can be useful not only in case if you want to eat a pizza or to get news to your phone.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/277908/

In February Geektimes it has been reported that the British IT-student Joshua Browder (Joshua Browder) has launched an automatic service that helps to compose and send an appeal to the received receipts of fines for wrong parking. Such fines are written sometimes unfair, but they are difficult to challenge yourself an ordinary person and a lawyer will cost more than the fine.
At this point the IM bot helped successfully challenge the more than 160 thousand penalties in London and New York. In this case "lawyer" is working for free, demonstrating the benefits that can bring the IM bots. Creator calls its service "the first robot in the world as a lawyer." The interface is quite simple - in fact, it can work with a child.
First, the service asks the user a series of leading questions that allow you to find out whether it is possible in the current situation to appeal the penalty. These issues include, for example, the item "Is it good to see the parking signs?". After the user answers to all the questions, and it turns out that an appeal is possible, the service helps to undergo this procedure.
Bot The results are really impressive. From 250,000 appeals were successful 160000. Thus, the service efficiency of 64%. The amount of the fines is successfully challenged already $ 4 million.
"I think that people who receive parking tickets, are the most vulnerable in society. These people do not violate the law. It seems to me that the government uses them as a source of income ", - says Joshua Browder. Every year in the UK collect fines by about one billion US dollars.
Browder knows he is talking about. A year ago, he received 30 fines. Then, the developer was only 18 years old, and he just started driving around London in his own car. Browder claims that the appeals process template, such a procedure is ideal for bot.
"Hi. I would like to tell you that I have successfully returned the penalty for parking in Bromley using this site. Legend [parking - Ed] were confusing. Officials said they had not received my appeal and requested to pay the fine in full. However, I applied for a personal presence at the court appeal. Once I have received a written confirmation of the possibility of the presence at the trial, and I received an official letter from Bromley, which stated that the officials will contest the appeal. Perseverance helped win the process! Thank you for your help, "- said in one of the letters of thanks received by the service creator.
And indeed, thanks for good reason, because the procedure of appeal takes about half a minute.
Now Browder plans to expand its geographical presence and service DoNotPay Seattle. But now, in addition to contesting the fines for parking, he decided to go and airlines. Botha is planned to train apply for compensation for flight delays. Also, the developer is going to help HIV-positive people to learn their own rights, and refugees - to understand the intricate laws of other countries.
At the same time, Browder is working on the creation of a platform that will develop their own robot to anyone who knows the laws. Particularly useful such a platform can be for lawyers.
Yes! Actually testing a 'developer' platform-that requires only legal knowledge - do you have time to chat on phone? https://t.co/I0TtZa8Sv0- Joshua Browder (@ jbrowder1) May 2, 2016
Whatever it was, Browder showed that the chat bot can be useful not only in case if you want to eat a pizza or to get news to your phone.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/277908/