30 Free Internet Robots That Will Do a Lot of Work in One Click

Robots, or just bots, are little personal assistants on your gadget. They are programmed for numerous functions and are incredibly useful in many different areas of our lives.
We inWebsite We decided to collect 30 interesting Telegram messenger bots. After checking on ourselves, we hurry to share with you. Bot to help you!

- @iVideoBot - This is the easiest way humans have invented to download YouTube videos. You just need to send the bot a link, choose the format and size of the proposed options. And voila! Audio or video is already on your gadget.
- @utubebot and @ytaudiobot - 2 more ways to download content from YouTube in one click.
- @SaveVideoBotThis bot can download video from all other platforms, including attention! - Instagram.
- @auddbotbot, which is an analogue of the Shazam application. He guesses the song from the passage. Just send him a voice message a few seconds of the melody and you will get its cherished name.
- @ImageSearchBot It will allow you to find any image. You just need to enter a word or phrase and choose quality.
- @joinstabot It's likes on Instagram. It works properly, however, it is slightly unclear why it is necessary, but fans of vanity should keep in mind that from a sharp cheat of more than 1,000 likes your account can be blocked indefinitely.

- @topdf_bot- an unrealistically necessary and cool bot. It converts different files to PDF format – just send the file.
- @pollbotWith this guy you can easily conduct a poll or vote in any chat. And you yourself prescribe the answers.
- @MyTeleCloudBotIt is a limitless cloud on Telegram. You can store and categorize all files. Isn't that a miracle?
- @temp_mail_botThis assistant creates an inbox for 10 minutes if you suddenly need to sign up for a website.
- @voicybotA perfect bot for the lazy and tired who can no longer type. You just need to dictate the message out loud, and he will provide you with it in text form.
- @uber_promo_bot He regularly sends promotional codes to Uber taxis.
- @storebot- It's a bot. It will help to find an assistant for every taste.

- @Chess_BotYou can play chess with this bot.
- @saytextbotThis fun bot converts your text message into an audio file. A man's voice is like a movie, you can entertain friends with these messages.
- @strangerbot Chat with a randomly selected user of the same bot. Who knows, what if you meet your destiny or a good friend? Or you just have nothing to do.
- @PandaQuizBotThis is an interesting quiz with over 25,000 questions. A good way to pass the time in line.
- @zodiac_botIf you believe in horoscopes, you should pay attention to this operative bot. Its developers guarantee, if not the truthfulness of predictions, stability and daily alerts for sure.
- @PokerBot- a poker bot. You won’t make money with him, but the game is quite gambling. Your opponents are 4 “random” players – users of this channel.
- @delorean_bot- Send yourself a message to the future! Or just a reminder.
- @magic_sticker_ball_botThe bot will help you make a decision. He will answer your questions and doubts with the phrases of the American ball of fate No. 8.

- @flibustafreebookbot - A miracle application for downloading free e-books of almost any author in any format convenient to you.
- @andyrobotThis is a very nice English robot that will talk to you about different topics. Just because he wants to improve your English.
- @phistoryThe bot sends several historical photos a day with a detailed description. A lot of the pictures are really amazing.
- @science_popIt is a channel with selected scientific articles, photos and videos.
- @ProgrammingFAbotThis bot will teach you the basics of programming. Surprisingly useful thing with built-in directories, tag descriptions and code examples.
- @chgk_bot- a bot with easy questions of the game "What?" Where? When?
- @pravorubotIt is hard to believe, but this phenomenon really exists. This is free legal advice from real professionals. The trick is that lawyers use this bot for their own practice and help others, and clients for advice. All bot users help each other.
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