Where and what is taught in St Petersburg for free: 18 seats

Learn how to manage the glider or paraglider, learn jewelry making, fashion design or painting on wood, sports hitchhiking, accounting, horticulture and wisdom to know a lot of other St. Petersburg can absolutely free. Peter Online tells where to find the gift of knowledge Petersburg and therefore give it to everyone:
What is taught: the most different types of yoga.
How to teach: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday in different parts of the city are yoga classes for the donation (donation).
How to get there: make time and attend a class at a convenient time:
- "Sea", Malaya Morskaya 20, Monday, Wednesday and Sunday from 12.00 to 14.00
- KOKON SPACE, Kamenoostrovsky Prospect, 38, Tuesday and Thursday from 12.00 to 14.00
- Stools, Nevsky Prospekt 74, Saturday from 11.00 to 13.00
2. Dance party with master classes in the "attic»
What is taught: in anti-cafe "Attic" works Dance. Here you can learn how to dance tango, swing and salsa.
How to teach, teachers dance school, which is based on anti-cafes, organize dance parties. Every visitor will be able to learn a couple of movements and dance elements and relish natantsevatsya to try a new style.
How to get there: Follow the ads on the site antikafe parties.
3. Suspension University
What is taught: there are German and English speaking clubs and lectures and discussions on various topics. Now take courses on Egyptology, clown, drawing comics, psychology, biology, philosophy, chess.
How to teach: Suspended University - a system of knowledge sharing. Everyone can be a teacher and a pupil.
How to get there: admission to all events and activities is free. Announcements and bid to host their courses and workshops are published in the corresponding group of the project.
4. Music School Rimsky-Korsakov
What is taught: the oldest music school in St. Petersburg learned to play the beautiful sounding instruments such as the harp and RGANI.
One of the oldest and largest music schools in St. Petersburg.
How to teach: Classes are held in the afternoon or evening.
Training includes a full program of music school - private lessons 2 times a week (specialty) and group lessons 1 time per week (ear training, music literature, chorus).
How to get there: training persons are accepted without age limit, pupils and students - on a budget, preschool children and working adults - for self-supporting department.
5. Fund "Pro Arte»
What is taught: contemporary art, including concepts such as object, installation, performance, action, video, network art, computer art and cultural journalism.
How to teach, public lectures, seminars, workshops, meetings with artists in the framework of exhibitions and conferences. Also, together with Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation conducts educational programs for young journalists and artists (20 to 30 years), which are built on a combination of full-time and part-time modes of study, theoretical and practical lessons.
How to get there: At the opening ceremony free entry, intake of students for educational programs on a competitive basis once a year. For artists, there is a disciplinary board that helps talented young people not to forget the lessons.
6. Creative space "Weavers»
What is taught: contemporary art (installation, performance, video art, net art), Biology, anthropogenesis, astronomy, history, literature.
How to teach, seminars are held in "Weavers" several times a week. All are combined in several units. Themes can be absolutely any: for example, "The Birth and Death of Planet Earth" or "Why move the continents?". For block devoted to astronomy, meet experts from the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory. A series of lectures on art, read staff "Hermitage". And seminars on anthropogenes and biology - St. Petersburg State University professors. Responsible for literature Petersburg writers, such as Ilya Ricks.
How to get there: Admission is free. At the lecture should pre-register on the website "Weavers».
7. Computer Science Club at POMI Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics. Steklov)
What is taught: programming, basics of software development, computer science, data analysis.
How to teach: in the club on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays are the lectures of Russian and foreign teachers (Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Oxford and Cambridge Universities), experts from the American company "Sun Microsystems", which produces the software. Typically, each course consists of 6 - 12 pairs. After that, students take an exam. However, a certificate of course listen to them do not give out, but the knowledge and skills undoubtedly acquired
How to get there: Admission is free. But the lecture is better to sign up for the club's website.
8. Centre for Independent Social Research
What is taught: general directions of Sociology (questions of ethnicity, migration, nationalism, ecology, gender and urban studies).
How to teach, public lectures, seminars, conferences, research projects, which are the sociologists and architects from Russia, the US and Europe. Once the lectures were Irina Prokhorova (sister of Mikhail Prokhorov). Usually, it takes about a year 30 -40 courses, each of which lasts about two weeks.
How to get there: on the individual lectures admission is free. However, in order to take the course, which consists of several seminars should send a cover letter and explain the organizers, why you are interested in a certain topic. As a rule, one listening claims about 12 people.
9. Café Philosophique
What is taught: you can learn and understand everything you wanted to know about philosophy, but were afraid to ask google. Topics are chosen very different: and contemporary art museums, and geopolitics, the line between chaos and conspiracy theory, and psychoanalysis, and "money" as a philosophical phenomenon, and many other topics Iteresno.
How to teach: the philosophical cafe going on Saturdays at 15.30 in the Experimental Sound Gallery (GEZ21). "Education" is held in the form of discussions with invited experts.
How to get there: Admission is free. The announcements of lectures and discussions can be monitored in a group of philosophical cafe "VKontakte».
10. Mansion "Quarter" (moves)
What is taught: everything - from weaving wreaths to lectures how to travel to other countries without a guide and with minimal cost.
How to teach, in a mansion master classes, lectures, exhibitions, where you can meet the authors of the works, and seminars on various topics.
How to get there: the entrance to most events is free. Learn about the announcement and entry conditions can be in the group space "Quarter" "VKontakte».
11. St. Petersburg League of hitchhiking (PLUS)
What is taught: it is not just learn to "a ride" and literally survive in any environment: put up tents, use sophisticated equipment, first aid and still get incredible emotions from hitchhiking across the country and abroad, and to go ahead purpose finish despite discomfort and fatigue. Immediately warned: this is not a lecture-free travel stories, and real employment and real race. Alex founded the League of Thieves with 30 years of hitchhiking. This man founded and conducts Transglobal - Race Around the World,.
How to teach: classes are held on the theory and practice. Also undergo training race for sports Hitchhiker's Guide to the Leningrad region.
How to get there: free training. All contact information in the official group of the project "VKontakte».
12. Green Library
What is taught: at the events of this project can create interesting and useful information on a healthy lifestyle, ecology and psychology.
How to teach: in fact, the library itself, on the shelves which can be taken for free and read books and magazines on "green" topics. Also held lectures and seminars on environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyle show documentaries, hold exhibitions and free exchange of books.
How to get there: Admission is free. Announcements are published in a group project "VKontakte».
13. Guild designers
What is taught: current trends in design.
As taught: every 2 weeks Guild invites experts from the field of design, to discuss current issues, learn about how they work, and much more.
How to get there: all meetings free.
14. The NGO Development Center
What is taught: project organization in the nonprofit sector, interaction with government and commercial enterprises: law, finance and accounting, management, personal skills, training, partnerships, fundraising.
How to teach, lecture series, seminars, forums.
How to get there: Entrance at pre-registration. Attendance at all lectures cycle is a prerequisite for the free training.
15. Hang Gliding Club "Sokol»
What is taught: it is the only club in St. Petersburg, which trains pilots of non-motorized hang gliders, and do it for free.
How to teach, training at the club is very serious, just for hang gliders no one be allowed. First, each of the students must pass a theoretical course and pass an examination. It was only prepared to allow flight. Club meeting (welcome beginners post on flights, pre-flight briefings, lectures) take place every Friday at 20:00. Flights are conducted on weekends, usually every Sunday from the hills Mozhaiskaya hill. Set beginners usually passes in the second half of autumn, but to get to the current rate of opportunity there.
Address: Street 1st Red Army, 9 (entrance from the alley Derzhavin)
16. Paragliders Club "St. Petersburg»
What is taught: the club from scratch teaches the most simple, but very interesting and exciting mind Aviation - Management glider. If you can fly a paraglider, you get the opportunity to fly in the sky for hours, covering hundreds of kilometers and enjoying the magnificent views from the heights.
How to teach, how to teach kids club (free), and adults (extra charge) and offers a number of training programs: trial lesson (if you want to fly, but there is only one output for this), the initial rate (4 theoretical lessons, practical 4) advanced course, a special course and instructor courses.
How to get there: free classes are only for children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years. Register for classes, please call: 377-44-12, +7 (921) 300 51 04
17. "Open Studios" and "makers" in the library "Ligovski»
What is taught: You can learn a variety of applied arts - fashion design, carpentry, restoration and publication of books, photography, jewelry making, soap-making, creating ceramic pottery, painting on wood, textile art.
Organizers say "Open Studios" pouring into the world movement "meykerov" (in Russian "DIY"), which is based on the fact that every person, regardless of training, can learn how to create your own hands what he needs.
How to teach: classes last from one to three months, alternating with lectures by renowned professionals and exhibitions.
How to get there: visit the workshops free. Schedule is published in the official group on the site VKontakte. Also learn the poster sessions, please call: 764-31-71
18. "Cottage in»
What is taught: everyone can pass a small preparatory program on the basics of gardening and landscaping, to participate in the landings, departures, excursions in a plant nursery, creative meetings.
How to teach: lectures, as well as joint landing excursions in a plant nursery and at the work site, where there is gardening, field trips.
How to get there: the schedule of lectures and other events can be found in the official group of the project on the site VKontakte, as well as by phone: +7 (951) 675 00 69
Other interesting and accessible places of learning in St. Petersburg can be found in the community vk.com/piteronline
Author selections - Marina Khokhlach vk.com/id12935899