Lightly tinted Russia
These pictures were taken Frantisek briefly known in the pre-revolutionary Russian photographer in 1986. The photographs Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Their manually "painted" in Photoshop, so that we can enjoy the views of the famous cities of the time fully
Bolshoi Theatre. Moscow, 1896
Collector charitable contributions. Russia, 1896
Plevna Chapel. Moscow, 1896
The Winter Palace. St. Petersburg, 1896
Trading on the waterfront. St. Petersburg, 1896
Anichkov Bridge. St. Petersburg, 1896
Egyptian Bridge. St. Petersburg, 1896
Sentry. St. Petersburg, 1896
Hay area. St. Petersburg, 1896
In the port of St. Petersburg, 1896
Dockside cabby. St. Petersburg, 1896
Floating hotel. Nizhny Novgorod, 1896
The summer residence of Tsar Alexander II. Peterhof, 1896
Cascades of Peterhof. 1896
Tsarskoye Selo. Russia, 1896
Monument to Peter the Great. St. Petersburg, 1896
On the market. St. Petersburg, 1896
On the market. St. Petersburg, 1896
Nevsky Prospect. St. Petersburg, 1896
Procession at hotel Paris for the coronation of Nicholas II. Moscow, 1896
Distribution of beer at Khodynka during the coronation of Nicholas II May 30, 1896. Moscow, 1896
Festivities at Khodynka May 30, 1896. Moscow, 1896
Tragedy at Khodynka during the coronation of May 30, 1896.
The crowd was crushed approximately 1,400 people. Moscow, 1896

Bolshoi Theatre. Moscow, 1896
Collector charitable contributions. Russia, 1896

Plevna Chapel. Moscow, 1896

The Winter Palace. St. Petersburg, 1896

Trading on the waterfront. St. Petersburg, 1896

Anichkov Bridge. St. Petersburg, 1896

Egyptian Bridge. St. Petersburg, 1896

Sentry. St. Petersburg, 1896

Hay area. St. Petersburg, 1896

In the port of St. Petersburg, 1896

Dockside cabby. St. Petersburg, 1896

Floating hotel. Nizhny Novgorod, 1896

The summer residence of Tsar Alexander II. Peterhof, 1896

Cascades of Peterhof. 1896

Tsarskoye Selo. Russia, 1896

Monument to Peter the Great. St. Petersburg, 1896

On the market. St. Petersburg, 1896

On the market. St. Petersburg, 1896

Nevsky Prospect. St. Petersburg, 1896

Procession at hotel Paris for the coronation of Nicholas II. Moscow, 1896

Distribution of beer at Khodynka during the coronation of Nicholas II May 30, 1896. Moscow, 1896

Festivities at Khodynka May 30, 1896. Moscow, 1896

Tragedy at Khodynka during the coronation of May 30, 1896.
The crowd was crushed approximately 1,400 people. Moscow, 1896
