Abandoned Russian

10. Russia. Aniwa, Sakhalin region. Lighthouse on cliff of Steller sea lions. Was built in 1939 designed by the Japanese architect Miura Shinobu. On the ground floor of the lighthouse located in diesel and battery; first floor with a kitchen annexe occupied and food warehouse, the second - the radio room, the hardware and the watch. The third, fourth and fifth floors were living quarters for 12 people. (Dmitry Serbin)

9. Russia, to conclude, Tver region. Manor architect and artist Alexander Sergeyevich bad. It can be found in a beautiful forest on the high bank of a small lake between Moscow and St. Petersburg. A distinctive feature of the manor, built sucks on his own project - its asymmetry. (Turyst88)

8. Russia. Mirny, Sakha Republic. Diamond spent his career - one of the biggest in the world - Mirny mining and processing plant. It was opened in 1957 and closed in 2001. Now diamond mining is carried on underground mine. (Avbm)

7. Russia. Saint Petersburg. Hotel "Northern Crown". This five-star hotel with 247 rooms with a total area of about 50 000 m² began to build in 1988. Construction work stopped in late 1995, when the object was almost ready. For several years he was going to carry, but still can. So it stands abandoned, attracting outsiders. (Nick Grigoriev)

6. Russia. Kholmsk, Sakhalin region. Chelm pulp and paper mill. Once one of the leading enterprises in the region, and going bankrupt in the ever - how many of these all over the country? Hundreds? Thousands? (Max Shestera)

5. Russia. Alykel, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Military settlement. Located in the tundra near Norilsk airport. After the collapse of the USSR plans regarding the location of flying squadrons have changed: a military unit was disbanded, and the locals had left - who in Norilsk, who Kayerkan. (Paintball)

4. Russia. Moscow. Hovrinskaya hospital. On the street Klin in the Northern District of Moscow is unfinished hospital, which has become a favorite destination metropolitan stalkers. In common parlance it is called "Umbrella" - because of the shape of the building, similar to the logo of the Umbrella Corporation from the "Resident Evil". Currently unfinished territory is fenced with barbed wire, guarded Chop and dogs walking on hospital grounds is problematic, as if to get still fails, it is likely to be delayed. (Alexey Morozenkov)

3. Russia. Berdsk, Novosibirsk region. Sanatorium "Rechkunovka." Nestled in the woods on the shore of the Gulf of Berd, he became bankrupt in 2002, and since then, stands abandoned. Every year six of its buildings destroyed stronger and stronger - as a sad reminder of the era when the rest went not abroad, and in the nearby wellness center. (PSYCHO1)

2. Russia. Kaspiysk, Dagestan. Eighth factory shop "Dagdizel." Testing station naval weapons, put into operation in 1939, is located at a distance of 2, 7 km from the coast and has long been used. Unfortunately, this magnificent building has served the plant for long - in April 1966, it was copied from the factory balance. Since then, the station stands alone, resembling an ancient sea monster. (AdMe.ru)

1. Russia. Kadykchan, Magadan region. Miners settlement. "Valley of Death" as translated from the language of the name of the village Evenki, 30 years ago, had a population of 10 thousand. People. Now here are not typed and couples families. Here mined coal, which lived at the expense of all the Magadan region, but after the explosion at the mine people started to leave, and the village was closed. Now this is a real "ghost town": homes preserved books and furniture in the garage - the car. Everything seemed frozen in timelessness. (Anton Novikov)

Source: supercoolpics.com