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The first Soviet action. "Pirates of the XX Century"

The phenomenon of "Pirates" is simple: it was the first Soviet action movie, the action of which keeps in suspense from the first to the last minute. To the untrained viewer such Soviet films were a novelty. In addition, the action takes place in the vast expanses of the southern seas, the pirates were exotic appearance, and they have demonstrated unprecedented martial arts. In fact, the shooting took place in the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, played in the film Soviet actors, and they demonstrated karate techniques, the first clubs for the study which appeared in the Moscow high schools during the time of Khrushchev's "thaw».

Uranium replaced opium
Gripping story of the film is based on real stories. In the late 70-ies in "Izvestia" published an article about a pirate attack on an Italian ship carrying uranium ore. Then the pirates stole 200 tons of cargo and killed all the crew members.
Screenwriter and director Stanislav Govorukhin immediately set about trying to make a film, which would be opposed by Soviet sailors sea "gentlemen of fortune". Of course, the final had to be positive, proving that the Soviet sailors cope with any evil world.
Govorukhin wrote the script with his friend - director Boris Durov. He asked him and take a picture, because at that time he was already preparing for the shooting of the series "The venue can not be changed." Later, Boris Durov told them how Govorukhin idea become a reality: "We just gave up too much sentimentality. Conceived movie about Russian peasants, who are able to protect their women, their ship. In those years, the future scenario of the film had to go through censorship. It was then that we have cut and uranium. Then we proposed a "dip" in the ship opium for the pharmaceutical industry - goods worth millions of dollars. Raised such a noise: no drugs, this is propaganda! I was angry, "This is for the pharmaceutical industry! Drugs, say it is impossible? And what to carry the ship: the empty forms of party tickets? ". In general, opium scenario writers defended.

"Rod & quot; Mariupol
Start of "Pirates of the twentieth century", where the ship is the ship this opium, filmed at the fifth berth port Zhdanov (now - Mariupol port, Ukraine) in May 1979.
The ship "Nizhyn", which is half of the film is to tell the Soviet team, and then tragically killed in the fire - also Mariupol. This cargo ship "Fatezh" Azov Shipping Company. During filming, the ship was not injured. He then served for many years in the Company, was overhauled in 1985, then went to Sevastopol - in the Black Sea Shipping Company.
The second ship, which viewers see the film, namely a pirate speedboat «Mercury», also had Mariupol "registration". In the role of a pirate ship "starred" ship "Admiral Lunin" from the Azov Shipping Company. "Admiral Lunin" after filming was sold to Greece, where he served until 1999, until he was killed by the explosion.
Directed by Boris Durov recalled: "We lived in Zhdanov (now - the city of Mariupol - approx. Aut.) In the hotel, not far from the port ... At breakfast, ate half a cup of sour cream with a bun, drink diluted coffee and the steamer ... We go up to the ship our chief, there have noisily welcomed the captain and usually calling in the wardroom. As always, I am fond of, "Why?" And he said: "have breakfast". It is well known that I update: "Just you?" "What do you mean ?! Call the whole company! "So we were fed a delicious breakfast on the boat and dinner for a whole month - all surged».

"Mina" was never found
The majority of the scenes of the film was shot in various locations of the Crimea: in the New World (Plunder Bay, Blue Bay, King's Beach), in Koktebel, and near the village Olenevka (Cape Tarkhankut). For example, the collapse robbed by pirates freighter "Nizhyn" was shot in the sea - opposite the famous Mount Kara-Dag in Koktebel. Fire on board, of course, the reality was not. To simulate it on the deck burned resin basins.
"When I was commissioned to shoot the scene with the" horned death "- bottom mine, I worked on other Tarhankut picture - he told the Crimean special effects master Valery Pavlotos. - Boris Durov actors had to move ships from the New World to us on the Cape. Wooden floating layouts five minutes were ready and were lying on the deck of one of the ships. When they were near Sevastopol, caught in a storm, and one dummy washed away into the sea. We reported this to the management of the Black Sea Fleet. Military rolled the scandal, saying as so near the base floats "mine", suddenly it destabilizes shipping in the area. But the "mine" have not found ».

The pool Nikolai Eremenko has lost a lot of blood
Flooding of the Soviet ship was shot in the pool ... Hotel "Yalta" in Yalta. "Such high seas could not be removed, - complained later that same Valeriy Pavlotos. - For two weeks, we were building a full-scale mock-up of corridors and cabins. And then loaded it all into the pool. However, the wooden doors of cabins frustrated with loops and floats. I had to fasten them with bolts. " In the story, the protagonist of the film chief engineer Sergei, was at the time of the shipwreck rescue of the cabins women. Actor Nikolai Eremenko Jr., who performed the role of Sergei, said: "shoot the scene rescue women in the pool for a week. At seven o'clock I was sitting in the water, and just sat, and all the time I had to dive, dive, dive ... And then the nose was not fake blood, and my personal, and often stopped shooting to stop my blood. And my friends, colleagues mocking joke: "Well, you, Nick, how to end, came up to us and rest. We will wait for you at the nearby swimming pool with diving. " But after the movie was released, Nikolai Eremenko has been recognized for a long time, the actor was the dream of all Soviet women.

12:00 thrown onto concrete
Consultant and director of fights in the film crew was invited to the Soviet Union in the famous martial artist Tadeusz Kasyanov, who has played a role in the film boatswain. On the role of a bloodthirsty pirate Saleh invited the actor Talgat Nigmatulin. He was born in Kyrgyzstan, but with subtle exotic facial features could well play the role of natives overseas eastern states. It turned out that the image of a pirate was the first and last "star" role Nigmatulin actor died tragically five years after the release of "Pirates" in theaters. The mystery of his death at the hands of cultists and has remained unsolved until the end.
This Nigmatulin in the movie demonstrated the art of karate. After all, he and his childhood was passionate about the sport and even became a champion of Uzbekistan. In the film, he and his kinoprotivnikom Nikolai Eremenko (by the way, in the life of the actors were friends) fighting for real. And Nigmatulin, and Eremenko gave up doubles and stuntmen. "Injuries to the shootings affected so far - recalled Eremenko. - Remind yourself broken bones: elbows, pelvis. Because then we were young, desperate and worked without any doubles. I remember our fight with Talgat Nigmatulin. Filmed with three points and at the same time, and in turn, so the shooting lasted the whole day. And we fought on the concrete floor. I would say that pleasure is below average when you for twelve hours with full force throw on concrete ".

Brezhnev worried "because of our"
The film could be due for release in the same year in which he started filming - in 1979. But the cinematic authorities did not dare to release it into the All rental. Too much was there scenes of cruelty and violence. What is worth only one in which a pirate Saleh fire ax kills radio operator. Or when he beat whip captive barmaid. "Pirates of the XX Century" were banned and sent "on the shelf". But the tape with the film still got to the country to Brezhnev. Recall that in the Soviet times, general secretaries prefer to get acquainted with the latest movies at home - usually watched new movies on weekends, with their families in the cottages. Said Leonid Brezhnev was so worried "because of our" film quickly lifted "off the shelf" and sent to a triumphal procession through the screens of the USSR.

Source: rg.ru