What kind of movies we watched

Perhaps we should start with our blockbusters, without which it can not do any one summer vacation. If you think about it, even then we sat firmly on the series. Remember, almost all the cool movie serials were childhood.
That blown away by all the children from the yard in broad daylight? For example, the next series of "Guest from the Future" (1984).

Half the country was in love with the main character of this fantastic movie. Viewed 100 times, but I would have looked much again. What is the secret?
The main idea of the film - "I went for kefirchik." And anyway, this film - the world's greatest advertising yogurt :)

In second place was a movie about childhood Terminator - "The Adventures of Electronics" (1979).

Who has not dreamed of after the film to be as cool? What would one day come to the school and can fight his systematic abuser. :) And there are those who like the same dog as in the movie? Personally, I was just crazy about Airedales.
"Urry, Urry, I Stump! Urry, Urry, Urry, Urry Urry ... Well! »

At least watchable was the multi-adventure film "In Search of Captain Grant" (1985).

This was probably the most favorite for me. Even then I strongly fans nautical theme, and all my boats out of wood called "Duncan».

Adaptation of Jules Verne were generally true (pun-a ...) reception sit in front of a young audience.
Take, for instance, trёhseriynik "Captain Nemo" (1975). The first series was called "Iron Whale", the second - "Prince Dakkar", the third - "Nautilus" continues to struggle ;.

After these two films could do nothing but to take and read the third part of the trilogy - "The Mysterious Island". Yes, and also read the previous two.
With his beloved Alice Selezneva we have not said goodbye. She can be seen in another film - "Purple Sphere" (1987).

Here you look at them now and realize that childhood dream to be in the future has already been realized ...
What would really complete the theme of Soviet science fiction, let us remember our Soviet "space odyssey 2001" - dilogy "Moscow-Cassiopeia" and "Teens in the Universe" (1973).

Remember, they are robots bumped off: "A and B were sitting on the tube ..." :) And remember how to decipher the name of their spacecraft "Dawn"? :)

Like him a film about heroism of the young Soviet cosmonauts - "Big Space Journey" (1974). I even sometimes confused.

Circulation records with music from the film, published by the All-Union record "Melody", exceeded 100 000 copies. Instrumental composition "Blue Planet", the song "Do you believe me?" And "Milky Way" to date performed on Russian radio.

Where is the film studio for children and youth films? Why are these cute, good movies with musical interludes were only history?
But the film "Through thorns to the stars" (1980) was focused on a more mature audience. Although his children watched with pleasure.

Remember that biomass, which came out of storage and huge hands plastered her planet? And remember, as they called this girl?
And on the bulletin board of the spaceport could be seen the name of a spaceship "Dawn", and its destination - Cassiopeia :) Those were the Easter eggs in the Soviet cinema.

During the winter break was always the same film "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers" (1978).

After him out on the street, break off a branch of discarded Christmas trees and fenced drin as swords :) It?
But after the next movie "Midshipmen ahead" (1987) I did went and enrolled in a section of fencing. Not for long, though :)

Become the enemy of all those born in the USSR, if not mention "Elusive Avengers" (1966). Perhaps it was necessary to put it in the first place. Film, disassembled quotes and images. The film, which before the end credits brave quartet boldly goes to the epicenter of the thermonuclear explosion ... :)

Another adventure, where the plot is a civil war - the trilogy "Dirk", "Bronze bird", "The Last Summer of Childhood" (1973).

But in the late Soviet film "Before the first blood" (1989) was shown by this psychology, war. It can not be called an adventure. It was a film drama.

Let's now the positive films :)
Oh, Hon Volka ibn Alyosha ... "Old Hottabych" (1956).

Who watched this movie as a child, the severe militant Khattab was that way :)
My favorite movie of all Soviet girls - "Mary Poppins, Goodbye" (1983).

I'll probably remember more songs from him than some scenes.

"The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkina, ordinary and extraordinary" (1983).
Initially, the film was censored for ideological reasons, but at the same time, successfully passed on the international film festivals. In 1983, after the failure on the part of all instances Alenikov managed to invite to watch a movie daughter CPSU General Secretary Yuri Andropov Irina worked as deputy chief editor of "Musical Life". Alone watching the news about the upcoming enough to film was immediately put leadership Broadcaster of the program of the Central Television. So we'll watch it became every summer.

Another film, which now certainly rose to the whole State Duma - the "Academy of Pan Blots" (1983)
Hello Khudyakov and Milonova - modern stupid censorship exceeded even the strict Soviet. Rate yourself - storublёvaya bill against the frame of this film. But then nothing in it was not. And the word "rainbow" meant only the rainbow, and the word "finish" was not as seditious. And "blue" was a globe, and not Uncle ... Gniёm slowly ...
Interestingly, this film on TV still showing? ..

"The Extraordinary Adventures of Carica and Wali" (1987) now also be hacked in the State Duma.
And the film is very good and informative. About the environment and caring for the animal and plant world.
Soviet filmmakers apparently uneven breathing to stories about twins. "Captain modern-head" is one of those films (1979).

A film about female twins Olga and Yalo, about Yagupopa 77th - "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (1963). About the fact that grandmothers have to listen :)

Furious comedy about life in a camp, "Welcome or Trespassing" (1964).

Originally hudsovet film is invaluable and it immediately "put on the shelf." In particular, the finale was described as a mockery of the "corn program", while actively promoting Khrushchev. But just a few days before May 1, someone managed to persuade Khrushchev to see this movie. Khrushchev while watching much laughed, then asked: "What do you keep this film? Funny after all, albeit in a rental. " So antihruschevsky film allowed Khrushchev himself.

Another fun and coveted film "The Adventures of the yellow suitcase" (1970), with the funny grandmother in the world - Tatiana Peltzer.

But "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" (1981) is usually looked after having read the book.

A curious fact: in the school attended by Tom, written on the wall of the class «Knowledge is Power» - cult Soviet slogan "Knowledge - force", attributed to Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes.
Children's musical film "Red, honest, in love" (1984) about friendship lisёnka and chicken.

Soviet "Transformers" in the movie "The Island of rusty General" (1988)

This film adaptation of the novel "Rusty Field Marshal" Kir Bulychev of the series "The Adventures of Alice," but Alice Selezneva in the film is not the same ...

Swedish-Norwegian-Soviet film-fantasy "Mio, my Mio" (1987) - a prototype of "Narnia».

And another of the Soviet-Czechoslovak film adaptation Bulycheva - "The Witches Cave" (1990). Film youth.

At the end of the movie Masha Rasputina, as soon gaining popularity at the time, performs the song "You and I».

The following movies we watched in the cinema, in the days of spring and autumn holidays:
Yugoslav fiction film "The Secret of the old attic" (1984) about the boys, who found in the attic of anti-gravity gun.

Children's sci-fi thriller, filmed in Czechoslovakia "Chalet Wolf" (1985). About immortal aliens who arrived to take over the Earth.

Remember that awful moment when she pulls a carrot snowman, and sees in it a human face?

Was a terrible movie ...
Another horror story of cinema - the film of the Soviet-Polish "The Spell of the valley snakes" (1987).

In 2002, the film entered the list of the ten worst films of Polish. But not the Soviet :) Personally, we went mad from it.
"Flight of the Navigator" (1989) became a legend at all of our kinodetstva. American film about a boy in an alien spaceship.

Who then dreamed that he was taken by aliens? :)
I am sure that I did not remember more than half. Now it's your turn in the comments, with pictures. That we have watched avidly from year to year?

Source: alexio-marziano.livejournal.com