How to save the harvest of apples and pearls


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The apple variety is Melba. This is a summer variety of apples, harvested in late July-early August. They can be stored for up to one month. The flesh of apples is tender, juicy, a little wine-sweet taste.

The apples and pears are ripe. It's time to harvest! If we do not forget about watering, fertilizing and protecting fruit trees from pests, we can rejoice in the generous harvest. However, the main question now is how to preserve the grown?

Apples and pears are perishable fruits. However, there are certain measures that allow you to save them for a long time. The individual characteristics of these cultures must be taken into account.

The apple tree is the most common fruit crop in our gardens, it is extremely unpretentious and the most winter-resistant. Caring for an apple tree is not easy, observing a number of conditions necessary for it, you can prevent all possible problems in advance. The preservation of the apple harvest largely depends on how the apple was fertilized during the summer season. Apples will be poorly stored if the soil lacks calcium, phosphorus and iron. That is why it is very important, along with nitrogen feeding, to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and dolomite (or ground eggshell). And to compensate for the lack of iron, you need to bury a number of rusty nails in the trunk circle of the apple tree. Also, stress affects the safety of apples - this is a sharp change in the weather, no matter what. So if frosts hit or there is a drought, or extremely rainy weather, there was a strong temperature difference or hail, spray crowns with Epin or Zircon, this will significantly increase the immunity of the apple tree and the quality of the fruits.

There are many varieties of apple trees. Some, especially summer and early autumn varieties, tend to fall. It's normal. As for the harvest - each variety of apple has its own terms, ask what they are. Additional information will give you the tree itself: it is time to harvest, when most of the fruits have acquired a characteristic color, easily separated from the branches and began to fall.

But if the apples fall en masse, then they will beat and keep them for several months will be impossible. Therefore, when you see the first fallen apples, do not wait, but collect them. You need to collect apples only with a fruit picker, carefully, and you need to remove fruits from the fruit picker only in fabric or thread gloves so as not to damage the protective wax layer. Remove some apples with leaves - this will increase their safety, since apple leaves contain bactericidal substances. Removed apples should be carefully placed in wooden boxes with sufficient spaces between the boards, or in baskets of rough weaving. Then the boxes with apples need 2-3 days to keep in a dry and cool room (for example, in a shed or summer house), and then you can lower in the basement. Late autumn and winter varieties should not massively fall prematurely. If this is the case, then the apples are spoiled by pests. They may not be visible, most likely they are inside, but the apple as a result no longer feeds on the tree and falls off. The main tactic here is pest control during the season. Proper agricultural techniques you will reduce their number to a minimum, but, of course, keep ready tincture of garlic, tomato top and yarrow. And only as a last resort, and only in the first half of summer - "Carbophos".

Remove apples with leaves - this will increase their safety, since apple leaves contain bactericidal substances.

However, the main enemies of apples attack in September are wasps and ants. They will destroy all fruits, including those that are not affected by other pests and those that are not fallen. By the way, wasps spoil vegetables in September - they gnaw, for example, large holes in the leaves of cabbage, chard and beet, carrying pieces of leaves for the construction of their nests. With wasps you need to fight, hanging on fruit trees special baits - jars with jam. It is best to use cans of coffee, making them wire hooks. If you just put a jar of jam in the garden, there will be little use, you need to distract pests directly on the tree. From ants, there is a lot of effective "chemistry", but now it can not be used: after all, the harvest has ripened! You can scare ants away from fruit trees by sprinkling their trunk circles with cinnamon. Also sprinkle cinnamon on the anthills you found in the garden.



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