Fragrant jam from pears, which can be eaten with spoons straight from the jar

“How to make jam from pears? This is, you know, amber and fragrant... To eat it with spoons straight out of the jar, like when I was a kid! Of course, my mother can cook this herself to help us, but I wanted to myself. After all, I'm a mother myself, and it's time for me to learn.

To my delight, it turned out that jam is unpretentious, easy. The main thing is to find ripe and hard-pear!

How to cook jam from pears Today edition "Site" Share the preparation instructions pear-jam. Waiting for inspiration for conservation, here it comes!

The ingredients
  • 1 kg pears of summer varieties
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 2 tables of water
  • 1 lemon

  1. Wash the pears. Remove the peduncle and core. Then cut into thin slices about 0.5 cm.

  2. Put water in the pan and add sugar. Boil the syrup. Pay attention that it should come out thick.

  3. Put the pears in the syrup and continue to cook over a small fire, stirring periodically so that nothing burns. After about 2 hours, the pear slices should become transparent.

  4. At the end of the boil, add lemon peel. To do this, rub the skin of the lemon on the grater. Stir it well.

  5. Pears with syrup Put it in pre-prepared sterilized jars. Roll up the sterilized lids. To sterilize cans, they must be dipped in hot water for 15-20 minutes along with the lids.

  6. That's it, fragrant. jam Ready. Turn the banks over and cool them under the blanket.

I also suggest you learn how to make a cake with pears in butter.

Now you know how jam Pears without much fuss. Such jam can be spread on cookies or bread with butter or added to baking. I like to bake cakes with him. It is delicious, I recommend it from the heart!


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