Incredible treat — pear jam

It is often called amber in the Bank. And once having tried to refuse this delicacy is simply impossible.
Pear is one of the most ancient fruits it for medicinal purposes are still used Sumerian doctors who were famous in the whole world with their professional skills and knowledge. Numerous scientific treatises describe in detail the healing properties of the fruit. There are a lot of useful properties, which are still to help cope with the complex forms of various diseases. Modern scholars believe that even in canned pears retain a storehouse of medicinal components, so pear jam necessarily have to appear on the shelves of your domestic preparations.
Only one use
Pear – a source of vitamins, pear jam useful for those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas. Vitamins a, b, C, E, P – these compounds are an important part in the body's metabolic processes, so it is important every day to drink tea, with a spoonful of pear jam. It is able to normalize the heartbeat, reduce blood sugar, reduce pain in region of kidneys and liver. Our grandmothers used pear jam as a febrifuge, modern medicine believes that it is useful for men suffering from prostate disease.
Pear jam has a mild diuretic action, so it bole helpful than harmful. As a preventive means pear jam is used when you need to bring the stones from the kidney. Daily use helps to solve these very complex problems. The micronutrients contained in the pear, contribute to the start of the rejuvenation processes of the skin. If the daily use of any dish made with this fruit, the skin becomes firm, elastic, and very tender. Modern cosmetology is actively using the pulp for the treatment of various skin blemishes, it helps to get rid of age spots, give the face a special freshness, white.

Calorie jam
If you do not get involved in sugar, calorie pear jam will be very low. It is known that one hundred grams of fresh fruit has only 45 calories. It is minuscule that can help those who are dieting. Prepare the product of these different dishes and then you can easily survive any diet. If you care about your figure, but like a sweet pear jam will be a good alternative. Use in its preparation a small amount of sugar, and the jam will not only tasty, fragrant, but also very useful.
Useful recipe pear jam
For making pear jam experienced Housewives prefer to choose unripe, firm fruit that will during cooking to keep the shape.
Pears need to wash, divide in half, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Before cooking pears best a little atlanterhavet.
This fruit pour boiling water and leave for about fifteen minutes under the lid open. It helps to bloom the flavor, to prepare a solid Foundation for making sugar syrup. This water should be left for the cooking of the syrup.
But before blanching the pears are soaked in a solution of citric acid prepared at the rate of 1гх1л. This is done in order to prevent excessive blackening of the fruit.
If you do everything by the rules, then the next stage is the preparation of syrup. It is prepared as follows.
Does the amount of water at the rate of 1 liter of water per kilogram of pears.
It is added sugar 1v1, but it would make a very sweet jam.
Take exactly half, the jam will diet.
On slow fire boiled syrup, is boiled for fifteen minutes, then add citric acid into it 2гХ1л and again, the syrup brought to a boil.
Then the pears were placed in an enamel bowl, pour the prepared hot syrup and allow it to cool. You can add a little vanilla.
Once the syrup cools down, pear jam again put on fire, bring it to boil and boil 30 minutes until the slices of pear is light.
Hot jam is placed in sterilized jars and rolled.
Cooked this way the jam will delight you with the long winter evenings during the tea party, and save during acute and chronic illnesses. Skillful women use pear jam for making homemade cakes, she is a surprisingly fragrant and delicious.
source: krugznaniy.ru
Source: /users/1077