Tincture wax moth, properties and applications

According to the widely accepted, classic and traditional medicine are of a kind opponents, using to treat one disease, in principle, a variety of methods. But there are cases where traditional medicines are also used for the purpose of traditional treatment. One such tool is the tincture of larvae of the wax moth.
Originally used in folk medicine, this tool is well proven and has been used in appointments for patients. In particular, alcohol tincture of larvae of the wax moth has established itself as a very effective supporting tool in such a serious disease as tuberculosis.
Knowing the following method of manufacture of tincture wax moth, you can prepare this medicine.
Application of tincture wax mothAccording to prevailing opinion, tincture of larvae of the wax moth possesses antiviral and antibacterial activity, so this drug is recommended for asthma, tuberculosis, prostatitis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and other diseases.
It is worth noting that in addition to positive reviews, there are also opinions regarding the ineffectiveness of this tool, so taking this drug desirable as a maintenance therapy, since the lack of results following the application of tincture of larvae of the wax moth as a primary means of health risk is too great.
The methodology on how to prepare a tincture wax moth is not complicated. For this purpose a live caterpillar of the wax moth – a dangerous pest of bee hives.
The collected larvae placed in a dish and pour the alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 (or 2:10) by weight (that is 10 or 20 grams of larvae added 100 g of alcohol).
Preparation of tincture wax moth is carried out for one to two months, while the Bank with the composition is placed in a dark cool place.
Depending on the proportions of the preparations obtained respectively 10% or 20% tincture.
However, according to studies, a much greater richness of useful substances has
This tool is used exclusively inside. A certain number of drops of alcohol tincture wax moth diluted in a small amount of water and take three times a day. The dosage depends on the type of disease, as well as the fortress of the tincture. In the case of tinctures the strength of more than 10% of the dosage reduced proportionally.
More accurate data on how to take tincture wax moth, will be given next.
Contraindications to the use of tincture wax moth is unknown. Throughout the period of use of the tool any serious side effects were identified. At the same time, to give the tincture wax moth children with caution. In the first place is caused by a quite high allergenic activity of all products related to beekeeping. Recommended to use with caution, this tool is for pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of 14 years.
Treatment with tincture of wax mothfeatures of the application of tincture of larvae of the wax moth depends on the disease, which applies the tool.
In the case of the use of this drug as part of combination therapy of the thrombophlebitis, the dosage is 20 drops, diluted in 50 ml of water, 3 times a day half an hour before meals for one month. Then increase the dose to one teaspoon, keeping other parameters of the reception. After completing one month course move on to the dosage at the rate of one tablespoon per 50 ml of water for one month.
If to drink a tincture wax moth is necessary for the child up to the age of 14 years, the number of drops for a single appointment equals to the number of life-years multiplied by 1.5.
Treatment with tincture of wax moth other types of diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia), according to the drug driven instruction is simplified compared to the above method.
In this case, the first day of treatment give 20 drops in 50 ml of water for half an hour before meals, the second day the dosage was increased to a teaspoon while keeping the rest of parameters, the third day to end of treatment take one tablespoon in 50 ml of water half an hour before meals. In the case of the treatment of the child, the dose is proportionally reduced. That is, for example, for children under 10 years of age the initial dose is 15 drops (10*1,5), which is a quarter less than the standard adult dosage (20 drops). On this basis, the standard dosage of the drug in the future should also be reduced by 25%.
The duration of treatment is one month. If necessary, while maintaining the signs of the disease, the treatment can be repeated after an interval of one month.
Tincture wax moth tuberculosis is able to provide effective resistance to the pathogen (tubercle Bacillus) due to the possibility of dissolving the outer shells of these bacteria. The dosage and dosage regimen similar to the above universal variant.
Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that to make a tincture wax moth is absolutely easy, the only task is to collect a sufficient number of larvae of this insect.
Given the actual absence of contraindications tincture of larvae of the wax moth can recommend this drug for use in the complex therapy for all these diseases.
At the same time, it is necessary to consider some negative feedback about the use of this tool. According to such views, the use of this drug did not bring absolutely no result. Considering this fact, you need to refrain from the use of tincture wax moth as the only drug to prevent worsening of the disease in individual immunity to the drug.
source: krugznaniy.ru
Source: /users/1077