How to protect the house from moths
We would hardly pay attention to these inconspicuous butterflies if they did not spoil our lives. After all, the larvae of these seemingly harmless moths eat woolen things, clothes, cereals and even spoil furniture - depending on the type of butterflies themselves.
And thanks to the extraordinary ability to camouflage, such inhabitants can almost imperceptibly live in any house and spoil what attracts them most. So today's editorial office. "Site" I'll tell you a couple of interesting ways. How to get rid of moths in the house. Be sure to try and drive away uninvited pests.
You need to understand that butterflies fluttering around the house are not so dangerous. Much greater danger (including for your clothes) are their voracious larvae, which for a long time can live in the closet, without giving themselves away.
One butterfly for his short life manages to lay about fifty eggs, from which insatiable caterpillars appear. And these larvae can be found only during a complete revision of clothes that you do not wear for a long time.
It is almost impossible to find moths where clothes do not dust in the closet most of the time, but are actively used for their intended purpose. We also note that the moth does not tolerate direct sunlight.
How to reduce the chances of moths
The appearance of moths is easier to prevent than then fight its larvae. And the damaged good will not return the original appearance. And although there are many store tools to combat moths, we recommend using folk methods - they are more sedentary and will not harm the owners themselves, which is important.
Popular blogger Olga Papsueva claims that all her life successfully fights moths with the help of ordinary chestnuts, which she collects outside the city. It is enough to clean the middle of the chestnut from a hard shell and finely grind the contents. The resulting powder easily repels the moth, so you can pour it directly on the shelf of your favorite cabinet.
“I don’t have moths, and you will never have them either,” Olga said.
Plants with a sharp smell are excellent scare awayTherefore, branches of lavender, cloves, mint or geranium will not only give a pleasant aroma to things, but also scare away hated pests.
You should also consider fragrant soap with the smell of needles, lilies or citrus fruits. Such “scarers” will also help prevent the appearance of moths. You can also use odorous essential oils - just apply the liquid to the napkin and place it in the closet.
And one of the most affordable folk remedies You can call orange peel, which not only exudes a pleasant smell, but also compares favorably with store products. In addition, it can be used in the closet and in the kitchen.
And thanks to the extraordinary ability to camouflage, such inhabitants can almost imperceptibly live in any house and spoil what attracts them most. So today's editorial office. "Site" I'll tell you a couple of interesting ways. How to get rid of moths in the house. Be sure to try and drive away uninvited pests.

You need to understand that butterflies fluttering around the house are not so dangerous. Much greater danger (including for your clothes) are their voracious larvae, which for a long time can live in the closet, without giving themselves away.
One butterfly for his short life manages to lay about fifty eggs, from which insatiable caterpillars appear. And these larvae can be found only during a complete revision of clothes that you do not wear for a long time.

It is almost impossible to find moths where clothes do not dust in the closet most of the time, but are actively used for their intended purpose. We also note that the moth does not tolerate direct sunlight.

How to reduce the chances of moths
- Make sure your clothes and shoes are kept dry and clean. Even small particles of skin and sweat attract pests.
- Properly keep seasonal things: shoes - without insoles, fur coats - in special covers, hats - in cardboard boxes ...
- Ensure normal ventilation of the premises.
- Store bulk food in transparent containers with a sealed lid.
- Remove regularly and carefully, because fat, dirt and dust are the best friends of moths, next to them it will definitely appear.
The appearance of moths is easier to prevent than then fight its larvae. And the damaged good will not return the original appearance. And although there are many store tools to combat moths, we recommend using folk methods - they are more sedentary and will not harm the owners themselves, which is important.

Popular blogger Olga Papsueva claims that all her life successfully fights moths with the help of ordinary chestnuts, which she collects outside the city. It is enough to clean the middle of the chestnut from a hard shell and finely grind the contents. The resulting powder easily repels the moth, so you can pour it directly on the shelf of your favorite cabinet.
“I don’t have moths, and you will never have them either,” Olga said.

Plants with a sharp smell are excellent scare awayTherefore, branches of lavender, cloves, mint or geranium will not only give a pleasant aroma to things, but also scare away hated pests.
You should also consider fragrant soap with the smell of needles, lilies or citrus fruits. Such “scarers” will also help prevent the appearance of moths. You can also use odorous essential oils - just apply the liquid to the napkin and place it in the closet.

And one of the most affordable folk remedies You can call orange peel, which not only exudes a pleasant smell, but also compares favorably with store products. In addition, it can be used in the closet and in the kitchen.