Traditional methods to combat moth: do not leave the insect no chance!
Many still wonder the presence of moths in the apartment: humanity vsë more away from nature, cockroaches have become rare guests and moths vsë overweening! Why such vitality? The fact that the mole loves fur and wool, and things made of natural materials today are considered a sign of prosperity. The higher purchasing power of the people, the more likely it is to become a member of moths of the family. Scares such a neighborhood? Our article tells how to use natural and available resources to deal with moths, which is already registered in your closet!
Forms home moth:
Fur; Hanging; furniture; Grain. How to fight it: < br />
1. Aromatic soap
As a folk remedy against moths our grandmothers used ordinary or scented soap. Dec dry bars in closets between clothing or linens. This means not only scare away moles, but things will fill a pleasant scent.
2. Plants with a pungent smell
Pungent smell can scare away moles, so to control pests better use of fragrant plants such as lavender, clove, geranium, mint, eucalyptus, walnut branches and even chestnuts. To get rid of moths in the wardrobe, you can pour in a rag or cloth bags dried lavender flowers or other strong-smelling plants. If you want to try to spread out the chestnuts, make sure the room is well ventilated, or cabinets, or mold appears.
3. Orange and lemon
Fresh orange peel or lemon perfectly protects against moths linen shelves. But do not forget to change the skin on fresh as it dries. By the way, citrus flavor only discourages mole, but it does not kill, so if you are on the shelf larvae - get the oviposition place or use more radical means of struggle.
4. The essential oil
Just a few drops of essential oil of lavender, peppermint or eucalyptus will help protect clothes from moths. Moisten oils small pieces of tissue or cloth and spread (except) on their shelves next to things.
5 tips on how to prevent the emergence of moths
1. periodically conduct an audit of your wardrobe. This allows not only to avoid the appearance of moles, but also timely to throw rubbish.
2. Keep clothes in special bags, bags or boxes and do not forget about dried grass or strips of cloth soaked in oil.
3. All carpets, blankets, pillows, blankets, and so at least twice a year, brings to the fresh air, they are dried thoroughly, shake out and cleaned from dust.
4. Wipe the shelves of cabinets and other storage items vinegar solution, clear of dirt, grease and dust.
5. Before sending the deposit of winter shoes, get insoles, wash them thoroughly and dry. Inside the shoe can put lavender, tobacco, small towels soaked in essential oils.
Almost all folk remedies to combat moth are very accessible, affordable and, most importantly, safe. Share these tips with your friends. Now, your fur coats was safe!
via takprosto.cc

Forms home moth:
Fur; Hanging; furniture; Grain. How to fight it: < br />
1. Aromatic soap

As a folk remedy against moths our grandmothers used ordinary or scented soap. Dec dry bars in closets between clothing or linens. This means not only scare away moles, but things will fill a pleasant scent.
2. Plants with a pungent smell

Pungent smell can scare away moles, so to control pests better use of fragrant plants such as lavender, clove, geranium, mint, eucalyptus, walnut branches and even chestnuts. To get rid of moths in the wardrobe, you can pour in a rag or cloth bags dried lavender flowers or other strong-smelling plants. If you want to try to spread out the chestnuts, make sure the room is well ventilated, or cabinets, or mold appears.
3. Orange and lemon

Fresh orange peel or lemon perfectly protects against moths linen shelves. But do not forget to change the skin on fresh as it dries. By the way, citrus flavor only discourages mole, but it does not kill, so if you are on the shelf larvae - get the oviposition place or use more radical means of struggle.
4. The essential oil

Just a few drops of essential oil of lavender, peppermint or eucalyptus will help protect clothes from moths. Moisten oils small pieces of tissue or cloth and spread (except) on their shelves next to things.
5 tips on how to prevent the emergence of moths
1. periodically conduct an audit of your wardrobe. This allows not only to avoid the appearance of moles, but also timely to throw rubbish.
2. Keep clothes in special bags, bags or boxes and do not forget about dried grass or strips of cloth soaked in oil.
3. All carpets, blankets, pillows, blankets, and so at least twice a year, brings to the fresh air, they are dried thoroughly, shake out and cleaned from dust.
4. Wipe the shelves of cabinets and other storage items vinegar solution, clear of dirt, grease and dust.
5. Before sending the deposit of winter shoes, get insoles, wash them thoroughly and dry. Inside the shoe can put lavender, tobacco, small towels soaked in essential oils.

Almost all folk remedies to combat moth are very accessible, affordable and, most importantly, safe. Share these tips with your friends. Now, your fur coats was safe!
via takprosto.cc
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