Humane methods of dealing with ants at their summer cottage
When the number of ants on the dacha becomes threatening, the undoubted benefits of these workers, begins to fade before the volume of the caused harm. Then we have to think how to get rid of excess ants and to reduce this harm to a minimum.
Human ingenuity has given rise to hundreds of different methods — from the benign to the cruel.
But we must always remember: all living organisms are involved in a complex chain, and if you remove one of the links disturbed the ecological balance. The cottagers are unlikely to gain the desired peace, if you really exterminate ants on the site: then it will have to contend with a much more "blood-thirsty enemies, which kept them just destroyed the ants.
Therefore, we consider only those methods of struggle that relate to humane. They are not destroyed, and only deter the ants from the site with useful crop plants, or just block the access ways to them. Such methods will not harm the ants themselves, allowing them to transfer their activity to other natural areas.
Transfer and shading of nests If the area has a lot of small murowanica, you can move them away from giving. It's pretty easy to do with a shovel or scoop.
About your experience to evict the ants from the greenhouse says Valery Medvedev. Watch the video.
From a small ant can be eliminated by means of the shade. It is known that ants build their homes just for the warm sun, they need to warm up pupae, to accustom them to the light. If densely to shade a small ant hill — he will pretty soon empty.
Attention! Years of deep the nests will not to move or survive a shadow.
Deterrent methods Garden ants are sensitive to smells, and this can be used to drive away unwanted guests.
Plant repellents are Able to deter ants:
Tree trunks is recommended to RUB with garlic. Unpleasant scent the ants leave, finding a more comfortable place.
Valerian, marigolds and mint can be planted between the beds or in the unloading zone of the trees (a double benefit: ants and scare off, and natural medicine will serve))
I advise to spray protected plants infusion of spicy Cayenne pepper, mint or lavender, marigolds or wormwood, infusion of onion peel
Means-repellents, Many gardeners have tried these techniques and now sharing their findings. They offer:
Sprinkle paths of ants and anthills
Claim: the ants are so unpleasant to this neighborhood, they leave "their" place.
An anthill and next to it put potato peelings.
If their is big enough, the ants prefer to move.
Corrugated Board width of 20-25 cm to sprinkle with a solution of soot and cover them in the nest for 2-3 days. Ants hate the smell of soot.
Water the track and the ant urine (urine)
Argue that this is a very effective method. Importantly, urine on all the ants enough. But! there are data, that urine inhibits root system of the plant (said about plants that were watered 1 time a week for the so-called Japanese method).
The lambskin is cut into long strips with a width of about 1 cm and tied the shoots of raspberries at a distance of 13 to 18 cm from the ground (with fur on the outside). Recommend to grease with strips of crude carbolic acid. The smell of this acid expels ants and saves berry bushes.
The following video describes a simple and effective method of repelling millet.
Attention! Approval experienced gardeners, it is useless to throw an anthill tops of tomatoes, mint leaves or finely chopped garlic – ants just take away the source of the unpleasant smell away.
Barrier methods these methods are based on physically blocking the path of the ants to the plants, create an irresistible insect barriers.
Water barrier a Car tire cut in half in a circle. To dig under the trees in a pre-prepared circular groove, pour water. The ants will not be able to overcome a water barrier, so that the aphids on the tree (Bush) will not.
Water in the rings will serve as a drinking bowl for wasps, bees and small birds, which is useful for the garden. If you add pine concentrate, the smell will deter insects.
Skirt of foil wrapped Around the trunk and fasten the foil to make a skirt with a sharp edge. Ants to climb over the sharp edge of the foil can't.
A belt of Scotch In the next video, one of the summer resident noticed talks about his experience of the protection of currant bushes against ants by means of double-sided tape
Oil barrier
And a little interesting about the ants... If suddenly all gardeners of our country will be angry ants and then apply inhumane methods... whom we have to restore the number of these beneficial insects! Watch the video :)
We all have to protect their land from adverse weather conditions, disease, pests — legged, four-legged and two-legged... And how cleverly and shrewdly we do it, affects not only the crop this year, but the nature of tomorrow's century. Let's not forget about it.
Source: www.7dach.ru

Human ingenuity has given rise to hundreds of different methods — from the benign to the cruel.
But we must always remember: all living organisms are involved in a complex chain, and if you remove one of the links disturbed the ecological balance. The cottagers are unlikely to gain the desired peace, if you really exterminate ants on the site: then it will have to contend with a much more "blood-thirsty enemies, which kept them just destroyed the ants.
Therefore, we consider only those methods of struggle that relate to humane. They are not destroyed, and only deter the ants from the site with useful crop plants, or just block the access ways to them. Such methods will not harm the ants themselves, allowing them to transfer their activity to other natural areas.
Transfer and shading of nests If the area has a lot of small murowanica, you can move them away from giving. It's pretty easy to do with a shovel or scoop.
About your experience to evict the ants from the greenhouse says Valery Medvedev. Watch the video.
From a small ant can be eliminated by means of the shade. It is known that ants build their homes just for the warm sun, they need to warm up pupae, to accustom them to the light. If densely to shade a small ant hill — he will pretty soon empty.
Attention! Years of deep the nests will not to move or survive a shadow.
Deterrent methods Garden ants are sensitive to smells, and this can be used to drive away unwanted guests.
Plant repellents are Able to deter ants:
- Tansy
- Parsley
- Anis
- Mustard
- Laurel
- Mint
- Valerian
- Marigolds
- Carnation
- Bow
- Garlic
Tree trunks is recommended to RUB with garlic. Unpleasant scent the ants leave, finding a more comfortable place.
Valerian, marigolds and mint can be planted between the beds or in the unloading zone of the trees (a double benefit: ants and scare off, and natural medicine will serve))
I advise to spray protected plants infusion of spicy Cayenne pepper, mint or lavender, marigolds or wormwood, infusion of onion peel
Means-repellents, Many gardeners have tried these techniques and now sharing their findings. They offer:
Sprinkle paths of ants and anthills
- wood ashes
- ground cinnamon
- coarse salt
- tobacco dust
- soot
- bone meal
- red pepper
- a mixture of ash, crushed tree bark and lime
Claim: the ants are so unpleasant to this neighborhood, they leave "their" place.
An anthill and next to it put potato peelings.
If their is big enough, the ants prefer to move.
Corrugated Board width of 20-25 cm to sprinkle with a solution of soot and cover them in the nest for 2-3 days. Ants hate the smell of soot.
Water the track and the ant urine (urine)
Argue that this is a very effective method. Importantly, urine on all the ants enough. But! there are data, that urine inhibits root system of the plant (said about plants that were watered 1 time a week for the so-called Japanese method).
The lambskin is cut into long strips with a width of about 1 cm and tied the shoots of raspberries at a distance of 13 to 18 cm from the ground (with fur on the outside). Recommend to grease with strips of crude carbolic acid. The smell of this acid expels ants and saves berry bushes.
The following video describes a simple and effective method of repelling millet.
Attention! Approval experienced gardeners, it is useless to throw an anthill tops of tomatoes, mint leaves or finely chopped garlic – ants just take away the source of the unpleasant smell away.
Barrier methods these methods are based on physically blocking the path of the ants to the plants, create an irresistible insect barriers.
Water barrier a Car tire cut in half in a circle. To dig under the trees in a pre-prepared circular groove, pour water. The ants will not be able to overcome a water barrier, so that the aphids on the tree (Bush) will not.
Water in the rings will serve as a drinking bowl for wasps, bees and small birds, which is useful for the garden. If you add pine concentrate, the smell will deter insects.
Skirt of foil wrapped Around the trunk and fasten the foil to make a skirt with a sharp edge. Ants to climb over the sharp edge of the foil can't.
A belt of Scotch In the next video, one of the summer resident noticed talks about his experience of the protection of currant bushes against ants by means of double-sided tape
Oil barrier
- It is recommended to smear the trunks of trees and shrubs (surrounding strips) sunflower oil. Ants will not crawl at the oil field.
- The recipe of our grandmothers: "Rubbing hemp oil or juice of the stems of the lupine , the lower part of a fruit tree and not a single ant dares to climb them". It's worth a try)
- Must clear the area of stumps, old planks of woodwhich the ants can use to build the nest.
- It is recommended that mechanically destroy earthen mounds — spring and fall deep digging the soil and repeated loosening during the summer.
- Prepare a solution of sugar, syrup or jam. Proportions: 1 Cup of product to mix it in a bucket of water. All of this translates directly into the anthill. Ants leave. The reason is that their stocks of ants is stored in the form of carbohydrates-sugars. In the soil there is yeast (natural). When the anthill is poured a solution of sugar, yeast multiply and spread throughout the ant's stockpiles. This forces the inhabitants underground storage to relocate.
And a little interesting about the ants... If suddenly all gardeners of our country will be angry ants and then apply inhumane methods... whom we have to restore the number of these beneficial insects! Watch the video :)
We all have to protect their land from adverse weather conditions, disease, pests — legged, four-legged and two-legged... And how cleverly and shrewdly we do it, affects not only the crop this year, but the nature of tomorrow's century. Let's not forget about it.
Source: www.7dach.ru