Amazing Ants tailors
These crumbs are so well developed communication between individuals, these ants are, in fact, developed a social network!
12 ph via bigmir.net
1. Extrude glue bottle - the version performed by an insect. This adult ant-Taylor of Australia holds in the jaws of the larva, which is extracted from silk, using sticky secreted her secret to join the leaves in an anthill. Only some insects are smart enough to arrange well so his house.
2. When the tailors ants build a nest from Malaysia, they must apply one sheet to another. Insects together hold each piece jaws and legs to bring it to the desired location. To work if they create a kind of "cooperative."
3. nests of these ants can be very large - that is, located in Cambodia, eight inches wide. Often they can reach a length of one or two feet. The socket can withstand the weight of half a million individuals living in it, which is the equivalent weight of a large domestic cat. A huge number of nests located in trees.
4. Save the Queen! If they are disturbed by a stranger, a special caste of worker ants surround their queen to protect her. At least that's what usually happens in Australian ants tailors. Queen queen is the organizing element of this super-organism, tens of millions of eggs she lays in a few years of his life.
5. The quantity and speed of ants tailors can take precedence over scorpions and other insects. These ants are hunters from Cambodia defeated his scorpion's nest to become food for the larvae which need protein.
6. An adult ant tailor in kirirom national park, Cambodia. Red beetles, scale insects, the ants bite them, secrete a substance that is a source of carbohydrates for an ant.
7. It serves fried chicken in Angkor Wat, Cambodia - with fish paste and milled ants. The dish is a delicacy for most of Asia and parts of Australia.
8. Ants tailors photographer hinted that do not wish to be photographed.
9. Ants tailors can deal with the African ant, which is twice their size. Whatever the threat from the outside, ants tailors always fight together. They secrete pheromones that are pushing each other in militancy.
10. The spider web of entangled ant.
11. Spider-racer Cosmophasis (left) entered the ant nest, using chemical mimicry. The spider eats the larvae of ants and thereby allocates a substance that mimics the smell of ant colony so the ants do not notice the stranger. But deceive another ant colony same smell spider will not be able.
12. Spider-racer Myrmarachne creeps up to the ant (right). This spider is so outwardly resembles an ant that predators that feed on spiders, it is usually overlooked.
12 ph via bigmir.net
1. Extrude glue bottle - the version performed by an insect. This adult ant-Taylor of Australia holds in the jaws of the larva, which is extracted from silk, using sticky secreted her secret to join the leaves in an anthill. Only some insects are smart enough to arrange well so his house.
2. When the tailors ants build a nest from Malaysia, they must apply one sheet to another. Insects together hold each piece jaws and legs to bring it to the desired location. To work if they create a kind of "cooperative."
3. nests of these ants can be very large - that is, located in Cambodia, eight inches wide. Often they can reach a length of one or two feet. The socket can withstand the weight of half a million individuals living in it, which is the equivalent weight of a large domestic cat. A huge number of nests located in trees.
4. Save the Queen! If they are disturbed by a stranger, a special caste of worker ants surround their queen to protect her. At least that's what usually happens in Australian ants tailors. Queen queen is the organizing element of this super-organism, tens of millions of eggs she lays in a few years of his life.
5. The quantity and speed of ants tailors can take precedence over scorpions and other insects. These ants are hunters from Cambodia defeated his scorpion's nest to become food for the larvae which need protein.
6. An adult ant tailor in kirirom national park, Cambodia. Red beetles, scale insects, the ants bite them, secrete a substance that is a source of carbohydrates for an ant.
7. It serves fried chicken in Angkor Wat, Cambodia - with fish paste and milled ants. The dish is a delicacy for most of Asia and parts of Australia.
8. Ants tailors photographer hinted that do not wish to be photographed.
9. Ants tailors can deal with the African ant, which is twice their size. Whatever the threat from the outside, ants tailors always fight together. They secrete pheromones that are pushing each other in militancy.
10. The spider web of entangled ant.
11. Spider-racer Cosmophasis (left) entered the ant nest, using chemical mimicry. The spider eats the larvae of ants and thereby allocates a substance that mimics the smell of ant colony so the ants do not notice the stranger. But deceive another ant colony same smell spider will not be able.
12. Spider-racer Myrmarachne creeps up to the ant (right). This spider is so outwardly resembles an ant that predators that feed on spiders, it is usually overlooked.