The gardener put the plates under the feet of the table, and the insect problem disappeared by itself.
Ants in the garden The phenomenon is frequent and unpleasant for any owner. Insects don't ask permission. They build their houses on the human site, eat leaves, spoil the appearance of the garden.
Garden ants can be understood: they are trying to survive, find a suitable habitat, avoid meeting enemies. Ants just want to reproduce and enjoy life. But a person with such neighbors is usually uncomfortable.
Of course, in specialized stores there are enough funds with which you can destroy any pests.
But the careful owners are more concerned about another question. How to deal with ants with folk remediesWithout wasting money on buying foul-smelling mixtures.
In addition, the use of chemistry requires work in gloves and a respirator, and can also have unwanted side effects for both humans and pets, as well as plants.
If you like to eat in the garden, you probably noticed that the dining table ants for unknown reasons also consider their own. The thing is that insects have a common feature with people - love for delicious food and sweets. And if you get bored every time. plate outTake the next trick.
The ants are going to eat your dinner by climbing on his legs. The challenge is to block this path. Take 4 tin or plastic plates and put each under the leg of the chair. Pour water into each container. Insects will not be able to overcome this barrier and will be forced to retreat hungry.
However, ants are famous for their persistence. Of course, insects will not build a raft to swim to the table and eat your lunch. But they'll find food nearby. Therefore, if there is no desire to share food and territory with insects, fight the war to a victorious end.
Create antsarm You can do it yourself. Put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and generously pour red pepper. Carefully move and, without waiting for cooling, pour on an anthill or other place of mass accumulation of ants.
Do not forget that ants love sweets and find them easily. Therefore, do not leave uneaten food or cans of drinks. Even a minimal amount of food is enough to feed an army of insects. You want it?
DepositPhotos helps garden-ant and products with a pungent smell, such as ammonia or kerosene. Certain types of plants are also suitable. So, some store remedies against ants consist of rubbed chamomile inflorescences. Also help wormwood, baguli.
Those who pity killing insects can get rid of them by transporting an anthill to another place, such as a forest. However, ants build their house thoroughly, so part of it together with the inhabitants can be underground. This means that the insects will soon reproduce again.
How to deal with garden antsIf no methods help, apply more sophisticated methods of pest control. And in this war it is quite possible to do with improvised means without any chemistry.
Now you know how to beat ants on your territory. Use your knowledge boldly and let nothing prevent you from enjoying the fresh air in your own garden.
How do you fight insects? Share your experience in the comments.
Garden ants can be understood: they are trying to survive, find a suitable habitat, avoid meeting enemies. Ants just want to reproduce and enjoy life. But a person with such neighbors is usually uncomfortable.

Of course, in specialized stores there are enough funds with which you can destroy any pests.
But the careful owners are more concerned about another question. How to deal with ants with folk remediesWithout wasting money on buying foul-smelling mixtures.
In addition, the use of chemistry requires work in gloves and a respirator, and can also have unwanted side effects for both humans and pets, as well as plants.

If you like to eat in the garden, you probably noticed that the dining table ants for unknown reasons also consider their own. The thing is that insects have a common feature with people - love for delicious food and sweets. And if you get bored every time. plate outTake the next trick.
The ants are going to eat your dinner by climbing on his legs. The challenge is to block this path. Take 4 tin or plastic plates and put each under the leg of the chair. Pour water into each container. Insects will not be able to overcome this barrier and will be forced to retreat hungry.

However, ants are famous for their persistence. Of course, insects will not build a raft to swim to the table and eat your lunch. But they'll find food nearby. Therefore, if there is no desire to share food and territory with insects, fight the war to a victorious end.

Create antsarm You can do it yourself. Put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and generously pour red pepper. Carefully move and, without waiting for cooling, pour on an anthill or other place of mass accumulation of ants.
Do not forget that ants love sweets and find them easily. Therefore, do not leave uneaten food or cans of drinks. Even a minimal amount of food is enough to feed an army of insects. You want it?

DepositPhotos helps garden-ant and products with a pungent smell, such as ammonia or kerosene. Certain types of plants are also suitable. So, some store remedies against ants consist of rubbed chamomile inflorescences. Also help wormwood, baguli.
Those who pity killing insects can get rid of them by transporting an anthill to another place, such as a forest. However, ants build their house thoroughly, so part of it together with the inhabitants can be underground. This means that the insects will soon reproduce again.

How to deal with garden antsIf no methods help, apply more sophisticated methods of pest control. And in this war it is quite possible to do with improvised means without any chemistry.
Now you know how to beat ants on your territory. Use your knowledge boldly and let nothing prevent you from enjoying the fresh air in your own garden.
How do you fight insects? Share your experience in the comments.
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