The challenge that stretches for 5 hours
My doctor says that for 30 years the first time sees such, I myself do not say anything - I have only 11 years of experience and I have seen this except only in the movies.
The occasion to call "pants" a woman of 69 years. The note said, "is on the oxygen machine." What kind of machine? Ventilator or simply oxygen balloons? - Is it not written, so go and wonder what to take on the challenge.
- And for sure it is not suffocated the first day of time on the oxygen ... - this is my doctor that there are assessing and how. - Most likely COPD bronhialka, pneumonia, chronic anything ...
We took a nebulizer, cardiograph and of our box.
We have podedu meets sick daughter. When it met here so few bother - there is a possibility that a call is waiting for us complete w ...
While the drive to lift the doctor already had a daughter tries vysnit there and how.
- It has been all week long pants, but that she is periodically, and then passes, but this week it is blue, it is blue, and there is something like - everything goes, then again turn blue pants and strong. We have bought her oxygen machine and all week she was on oxygen. Oxygen advised her the last time two years ago, she had pneumonia code occurred. As if this is not had pneumonia too ... But then she did not dark blue ...
Listening to the conversation, and I do not like the whole thing, judging by the expression of the doctor it is also very, very not like that my daughter says.
13th floor ...
Now I write and think - going to this challenge, in the apartment, leaving the elevator, I did not know what I was seeing ... Yes ... It turned my world)))
And here we enter into the room where we invited my daughter, put his clothes on the floor and our view falls on the bed ...
On the double bed, taking it all from end to end is a huge pile of a being covered with a blanket, panting, hissing oxygen generator next to the tube which goes somewhere to the weight of something lying on the bed and lost in its depths.
When approaching creature was a man lying on his left side, a man of incredible shapes and sizes.
Such a body I had never seen ever in my life and my feeling is hard to describe. I will say though rough, but succinctly - it was a carcass, a carcass of 300 kg of live weight.
Her leg - it's my body, I could put myself in the carcasses of 20 times exactly.
In the words of his daughter - my mother does not go out of the house for 15 years, does not move in the apartment of 10 years, does not get out of bed the last five years.
By the way my daughter, too plump, but this has yet to grow and grow ...
Two years ago, a woman was congestive pneumonia, incidentally treated more or less, but since then it has periodically pants, but last week all just really bad and start to turn blue.
Otkovyryat of blankets is that the body becomes prominent ogromennye face, neck and limbs with the blue, with a blue face so well. Oxygen enters through the nasal tube from the generator. So very good
My first thought - PE small branches.
We stand and watch the doctor and to the whole thing and think what? AS? THIS IS HOW IT haul to the hospital ???? We are even a centimeter on the bed did not move, so I did not even lift her leg. And to the hospital should be accurate. Do not leave it as is likely with blue tromboemoliey. He does not leave. Die, and then we all wear out and do not care about all the fact that there is so much weight and everything ...
Okay, granted, I think about it my doctor (the number dropped in shock at the window))), and she began to take off an electrocardiogram, or rather trying to shoot. Crocodiles electrodes do not cling to it like her whole body - legs, arms so voluminous that the way the electrodes do not cling, had to take them off and adhesive glue themselves electrodes to the body, with the chest is also a problem - the patient dezhit on the left side and turn on the back it can not be - the words of her mother's daughter then suffocate, and indeed the mother bass rumbles that he would not turn over.
By the way, the patient is conscious, talking to us ... We have a doctor with great difficulty, she measured the pressure on the wrist - only there could barely wrap around our mantle. If everything is correct intends - is 180 by 100. I think for such a body is not enough to be, although the wrist and can be trusted it so strange deliberate pressure.
Sugar is normal, which is also strange, it seems there certainly has to be diabetes with high sugar, but no ... My pulse oximeter refused to take such a thickness of a finger, or rather he showed a straight line and shut down, so it was necessary to measure the oxygen saturation in the eye. Probably 75 80 - 85 somewhere within this range. The person with the blue, but the blue of the blue was really terrible as many blue, lilac so, this turned pale blue, and even the face and pinker, lips, neck and limbs as well. So there is somehow waves. So bad, it's good.
Shortness of breath is 40, then 28 - 32 where it is so.
On ECG overdrive all the cavities of the heart. It is understandable - a weight. As my doctor said that the type of S- ECG does not exclude PE small branches. While here in my opinion is not bad cardiogram - a clear picture on it no thromboembolism, heart attack, no, yes overload, of course, yes prevails everywhere tooth S. However, in general, and not good either, but it seems like at the moment is not deadly.
I thought the catheter into the vein does not deliver. Where? That is where to put it? When the hand is one continuous soft gelatinous fat under the skin when they are non-positive for our harness ... But the torment and trying unsuccessfully to put the thickest and longest cubital catheter is in buried under fat cubital vein - I gave it up, and how not weird the first time put a catheter in the vein of the wrist - where fat was not so much.
Heparin is administered.
- You go to the hospital? - With a sigh, asked the doctor in the hope that the patient refuses, then we would be two hours left to the asset, even though so that's not fair of course, but to drag it into the car neither I nor the doctor did not understand.
- I do not know ... - brobasilo being
- Will Travel. Will Travel. - Naperlo her daughter. - She what's to die or what? Do not hesitate to go!
- Well I'll go to the hospital ... - surrendered under the onslaught of a sick daughter.
The doctor sighed at the window, I was horrified to how it shall be presented, and no longer on the chair)))
While my mother's daughter collected documents and of at least some clothes, although I'm thinking that the clothes on this being a long time in the house was not - judging by the fact that it was covered with a blanket and all, and probably always has been. But give the daughter to look for my mother at least something to the hospital, the doctor and began to think how to carry out the loading of the body in the car, and then unload it from the car to the hospital.
- I even scary to think ... But somehow, our stretchers survive? And the car? And there in the hospital as the will?
We call on center and request to be invited to our rescue service. In another way. I think our patient even in the doorway not fit ... And how to carry something of her. It is already five years old do not go ...
Center promises to rescue ... go for drags and just in case captured Balon oxygen mask. FIG knows that will result in the blue of her ...
The driver said that I rarely swear, and he knows it, but the fact that there is now calling it complete and unconditional fucked up and that to resolve it, we'll be long and juicy, and that this matter forward to the rescuers and all will happen next is unknown ... < br />
The doctor wrote a card, I write prescriptions, but neither he nor I have not written anything since we all thought only about how ...
40 minutes later they rolled rescuers. The crew of three men including the medic.
- It can be moved? What hemodynamics? It is stable?
- Yes, it is possible to move it should only lie on your left side or suffocate under its own weight, but it is currently stable ...
Stable it? That is the question. It was terrible to think if suddenly so casually it stops - how to swing such a machine?
Okay. Stable now, this moment. Pressure is normal for oxygen do not even blue at all, cardiogram more or less ...
Rescuers tried to give our scraper what got
- It is this your cloth clean ... there even her foot would not fit ...
They have their own scraper, they do all their own and they know what to do, I asked to step aside and not interfere, do not interfere, they will do and we will deliver the car is being unharmed. Only asked our hard stretcher with wheels of the car.
They brought a stretcher, with them pinned our driver, what type of escort ... what he saw horrified and so silently faded under the guise back in the car))) By the way was under the impression then the whole day)))
We do not interfere in the affairs of the rescuers, but only watched and did as they asked to do.
First they took counsel how best to our narrow stretcher laid without changing its position on the side. I, meanwhile, will stand the thought of you legs and wheels of these stretchers when they lift and will be rolled and then cram into the car. Feet hlipenkie and wheels the more and more serious thinking spread rot my brain - we'll be there at the hospital unload these things - neither the doctor nor I had no idea of this, but also what it would be necessary just in case, keep away from these 300 kg lest they be accidentally squashed - such a death is not part of whose plans.
Lifeguards asked my daughter more or less strong sheets and handed them through our stretcher, such as sheets, as well as some of his straps and dragged her under the scraper body Huge ... Install a stretcher with legs folded at the bottom of the bed.
- We called another outfit firefighters in the rescue ... and ... that the lifter to lift the door slightly to expand and block until we ship there, the main thing that the weight of the elevator broke down and got stuck ...
While this and that while deliberating until our adjusted their oxygen that would switch the patient with oxygen generator in our Balon during transportation and loading into a car that she would not let God choked in the process ... firefighters arrived - five people. Stomped into the room, his boots clattering, swishing her the clothes of ... catches them a slight odor - probably directly from any conflagration, and to us))) Guys hefty - all these raise, and delivered to the right place even without tension. Really operational firefighters are always so - ogromennye pitching as they are encountered on the job - so much admire their physical strength)))
Grasp the strap scraper for sheets, stretched through the body, for some more straps that are threaded under the same patient, eight people pulled her out of bed on our stretchers.
Stretcher creaked wheels sprawled on the floor ... But as long as everything goes - legs and casters until they are picked up and released the legs until all quiet until everything is calm and lying down on the floor in such a litter will survive all, but when they put on feet, what will happen ... that's what I thought with horror.
Switch to our oxygen Balon, wearing a mask, rescuers tied ailing firm firmly sheets and straps to our own stretcher and slowly dragged eight people pulled the stretcher out of the apartment.
Caused by the lifter was standing at the ready to razdvizheniya elevator doors and lock the elevator. Stretcher creaked, but the onslaught of eight people dragged dragged on the floor flat, barely climbed into the apartment door, then on the floor of the hall to the other prekvartirnogo doors enclosing elevator hall. And everything came to a halt. Doors leading to the elevators were too narrow that to miss our stretchers with being on them lying - to open only one wing, and our creature crawls way into this hole ... You stretchers were great, but the fact that they were not fit into the opening of one leaf, while the second was nailed shut. Well that wooden door ...
Well, that is what the rescuers. Two minutes and raskurochennye door stood near the garbage disposal. I wonder what the neighbors will say later on here is ...
Stretcher vvoloklis in an open freight elevator, the elevator operator clicked on some lever and doors were gradually closed. With the patient went to only one lifeguard medical - feared overdrive.
- The main thing now is not to get stuck - it was a replica of the closing door.
Firefighters and two rescuer flooded down the stairs, we with the doctor, the patient's daughter went to the other elevator.
It comes the most crucial and terrible phase - the rise in the legs and stretchers zapihivanie them in the car. To be honest I did not want to look at it, I generally go somewhere to get away, get away, and then come when everything is already completed and the patient transferred to the unit.
Eight people were also dragged pulled the stretcher out of the elevator and handed them through the pre-open iron door entrance (thank God the width of the door enough full), then lifted the stretcher arms and hands is taken down from the access steps to the tarmac, dragging pulled a stretcher to the car and ...
The doctor, the driver and I was horrified thinking about the same began to watch the most terrible moment and think whether bummer feet have stretchers or not, whether it vpihnetsya body inside our small gazelki or ... Scary ...
Eight people have raised our stretcher, the driver ran up, pulled the lever that they have dropped the legs. Feet jumped. The stretcher is put on them ... they creaked, but deliver. Legs are kept, the wheels too. I do not believe it. Surely, our stretchers capable of withstanding 300 kg ... This is our litter! finally learned how to do them. Now the whole thing ought to cram into the machine, or rather set on a stretcher stretched tackle and rolled into the interior. The widths of our gazelle was enough not strange.
Four of the eight climbed to our gazelle tightening stretcher inside, the other four were pushing a stretcher on the street. Dragged to tackle, together with tackle all included in our car. I can not believe! All smoothly and clearly.
The patient certainly difficult, but climbed between the lateral seat strewn lot where all our stuff together with a vacuum mattress and a bench seat and left. With some difficulty, but fit. As I lay there in the apartment - on the left side.
One Balon oxygen coming to an end. Switch to the other - his 20 minutes is enough. Bolnichka nearby, 20 minutes'll turn.
Now the problem is how to get up it's unloaded in the hospital. It helped rescue workers, and there who can help? Maybe the nurses? If they are there at all.
Rescuers pulled his scraper and disconnect its fasteners, left, wishing us good luck. So now we are left alone with 300 kg.
One joy - along with his daughter drove us to accompany two of her relatives - two skinny citizen, height and weight around me.
If you take another cage, the two of them, my daughter, and my doctor, it may be somehow endure and remove litter and drag them to the block bolnichki. Maybe ...
Although I would prefer to stay away from it all - it is terrible to think what will happen if such a body accidentally fall and bury beneath them. That's all - death, not one person under this body we all find ourselves ...
Okay. Pitch. Oxygen in full. Our patient is dark blue, then turned pale, breathing then 30, then 40 somewhere, but in general the whole transfer in the car, she withstood a stiff upper lip.
While we went to the doctor - thought wrote soprovodki, recipes, maps, again thought with horror, oxygen hissed drove drove, relatives said nothing ...
The unit brought quickly.
First we went there without a visit to the patient that situation, to clarify whether the find may be at least one of the strong men ...
- Where does it hurt ??? - Pounced on us Doctor block - Why are you here without the patient were ???
- In car. Who will bring. We'll talk a little bit about her wish.
- I do not want to hear !!! Drag here sick !!!
And she ran away from us the doctor out of sight.
That's the whole conversation. The rude and angry. We are enemies of them is understandable. Here help no one to ask. Even specially will not do anything but watch as we squirm even can do drop it, and after a complaint that we dropped. As always. Everybody lies, and in the hospital the doctors especially. We are the worst enemies for them, and they do not stop nothing more than just to us was bad.
Sadly the doctor and wandered into the car rake 300 kg.
And not strange, but pulled out of the 300 kg machine is not even bad. Two skinny peasant, the driver, the daughter and the doctor kept a stretcher as their nomination, I watched the legs that they all jumped out and put.
Scary ... I think - if I had that reaction is still good - have time to rebound.
Pulled out a stretcher, legs looked not sonulis again admire it, the wheels rolled, rolled into all together in a block and still somehow almost without tension. Even the unexpected.
The unit received the op cry, swearing that we dragged it without oxygen.
I cut off the already half-empty Balon, disconnect the mask that we would not have been difficult and no tangled in the process of nomination of the stretcher. From unused have remained just another Balon - in anesthesia machines and probably it with the product still had to somehow put on the patient for at least the species, but not before we were in the process of unloading and transportation stretchers 300 kg per unit.
Yes, our fault, but ... why is it so shout something ...
The occasion to call "pants" a woman of 69 years. The note said, "is on the oxygen machine." What kind of machine? Ventilator or simply oxygen balloons? - Is it not written, so go and wonder what to take on the challenge.
- And for sure it is not suffocated the first day of time on the oxygen ... - this is my doctor that there are assessing and how. - Most likely COPD bronhialka, pneumonia, chronic anything ...
We took a nebulizer, cardiograph and of our box.
We have podedu meets sick daughter. When it met here so few bother - there is a possibility that a call is waiting for us complete w ...
While the drive to lift the doctor already had a daughter tries vysnit there and how.
- It has been all week long pants, but that she is periodically, and then passes, but this week it is blue, it is blue, and there is something like - everything goes, then again turn blue pants and strong. We have bought her oxygen machine and all week she was on oxygen. Oxygen advised her the last time two years ago, she had pneumonia code occurred. As if this is not had pneumonia too ... But then she did not dark blue ...
Listening to the conversation, and I do not like the whole thing, judging by the expression of the doctor it is also very, very not like that my daughter says.
13th floor ...
Now I write and think - going to this challenge, in the apartment, leaving the elevator, I did not know what I was seeing ... Yes ... It turned my world)))
And here we enter into the room where we invited my daughter, put his clothes on the floor and our view falls on the bed ...
On the double bed, taking it all from end to end is a huge pile of a being covered with a blanket, panting, hissing oxygen generator next to the tube which goes somewhere to the weight of something lying on the bed and lost in its depths.
When approaching creature was a man lying on his left side, a man of incredible shapes and sizes.
Such a body I had never seen ever in my life and my feeling is hard to describe. I will say though rough, but succinctly - it was a carcass, a carcass of 300 kg of live weight.
Her leg - it's my body, I could put myself in the carcasses of 20 times exactly.
In the words of his daughter - my mother does not go out of the house for 15 years, does not move in the apartment of 10 years, does not get out of bed the last five years.
By the way my daughter, too plump, but this has yet to grow and grow ...
Two years ago, a woman was congestive pneumonia, incidentally treated more or less, but since then it has periodically pants, but last week all just really bad and start to turn blue.
Otkovyryat of blankets is that the body becomes prominent ogromennye face, neck and limbs with the blue, with a blue face so well. Oxygen enters through the nasal tube from the generator. So very good
My first thought - PE small branches.
We stand and watch the doctor and to the whole thing and think what? AS? THIS IS HOW IT haul to the hospital ???? We are even a centimeter on the bed did not move, so I did not even lift her leg. And to the hospital should be accurate. Do not leave it as is likely with blue tromboemoliey. He does not leave. Die, and then we all wear out and do not care about all the fact that there is so much weight and everything ...
Okay, granted, I think about it my doctor (the number dropped in shock at the window))), and she began to take off an electrocardiogram, or rather trying to shoot. Crocodiles electrodes do not cling to it like her whole body - legs, arms so voluminous that the way the electrodes do not cling, had to take them off and adhesive glue themselves electrodes to the body, with the chest is also a problem - the patient dezhit on the left side and turn on the back it can not be - the words of her mother's daughter then suffocate, and indeed the mother bass rumbles that he would not turn over.
By the way, the patient is conscious, talking to us ... We have a doctor with great difficulty, she measured the pressure on the wrist - only there could barely wrap around our mantle. If everything is correct intends - is 180 by 100. I think for such a body is not enough to be, although the wrist and can be trusted it so strange deliberate pressure.
Sugar is normal, which is also strange, it seems there certainly has to be diabetes with high sugar, but no ... My pulse oximeter refused to take such a thickness of a finger, or rather he showed a straight line and shut down, so it was necessary to measure the oxygen saturation in the eye. Probably 75 80 - 85 somewhere within this range. The person with the blue, but the blue of the blue was really terrible as many blue, lilac so, this turned pale blue, and even the face and pinker, lips, neck and limbs as well. So there is somehow waves. So bad, it's good.
Shortness of breath is 40, then 28 - 32 where it is so.
On ECG overdrive all the cavities of the heart. It is understandable - a weight. As my doctor said that the type of S- ECG does not exclude PE small branches. While here in my opinion is not bad cardiogram - a clear picture on it no thromboembolism, heart attack, no, yes overload, of course, yes prevails everywhere tooth S. However, in general, and not good either, but it seems like at the moment is not deadly.
I thought the catheter into the vein does not deliver. Where? That is where to put it? When the hand is one continuous soft gelatinous fat under the skin when they are non-positive for our harness ... But the torment and trying unsuccessfully to put the thickest and longest cubital catheter is in buried under fat cubital vein - I gave it up, and how not weird the first time put a catheter in the vein of the wrist - where fat was not so much.
Heparin is administered.
- You go to the hospital? - With a sigh, asked the doctor in the hope that the patient refuses, then we would be two hours left to the asset, even though so that's not fair of course, but to drag it into the car neither I nor the doctor did not understand.
- I do not know ... - brobasilo being
- Will Travel. Will Travel. - Naperlo her daughter. - She what's to die or what? Do not hesitate to go!
- Well I'll go to the hospital ... - surrendered under the onslaught of a sick daughter.
The doctor sighed at the window, I was horrified to how it shall be presented, and no longer on the chair)))
While my mother's daughter collected documents and of at least some clothes, although I'm thinking that the clothes on this being a long time in the house was not - judging by the fact that it was covered with a blanket and all, and probably always has been. But give the daughter to look for my mother at least something to the hospital, the doctor and began to think how to carry out the loading of the body in the car, and then unload it from the car to the hospital.
- I even scary to think ... But somehow, our stretchers survive? And the car? And there in the hospital as the will?
We call on center and request to be invited to our rescue service. In another way. I think our patient even in the doorway not fit ... And how to carry something of her. It is already five years old do not go ...
Center promises to rescue ... go for drags and just in case captured Balon oxygen mask. FIG knows that will result in the blue of her ...
The driver said that I rarely swear, and he knows it, but the fact that there is now calling it complete and unconditional fucked up and that to resolve it, we'll be long and juicy, and that this matter forward to the rescuers and all will happen next is unknown ... < br />
The doctor wrote a card, I write prescriptions, but neither he nor I have not written anything since we all thought only about how ...
40 minutes later they rolled rescuers. The crew of three men including the medic.
- It can be moved? What hemodynamics? It is stable?
- Yes, it is possible to move it should only lie on your left side or suffocate under its own weight, but it is currently stable ...
Stable it? That is the question. It was terrible to think if suddenly so casually it stops - how to swing such a machine?
Okay. Stable now, this moment. Pressure is normal for oxygen do not even blue at all, cardiogram more or less ...
Rescuers tried to give our scraper what got
- It is this your cloth clean ... there even her foot would not fit ...
They have their own scraper, they do all their own and they know what to do, I asked to step aside and not interfere, do not interfere, they will do and we will deliver the car is being unharmed. Only asked our hard stretcher with wheels of the car.
They brought a stretcher, with them pinned our driver, what type of escort ... what he saw horrified and so silently faded under the guise back in the car))) By the way was under the impression then the whole day)))
We do not interfere in the affairs of the rescuers, but only watched and did as they asked to do.
First they took counsel how best to our narrow stretcher laid without changing its position on the side. I, meanwhile, will stand the thought of you legs and wheels of these stretchers when they lift and will be rolled and then cram into the car. Feet hlipenkie and wheels the more and more serious thinking spread rot my brain - we'll be there at the hospital unload these things - neither the doctor nor I had no idea of this, but also what it would be necessary just in case, keep away from these 300 kg lest they be accidentally squashed - such a death is not part of whose plans.
Lifeguards asked my daughter more or less strong sheets and handed them through our stretcher, such as sheets, as well as some of his straps and dragged her under the scraper body Huge ... Install a stretcher with legs folded at the bottom of the bed.
- We called another outfit firefighters in the rescue ... and ... that the lifter to lift the door slightly to expand and block until we ship there, the main thing that the weight of the elevator broke down and got stuck ...
While this and that while deliberating until our adjusted their oxygen that would switch the patient with oxygen generator in our Balon during transportation and loading into a car that she would not let God choked in the process ... firefighters arrived - five people. Stomped into the room, his boots clattering, swishing her the clothes of ... catches them a slight odor - probably directly from any conflagration, and to us))) Guys hefty - all these raise, and delivered to the right place even without tension. Really operational firefighters are always so - ogromennye pitching as they are encountered on the job - so much admire their physical strength)))
Grasp the strap scraper for sheets, stretched through the body, for some more straps that are threaded under the same patient, eight people pulled her out of bed on our stretchers.
Stretcher creaked wheels sprawled on the floor ... But as long as everything goes - legs and casters until they are picked up and released the legs until all quiet until everything is calm and lying down on the floor in such a litter will survive all, but when they put on feet, what will happen ... that's what I thought with horror.
Switch to our oxygen Balon, wearing a mask, rescuers tied ailing firm firmly sheets and straps to our own stretcher and slowly dragged eight people pulled the stretcher out of the apartment.
Caused by the lifter was standing at the ready to razdvizheniya elevator doors and lock the elevator. Stretcher creaked, but the onslaught of eight people dragged dragged on the floor flat, barely climbed into the apartment door, then on the floor of the hall to the other prekvartirnogo doors enclosing elevator hall. And everything came to a halt. Doors leading to the elevators were too narrow that to miss our stretchers with being on them lying - to open only one wing, and our creature crawls way into this hole ... You stretchers were great, but the fact that they were not fit into the opening of one leaf, while the second was nailed shut. Well that wooden door ...
Well, that is what the rescuers. Two minutes and raskurochennye door stood near the garbage disposal. I wonder what the neighbors will say later on here is ...
Stretcher vvoloklis in an open freight elevator, the elevator operator clicked on some lever and doors were gradually closed. With the patient went to only one lifeguard medical - feared overdrive.
- The main thing now is not to get stuck - it was a replica of the closing door.
Firefighters and two rescuer flooded down the stairs, we with the doctor, the patient's daughter went to the other elevator.
It comes the most crucial and terrible phase - the rise in the legs and stretchers zapihivanie them in the car. To be honest I did not want to look at it, I generally go somewhere to get away, get away, and then come when everything is already completed and the patient transferred to the unit.
Eight people were also dragged pulled the stretcher out of the elevator and handed them through the pre-open iron door entrance (thank God the width of the door enough full), then lifted the stretcher arms and hands is taken down from the access steps to the tarmac, dragging pulled a stretcher to the car and ...
The doctor, the driver and I was horrified thinking about the same began to watch the most terrible moment and think whether bummer feet have stretchers or not, whether it vpihnetsya body inside our small gazelki or ... Scary ...
Eight people have raised our stretcher, the driver ran up, pulled the lever that they have dropped the legs. Feet jumped. The stretcher is put on them ... they creaked, but deliver. Legs are kept, the wheels too. I do not believe it. Surely, our stretchers capable of withstanding 300 kg ... This is our litter! finally learned how to do them. Now the whole thing ought to cram into the machine, or rather set on a stretcher stretched tackle and rolled into the interior. The widths of our gazelle was enough not strange.
Four of the eight climbed to our gazelle tightening stretcher inside, the other four were pushing a stretcher on the street. Dragged to tackle, together with tackle all included in our car. I can not believe! All smoothly and clearly.
The patient certainly difficult, but climbed between the lateral seat strewn lot where all our stuff together with a vacuum mattress and a bench seat and left. With some difficulty, but fit. As I lay there in the apartment - on the left side.
One Balon oxygen coming to an end. Switch to the other - his 20 minutes is enough. Bolnichka nearby, 20 minutes'll turn.
Now the problem is how to get up it's unloaded in the hospital. It helped rescue workers, and there who can help? Maybe the nurses? If they are there at all.
Rescuers pulled his scraper and disconnect its fasteners, left, wishing us good luck. So now we are left alone with 300 kg.
One joy - along with his daughter drove us to accompany two of her relatives - two skinny citizen, height and weight around me.
If you take another cage, the two of them, my daughter, and my doctor, it may be somehow endure and remove litter and drag them to the block bolnichki. Maybe ...
Although I would prefer to stay away from it all - it is terrible to think what will happen if such a body accidentally fall and bury beneath them. That's all - death, not one person under this body we all find ourselves ...
Okay. Pitch. Oxygen in full. Our patient is dark blue, then turned pale, breathing then 30, then 40 somewhere, but in general the whole transfer in the car, she withstood a stiff upper lip.
While we went to the doctor - thought wrote soprovodki, recipes, maps, again thought with horror, oxygen hissed drove drove, relatives said nothing ...
The unit brought quickly.
First we went there without a visit to the patient that situation, to clarify whether the find may be at least one of the strong men ...
- Where does it hurt ??? - Pounced on us Doctor block - Why are you here without the patient were ???
- In car. Who will bring. We'll talk a little bit about her wish.
- I do not want to hear !!! Drag here sick !!!
And she ran away from us the doctor out of sight.
That's the whole conversation. The rude and angry. We are enemies of them is understandable. Here help no one to ask. Even specially will not do anything but watch as we squirm even can do drop it, and after a complaint that we dropped. As always. Everybody lies, and in the hospital the doctors especially. We are the worst enemies for them, and they do not stop nothing more than just to us was bad.
Sadly the doctor and wandered into the car rake 300 kg.
And not strange, but pulled out of the 300 kg machine is not even bad. Two skinny peasant, the driver, the daughter and the doctor kept a stretcher as their nomination, I watched the legs that they all jumped out and put.
Scary ... I think - if I had that reaction is still good - have time to rebound.
Pulled out a stretcher, legs looked not sonulis again admire it, the wheels rolled, rolled into all together in a block and still somehow almost without tension. Even the unexpected.
The unit received the op cry, swearing that we dragged it without oxygen.
I cut off the already half-empty Balon, disconnect the mask that we would not have been difficult and no tangled in the process of nomination of the stretcher. From unused have remained just another Balon - in anesthesia machines and probably it with the product still had to somehow put on the patient for at least the species, but not before we were in the process of unloading and transportation stretchers 300 kg per unit.
Yes, our fault, but ... why is it so shout something ...