What is the cause of the current total illiteracy of young people
When I was a kid, I was literally forced to read. But my inner rebel didn't think about the future or the benefits of reading. It was only after a while that my sincere interest in books, rather than coercion, opened up to me the all-encompassing world of literature. Now, in answer to the question, Why do I need to read books?I will say with confidence: to think and analyze.
GettyImages Unfortunately, critical thinking is not an innate skill. In order to develop it, you need to constantly feed your brain with new informationNot forgetting the old one. Try to think outside the box and find solutions to the most difficult problems and problems. Total digitalization has made this much easier. Look around: modern teenagers, and often adults, do not even know how to write competently. What kind of global development can we talk about?
Why You Should Read Books Today "Site" will share interesting thoughts of Yerzhan Yesimkhanov, a well-known blogger and lawyer from Kazakhstan. And then we'll reflect. We invite you to a discussion!
Well, I'm thirty-seven. The mood, I must say, is good. Loved and loved ones around. There are real...
Posted by Yerzhan Yessimkhanov on Saturday, September 19, 2020
It seems to me that the current total illiteracy, which is accompanied by a complete lack of critical thinking, has one important reason: people have stopped reading large texts. Stop thinking about them, working with them and enjoying them.
I am not just talking about scientific literature. I mean any large text of a few hundred pages — artistic, historical, entertaining, scientific, technical. The big one. The big text now causes difficulties simply because of its size. Just the fact of their existence.
GettyImages Judge for yourself. Most of the current formats for presenting information do not involve any analysis, no work. Once upon a time, there were blogging platforms where people wrote texts. Then came Facebook, which quickly became a text format. Both texts on blog platforms and texts on Facebook are called longrids because they take a long time to read.
But this definition twenty years ago would have caused wild laughter in any reader. Because the text on Facebook is not longread, my friends. This is an author's column. Short note. One A4 sheet.
GettyImages But even that is now long and long. Now the simpler the format, the better. First there was Instagram with his pictures, Twitter with 140 characters, then there was TikTok with 15 seconds. The amount of information that needs to be analyzed is rapidly decreasing. No one wants to work with large volumes. Nobody wants to remember what happened in the beginning. Quickly looked, briefly enjoyed, rocked endorphins - and then, to a new picture.
"It's time." And someone will say, OK, this is the time, clip thinking and so on. But this trend, in my opinion, leads to very bad things. Because, no matter what, still at the heart of any information that you may be useful in life, is text. This text can be presented to you in different ways: in the form of a paper book, in the form of a post on Facebook or in the form of a video on YouTube. But it's always based on text. The text is the basis of any scientific work. Any legal document. And almost any creative act.
GettyImages And when you lose the skill of working with big text or never had it, you automatically cut yourself off from a monstrously large amount of very necessary information. And you also deprive yourself of the very important skill of understanding things more difficult than one picture or one short video. And this skill is called very simple. think. The ability to compare the beginning and the end. Follow the logic chain. You lose that, and your ability to think is reduced to that of an animal. Accepted the information, gave a reaction, and that was it.
Read big texts and that's a problem, friends. Big problem. People can't read to the end. They are rapidly losing their ability to read. You think that when a text says, “I’m in Almaty,” and a person asks, “Where are you?” in the comments, it’s ridiculous. And it's really funny. But it is also very sad, because a person can not read even such a primitive thing. And more and more people like that.
GettyImages Read the big texts, friends. Read novels, serious articles and journalism. Try to read scientific literature in your field. It will be difficult and boring, but you will have a great pleasure when you go through this information. And you will understand that there is nothing terrible in this. That working on big text is the same skill that trains well. The ability to think about something yourself.
And we have to remember that all these wild modern theories, all this chipping and other nonsense have become so popular precisely because a huge number of people do not want to think for themselves. He does not want to study the sources himself, work on them, comprehend them. It’s easier to listen to leaders who are no more literate, but far more persuasive.
Read the big texts. And may you be happy.
People do not want to think, because now no one needs it. Why turn on your brain when you can pick up your phone and just Google the information you need? It is desirable that the answer be short and simple. Otherwise, you'll have to think to understand it, won't you? Such a sad trend only gets worse with time.
GettyImages Famous Russian writer Evgeny Grishkovets said: "Paper from the moment of its appearance went to its triumph, but came to its collapse." And he's damn right. When everything is online, and technology literally dominates our lives, is there any hope for human development? Hardly.
If you have read this article to the end, you are doing well! Now tell me what you think, Why do I need to read books?? Boldly share your thoughts and thoughts in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!
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GettyImages Unfortunately, critical thinking is not an innate skill. In order to develop it, you need to constantly feed your brain with new informationNot forgetting the old one. Try to think outside the box and find solutions to the most difficult problems and problems. Total digitalization has made this much easier. Look around: modern teenagers, and often adults, do not even know how to write competently. What kind of global development can we talk about?
Why You Should Read Books Today "Site" will share interesting thoughts of Yerzhan Yesimkhanov, a well-known blogger and lawyer from Kazakhstan. And then we'll reflect. We invite you to a discussion!
Well, I'm thirty-seven. The mood, I must say, is good. Loved and loved ones around. There are real...
Posted by Yerzhan Yessimkhanov on Saturday, September 19, 2020
It seems to me that the current total illiteracy, which is accompanied by a complete lack of critical thinking, has one important reason: people have stopped reading large texts. Stop thinking about them, working with them and enjoying them.
I am not just talking about scientific literature. I mean any large text of a few hundred pages — artistic, historical, entertaining, scientific, technical. The big one. The big text now causes difficulties simply because of its size. Just the fact of their existence.

GettyImages Judge for yourself. Most of the current formats for presenting information do not involve any analysis, no work. Once upon a time, there were blogging platforms where people wrote texts. Then came Facebook, which quickly became a text format. Both texts on blog platforms and texts on Facebook are called longrids because they take a long time to read.
But this definition twenty years ago would have caused wild laughter in any reader. Because the text on Facebook is not longread, my friends. This is an author's column. Short note. One A4 sheet.

GettyImages But even that is now long and long. Now the simpler the format, the better. First there was Instagram with his pictures, Twitter with 140 characters, then there was TikTok with 15 seconds. The amount of information that needs to be analyzed is rapidly decreasing. No one wants to work with large volumes. Nobody wants to remember what happened in the beginning. Quickly looked, briefly enjoyed, rocked endorphins - and then, to a new picture.
"It's time." And someone will say, OK, this is the time, clip thinking and so on. But this trend, in my opinion, leads to very bad things. Because, no matter what, still at the heart of any information that you may be useful in life, is text. This text can be presented to you in different ways: in the form of a paper book, in the form of a post on Facebook or in the form of a video on YouTube. But it's always based on text. The text is the basis of any scientific work. Any legal document. And almost any creative act.

GettyImages And when you lose the skill of working with big text or never had it, you automatically cut yourself off from a monstrously large amount of very necessary information. And you also deprive yourself of the very important skill of understanding things more difficult than one picture or one short video. And this skill is called very simple. think. The ability to compare the beginning and the end. Follow the logic chain. You lose that, and your ability to think is reduced to that of an animal. Accepted the information, gave a reaction, and that was it.
Read big texts and that's a problem, friends. Big problem. People can't read to the end. They are rapidly losing their ability to read. You think that when a text says, “I’m in Almaty,” and a person asks, “Where are you?” in the comments, it’s ridiculous. And it's really funny. But it is also very sad, because a person can not read even such a primitive thing. And more and more people like that.

GettyImages Read the big texts, friends. Read novels, serious articles and journalism. Try to read scientific literature in your field. It will be difficult and boring, but you will have a great pleasure when you go through this information. And you will understand that there is nothing terrible in this. That working on big text is the same skill that trains well. The ability to think about something yourself.

And we have to remember that all these wild modern theories, all this chipping and other nonsense have become so popular precisely because a huge number of people do not want to think for themselves. He does not want to study the sources himself, work on them, comprehend them. It’s easier to listen to leaders who are no more literate, but far more persuasive.
Read the big texts. And may you be happy.
People do not want to think, because now no one needs it. Why turn on your brain when you can pick up your phone and just Google the information you need? It is desirable that the answer be short and simple. Otherwise, you'll have to think to understand it, won't you? Such a sad trend only gets worse with time.

GettyImages Famous Russian writer Evgeny Grishkovets said: "Paper from the moment of its appearance went to its triumph, but came to its collapse." And he's damn right. When everything is online, and technology literally dominates our lives, is there any hope for human development? Hardly.
If you have read this article to the end, you are doing well! Now tell me what you think, Why do I need to read books?? Boldly share your thoughts and thoughts in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!
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