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Claude Saba: Biological deprogramming disease

Interview with Claude Saba
His lectures are collected crowds and seminars that he organizes in different parts of the world, attracting hundreds of participants each year. Only in Belgium, Claude Saba has more than 600 students, about the teaching method of Total Biology of all living things, including flora and fauna., As well as practical methods of biological deprogramming diseases and their equivalents, such as sickness or a state of discomfort.
< br> According to this new scientific view, almost all diseases are caused by psycho-emotional conflicts that are transferred to the organics. It is an ideal solution for the brain, which, acting on the principle of the archaic, helps get rid of excessive stress and thus ensures the survival of the organism.

From now on, the aim of the therapist is to find the cause of the subconscious, what we call "pain said," the reason, which is very often associated with the subjective emotional experience, as well as the experience of parents and ancestors
. The results are obvious! recoveries weight, cure diseases, which are sometimes considered to be incurable. Nevertheless, some method of Total Biology causes mistrust, misunderstanding. For the first time in Belgium, Dr. Claude Saba agreed to give us an interview.

What is the Total Biology?
-This Is the result of 33 years of personal research, read many books the best experts, as well as private medical practice.

Accomplished scientific work of analysis and synthesis has allowed me to turn the initial concept to the system, which gives a global explanation of the functioning of life.

I have called this total biology as it applies to all living organisms, it describes the basic mechanisms that control plant and animal life, as well as a man, as the view.

This is a purely theoretical science, the practical application of which is called a biological deprogramming.
This science is empirical, and, until the moment I am giving you this interview, it is under study to confirm its experts.

This science is based on the laws, principles, theorems, and invariants.

Practical application of Biological deprogramming lets you manage your health and correct physical and psychological dysfunction. In our opinion, in its biological reality, life is a succession of moments udavshegosya survival, and all this is due to the phenomenal functioning of our brain.

The brain is more than a supercomputer, which at any moment ready to run the program the disease, when the idea is not able to cope with a strong and ongoing stress.

In this state of ongoing stress, the mental conflict is printed on the biology of the level that is consistent with the natural archaic mechanisms prevailing in the long process of evolution.

Total Biology calls this process arhaicheski- biological code of conduct aimed at survival.

-What Is the connection of this method with the direction of New Medicine of Dr. Hamer, a German doctor, who also believes that the cause of disease is in the brain, its method is very often criticized?

-How Many others, I owe much to Dr. Hamer.

I am one of those who thinks that he earned more than one Nobel Prize for his numerous discoveries.
For example, he found a new explanation of many biological conflict, as well as systems and developmental tumors and microbes.

He also explained that there are two phases of any disease, as well as the existing links different parts of the brain to the internal organs.

He gave the definition of specific brain locks and gave them their name schizophrenia constellations.

Total Biology is basically based on the works of Dr. Hamer, but she does not always agree with all the precepts of the New Medicine.

Total Biology is based also on the work of the authors of antiquity, the Middle Ages, to contemporary authors, as well as on the work of major psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, neuropsychiatry, mathematicians, physicists of the day, that is all modern science. In particular, our method is based on the work of the American neuroscientist Antonio Damasio and others ...

I also hooked up to the system of exclusive works of Anne Ancelin de Schutzenberger on the issue of relations between the generations, as well as works by Marc Fréchet on cell-biological cycles, listed in the biological memory as semantic Project. The method used and other theoretical directions.

Of course, the method includes my personal research for the past 33 years, and the experience of my best students, all it constantly enriches our experience and, like every living science, it is not static, it is open to all new and, at any time may be subject to changes and additions.

If we talk about the method, part of the provisions of Dr. Hamer takes in it from 15% to 20%, that this percentage is the starting point of the method.

Between our with Dr. Hamer methods, there are differences, and this applies to its practical application.
Dr. Hamer opposes traditional medicine New Medicine, and do not recognize the traditional methods of treatment. It is on this point, we have always disagreed with him.

From my point of view, is the doctor's duty to ensure patient safety, do no harm, it requires medical ethics.

I believe that both directions, both traditional and our need to be complementary.

Passing conventional treatment, you can attend counseling therapist for the deprogramming of the disease on the basis of the Total Biology.

However, since then, I have been practicing the totality of biology, that is, since 1986, and I started to teach, I constantly repeat patients and their families, as well as those who attend my seminars and lectures: As long as you sick, it is important for you to continue treatment by modern methods of traditional medicine, the effectiveness of which can not be disputed in many cases. At the same time, if you wish, you can attend both sessions biological deprogramming on the basis of the Total Biology.

-But You for these diseases have a meaning. How can you claim that they help to survive, while the people suffer from them?

-You Are right that it may seem strange at first sight for a person unfamiliar with the method. But as soon as we explain all the details, things suddenly become obvious and undeniable.

A living organism works to some extent as a motor. Under the maximum load it quickly consumes fuel and stalls.

The man is also too much conflict can cause super-stress and can die.

The disease at this critical moment super stress helps a person to function in the power saving mode, at the same time providing a solution to the problem. This phenomenon of survival.

Could you tell a story, which is based, for example, biology is the basis of your teaching.

-Naprimer Dog caught a rabbit, her throat a huge cleft foot, which she tries to swallow, while other dogs snatching her dobychu.Eta paw fur, claws turns her stomach.

This huge piece of it can neither vomit nor digest or oust him through the intestine, the dog is in urgent survival situation.

What is a biological solution to the problem.?

Cancer of the intestinal mucosa ... In reality, mucous bowel cancer will give the dog a chance to survive due to the allocation of a very powerful digestive enzymes.

Take two balls of meat and throw them into two different tubes, we can see that a ball thrown into the tube to a conventional enzyme dissolves as fast as the second, thrown into a test tube with cancer cells.

Thus, after a practical solution to the conflict through the excessive secretion of the cancer cells, the dog will not need more than cancer, and it is a natural way to get rid of him. This is what Dr. Hamer told us 20 years ago
Want another example?

With pleasure!

Take, for example, any mammal, a cat or dog that mark their territory by urinating. If they would not succeed and the other cats and dogs are constantly invading their territory, they have a psychological conflict arise, which very quickly will deprive them of power.

They can die within a few days or weeks!

The only way out is for them to pull the conflict in the lower part, for example, into the bladder. The bladder begins to ulcerate, thinner. Bladder wall thinning and increase the amount of urine.
Thus, the animal will be able to urinate even more, marking their territory. If everything is going well, the brain switches off the unusual program (pathological) and begins the recovery phase of the organism.

This stage is accompanied by pain, inflammation, ie cystitis.

It will be considered vrachёm as an independent disease, but for us it is a question of the accelerated process of the body's recovery from conflict areas.

As you know, every disease has two phases, and the fact that it has been proved by Dr. Hacker, it was withdrawn the law of the two phases, the active phase of the conflict and recovery phases.

As it happens in humans?

-Do Person it happens just as well.

The disease is an archaic form of survival, that is materialized expression of the mental representation of a conflict situation. Illness and strong emotion together, are an expression of the subjective representations of conflict, accompanied by severe stress.

For example, a piece that people can not digest, can be kakim- the ugly act against him.
The conflict area may occur as a result of the conflict associated with the establishment of the fence. Breast cancer in women is always associated with the problem of nests and everything that relates to this concept, that is, to its relations with the family, children, spouse or partner.

Incidentally, it was shown that some forms of breast cancer increases the ability of lactation. Breast cancer cells liquid quality for its nutritional properties of mother's milk is much higher! This was stated by Dr. Hamer already 20 years ago, making a puncture of some tumors and exposing the liquid analysis.

-You Say that the disease is the ideal solution brain. But what you see ideality?

-Ideal Solution occurs at a biological level, when there is no other solution.
I must say that the dog, which is impossible to mark their territory, will not develop any arthritis or bone cancer, she will develop just one single disease that it will help to resolve the conflict, it is the plague of the bladder in the active stage and cystitis in the recovery stage .

The cat, who lost kittens, will develop breast cancer, because it is the only way to have milk, just in case, if there are kittens or in case if she will have new kittens to extend his views.
Ill of any other disease is not for her interest, with the aim of optimizing survival.

Thus, if a certain disease occurs at a particular point, it is the optimal solution is the brain on a biological level.

So that in this process there is nothing casual or approximate.

You say in your seminars, the disease it is still not entirely normal!

Yes, of course, of two evils choose the least brain. Instead of quickly die from exhaustion caused by stress, a person gets the disease, which allows him to delay the death and solve the problem at the biological level the archaic way.

Of course, ideally, better to have good health, which will allow you to function normally for many years in low mode. But as overvoltage leads quite quickly to death, he came up with the nature of the intermediate stage, the stage of the disease. I must say that during his illness the body operates in medium voltage, it may take a certain period of time, and at times, very long time (in the case of chronic diseases).

-You Also say that the disease is not an anarchic process.

-Who Else can believe in this old hypothesis?

Total Biology allows you to observe the smallest details, analyze them and make generalizations.

Did you know, for example, that tumors may develop to the state of a separate body with its blood system, with its arteries, veins, which are perfectly functional and can not be anarchic construction ... This giant cell work is fully coordinated, it is not anarchy, it participate genes and enzymes.

Total Biology refutes the traditional dogma that cancer is an anarchic process. However, modern kantserologiya uses blood vessels to the tumor to be injected into these tiny plastic beads, and kill the tumor, cutting her food.

For your seminars you can hear, for example, that the allergy has nothing to do with allergens or that tobacco is not a carcinogen. Do you think that a person's life or health of the nation is not related to their health?

-The Fact that lifestyle affects the quality of it, is quite obvious.

If our life suits us, then we will be less conflict, and even less disease.

For example, residents of Crete and the Indians have a social system that allows them to have a minimum of conflict. What we claim is the fact that if the conflict is unmanageable, then what would be the conditions of life, it remains unmanageable.

If you eat right, eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables, that's fine, but nevertheless, if your idea is not able to overcome the uncontrollable stress, then you develop the same disease as the man who eats with anything! < br>
With regard to the allergen, then, of course, it causes a chain reaction, but at the same time it was proved based on the Total Biology, on the one hand, these allergens are incorporated into biological conflicts, on the other hand, an allergic reaction can also be caused psevdoallergenami .

This was confirmed by serious research on the placebo.

As for tobacco, the experiments on animals, particularly domestic mice and guinea pigs showed that the conflict is necessary element in combination with the presence of tobacco in order to cause them lung cancer. However, without going into details, because we do not have much time, it is clear that large doses of tobacco is dangerous, but the risk is dose.

I understand that such statements may cause some skepticism. Total Biology is open for those who are open and intellectually suited to her research, engaging in a serious study of it.

-You Think that classical medicine goes wrong way?

I would not say so. As my close friend and colleague, the Belgian, Jean Lerminiaux neuropsychiatrist, it is logical that traditional medicine took up the treatment of the symptoms, that is, the external signs of a problem, since she did not know that it all starts in the cerebral cortex.

Silly, but continue to ignore the recent scientific discoveries that prove the relationship of the brain to the internal organs. I fully share the opinion of some scientists about the fact that the processes in the cardiac activity associated with neurobiological and psychological processes.

But this revolution in cardiology!

I recognize many of the advantages of classical medicine, but, for example, in chronic diseases, if you stop the treatment, the disease reappears, and so on ad infinitum. Treatment should take place at the level of the causes, not the symptoms. If you have a roof leaks, then no matter how much you do not wipe the floor, nothing will change! I would rather suggest to climb onto the roof and fix it.

-Obnaruzhit Conflict-not mean to solve it. With offers on the subject Total Biology?

-Lechit Not a therapist, he gives only the keys, and then the patient can deprogram their conflict. Total Biology gives specific and accurate information provides specific and targeted search of the conflict.
All are symptoms of biological response to certain events.
For example, any eczema - a response to the conflict of separation, all the diseases of the bladder - a conflict area

. Sometimes, a simple awareness of the problem, lets you use the healing process.
Very often this is not enough. Then we have to keep looking biologiziruyuschego conflict.

Выздоровление невозможно, если пациент не будет уверен на 100%, что именно этот конфликт вызвал у него заболевание. На наших глазах произошла масса исцелений, есть даже ситуации, когда это излечение становится неизбежным!

-В своих выступлениях Вы часто говорите, что ваш метод прогрессирует. Не могли бы Вы поточнее об этом рассказать?

Имея титул доктора наук, я не практикую с 1998 для того, чтобы посвятить всё своё время преподаванию. Поэтому сведения которыми я располагаю, это сведения, которые мне предоставляют мои настоящие или бывшие ученики.

Если собрать воедино все эти свидетельства, то можно констатировать сотни случаев излечения, при том, что я могу наблюдать за теми, кто был болен 10-15 лет тому назад. У меня сохранились огромные коробки с историями болезней моих собственных пациентов, а также видеозаписи бесед с больными, которым официальная медицина не давала никакого шанса выжить. Спустя 12 лет они живы и здоровы.

-Вы думаете, что не существует неизлечимых болезней?

Из 1500 больных, только трое не смогли выйти из неё. Как правило, чем дольше вы находитесь в активной фазе заболевания, тем дольше будет длиться процесс выздоровления.

И этот процесс выздоровления будет сопровождаться болями, отёками, воспалительными процессами, то есть дискомфортом…
В основном же, процессы происходят быстрее.

Если вы хотите, то одновременно, вы можете прибегать к различным видам терапии, в частности, к классической медицине.
Всё это возможно до тех пор, пока мозг оперативен. Если же мозг повреждён, то всё становится намного сложнее. Во время этого интервью у нас нет времени основательно развить эту тему.

Могу сказать, что очень редко мозг не посылает программу восстановления, а посылает программу смерти.
Программа болезни – это программа выживания.

-Каким образом, в таком случае, Вы объясняете неудачи Новой Медицины и Тотальной Биологии?

-Я сразу отделяю Новую Медицину доктора Хамера от Тотальной Биологии. Доктор Хамер не признаёт традиционной медицины и, таким образом, лишает больного лечения, которое могло бы затормозить на раннем этапе развитие заболевания.
Неудача Биологического Депрограммирования может лишь быть неудачей конкретного терапевта, который не смог найти причину конфликта. Это также может быть и неудачей пациента, который не может отпустить свой конфликт.

К счастью, существует масса техник, которые помогают пациенту отпустить конфликт.
Биологическое Депрограмирование лучше всего функционирует у детей.

Они не сомневаются, не воздвигают интеллектуальных барьеров, они легко переходят в состояние выздоровления, они не задают никаких вопросов.

-Что Вы ответите тем больным, которые Вас обвиняют в том, что Вы возлагаете на них ответственность за то, что с ними происходит. Они чувствуют себя виноватыми в том, что заболели!?

Всё это из области домыслов людей, которые никогда не видели, как я работаю. Краеугольным камнем моего метода является то, что я утверждаю совсем противоположное – нет ни жертв, ни виноватых.

Существуют лишь биологические законы. Я постоянно говорю терапевтам, которые посещают мои семинары, что они должны делать максимум, для того, чтобы разбудить своих пациентов, которые порой погрязают в маразме собственной болезни. Необходимо, чтобы они принимали активное участие в решении конфликта, ибо никто не может это сделать вместо них самих.
Без решения биологического конфликта невозможно выздороветь. Выход в фазу выздоровления полностью зависит от пациента.
Переход в состояние здоровья – это неологизм. Я считаю, что для всех наступил момент, когда человек должен выйти к лучшему пониманию биологических законов, то есть к лучшему пониманию логики всего живого.