10 facts from the life of Jean-Claude Van Damme

1. Jean-Claude Van Damme was born in a suburb of Brussels with the sonorous name Bershov Saint Agatha. His real name is Van Varenburg. About a child does not like to remember. Jean-Claude was sick a lot, was weak at school teased him constantly mocked and bespectacled, the mother forced to learn music. When he was 11 years old, his father took him to a karate club. Life instantly changed for the small and skinny boys. A couple of years are themselves former offenders ran away. Now it is only interested in the fight. At 16, Jean-Claude left school. A little later, she won the title of European champion in karate among adolescents. For 20 years he opened his own martial arts club in the center of Brussels. Restaurant enjoyed great popularity, and the bank account of Mr. van Varenburga grew by leaps and bounds, so that the young wife was very happy. But Jean-Claude it was not enough. He dreamed of fame actor. With his wife, who did not want to change the well-fed life ghostly plans had to divorce.
2. The young Belgian had an enviable stubbornness, attractive appearance and a beautiful muscular body. He was confident that these qualities are enough to make a career in Hollywood. And he was right! But Jean-Claude still had to learn the wrong side of American life, before he became famous. Van Damme worked as a driver, pizza deliveryman, a bouncer in bars, coach martial arts master, laying carpet and coatings. This last class suddenly changed his life. Anyway, so says Frank Dux, the man who sold the film company "Canon" the story of his life, which formed the basis for the acclaimed movie "Bloodsport". Frank noticed a nice guy when he was putting in his home carpet. They got to talking, and a new acquaintance immediately demonstrated his Dukes jumping, stretching and strokes. By that time, Van Damme has managed to play a couple of roles in low-budget boevichkov ("No retreat, no surrender"). The producers have taken on the role of a newbie Dukes and no mistake.
3. with the name of Frank Dux linked as the first success of Van Damme and a nasty scandal that erupted in March 1997. Then I saw the release of "The Quest", which gave good box office, even in the US box office (in Europe and Asia movies with Van Damme has traditionally enjoyed great success). Dukes gave Jean-Claude to court, arguing that his former protege - a liar! Allegedly, they started working together on the film, Van Damme and promised to pay him 100 thousand dollars plus two per cent of the profits. Frank wanted to get through the court a half million dollars and watered at the hearing former friend mud. He argued that the Belgian - an impostor. Van Damme has never been European champion, he is - amateur and amateur, do not know anything about martial arts. All that he knows, he taught Dukes. The plaintiff and the defendant almost came to blows in court. Lawyer barely kept Jean-Claude, who was eager to fill its head offender. The judge sided with Van Damme and dismissed the lawsuit Dukes. But he's going to sue again ...

4. Each new film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme is first interest is at least a week in the top ten grossing films, and then quickly losing ground. The most successful is considered a "Universal Soldier", grossed about $ 100 million. Now the actor is working simultaneously on two new projects. In one play, Jean-Claude habitual for itself a positive role, but the other will be a cruel murderer. Both films are due for release next spring. Filming of "order" (the working title of one of the paintings) were held in Jerusalem. Said Van Damme has repeatedly hit the locals appearing on the streets in traditional Jewish garb with sidelocks. As such, the Jean-Claude rode a motorcycle. Shooting period ended just before the mass unrest that engulfed Israel and the disputed Palestinian territories in early October.
5. The Western press often refers to Van Damme Muscles from Brussels. This actor owes its nickname to the Belgian accent! In one of his first interview with Jean-Claude he told reporters that he loved dishes prepared with seafood, especially mussels in Brussels. In English, mussels (mussel) and is written almost sounds like muscles (muscles). Reporters are not dismantled and instantly awarded Van Damme now known worldwide moniker. But Jean-Claude did not take offense. And as for his culinary tastes, and he did not like American food. The actor continues to impress chefs in LA restaurants your orders: parrot stew or braised horsemeat.
6. In January 1997, Van Damme won the title characteristic of America. Moviegoers have awarded him the title of "sexiest legs in Hollywood." Among women, this honor was awarded singer Tina Turner. Jean-Claude was proud to be on a par with a delightful woman. A year later, a survey conducted among American teenagers aged 10 to 17 years, found that Van Damme takes the fifth place in popularity among the various celebrities. The first was a basketball player Michael Jordan.
7. For the sake of children, for which he is an idol, Van Damme decided to change his lifestyle. Trouble began in December 1996, when the actor went to a special clinic to undergo rehabilitation. He was discharged in less than a week, but usually stay in such institutions is the month. Van Damme continued treatment at home. And in early 1997 he admitted that he used cocaine. "I lived on drugs and pills. Almost all the scenes of fights and fights in my films were shot when I was under the influence of these drugs ... "- the actor made a sensational statement. He promised to "tie" for the sake of their young fans. But in 1998 in Hong Kong during the filming of "Blaster" I broke again. By his own admission, he was in such a daze, I did not understand, man or woman. Followed by new promises. And in September last year, Van Damme detained by Los Angeles police for driving while intoxicated. The actor claimed that he became ill at a reception where he was a little drunk. A special police waited until he sits behind the wheel instead of to help him. However, such protection has helped only partially. The prison van Damme judge did not send, confining fine, compulsory treatment and deprivation of a driver's license. It seems that the scandal really sobered actor.

8. Yet his past adventures still gossiped all Hollywood. Recalls the case in February 1998, when Van Damme and Mickey Rourke showed up together in one of the New York strip clubs. Jean-Claude accidentally collided with his former bodyguard Chuck Zito. The actor had the imprudence to say a few uncomplimentary words about the latter. Zito offered to find out the relationship, and Van Damme gladly accepted. I get a short fight. Jean-Claude had barely time to take off my glasses ... Rourke then could not remember how many blows struck Zito - just one or two! Its former owner was on the floor. "If I had not intervened and took Van Damme, Chuck would have killed him for sure!" - Mickey told reporters. In October 98th, Jean-Claude went to Australia to celebrate his birthday there, and at the same time participate in the opening of the restaurant "Planet Hollywood" in Sydney. Apparently, after drinking at the reception cola and eaten hamburgers (only for advertising!) Hero of the occasion was bored, and Van Damme went to a nightclub. There he began to take pictures of the local newspaper reporter Virginia Starr. Jean-Claude, confident in its irresistibility, suddenly went up to the lady (by the way, the mother of three children), he grabbed her head and kissed her passionately on the lips. Virginia somehow offended and ran away. A joyful Van Damme began to kiss all the visitors places indiscriminately.
9. In general, his relationship with women is not easy to fold. Jean-Claude is married for the fifth time! Moreover, the current spouse Gladys Portugis dared tell him 'yes' twice. The names of other women carefully preserve for posterity numerous internet site dedicated to the muscles from Brussels: Maria Rodriguez, Cynthia Derderian, Darcy La Pier. Marriage to last was the most violent. Darcy threw for Van Damme her husband millionaire Ron Rice, as more than once then regretted. That she had to worry about Jean-Claude his coca-alcoholic period. She twice filed for divorce, but her Belgian discouraged. He could again become a charming and attentive. However, not for long. In January 1998, he suddenly Darcy accused of treason and deceit. Van Damme doubted that the year-old Nicholas - his son, and even demanded a paternity test, both filed for divorce. La Pierre said counterclaim, accusing spouse assault and battery. Newspapers savored every detail of this scandal. However, Gladys Portugis believed to swear by all Van Damme and married him a second time. Now their family relations are close to ideal. Jean-Claude willingly engaged in the education of their children Christopher and Bianchi.
10. Now the actor claims that is somewhat old-fashioned when it concerns the fine. "I love that women have always been with me, please me. I like it when they know how to cook. I love the smells coming from the kitchen when your favorite casts a spell over lunch. So it is a pity that now women cook less and less ... "- said the hero of the day in one of his interviews.
Source: www.kabanik.ru
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