Bianca Bree - worthy daughter of her father, Jean-Claude Van Damme!

Bianca Bree Now 25, she is the daughter of actor and martial artist Jean-Claude Van Damme and Gladys Portugues former bodybuilders. About five years ago Bianca could be seen on the screen, together with the Pope, but then she disappeared from the media space. However, fresh pictures girls, published edition of Daily Mail, stirred up a wave of public interest, and for good reason. Revision Website impressed with charisma and great sports figure Bianchi! The daughter is worthy of his illustrious father, and above all because tirelessly works on himself.
The publication with his father in 2012 godu

a child, Bianca worked skating, but because of the serious injuries she had to forget about the Olympic igrah

Now she builds acting kareru

"I do not want to be the shadow of his father. I would prefer to go through the difficulties, than to get everything easily. Now I go to sample "- Bianca said in an interview a couple of years ago

Bianca has managed to star in several films of his famous ottsa

"To me often approach people and say how much they love my father. It's nice to hear, but what about me? "- Recently admitted Bree
In the new photo shoot Bree demonstrated his impressive figure and enviable gibkost

As she asserts herself in. child she hated fighting iskusstva

But now it is a long time to fulfill receptions its ottsa

Bianca starred in 6 movies Van Damme and even became a co-producer of some of nihDebyut Bianchi in the movie took place in 2008 with a small role of Cassie Rabido (Jack's daughter Rabido, character, Jean-Claude Van Damme) in the film "Special task". Later she starred in "Full of Love" film, "Assassination Games" and "Six Bullets". In December 2012 in rolling out the sci-fi film "Invasion from without," in which Bianca for the first time played a major role.

Parents Bree got not only the beauty, but also an incredible flexibility, "I want to show young girls that you can be muscular, but stay feminine. You can sit cross-legged at the dinner table, and then kick the offender's ass, pretty and feminine. Thanks to his father martial arts became interested in my generation, and I want to continue his work, "- says Bree

relationship of father and daughter were not always smooth, but now they all recognized horoshoKak Bianca, she had difficulty in communicating with his father, but those days are over. Now she is with him, and goes to the gym and spends his spare time.

via fishki.net/1945964-bjanka-bri---dostojnaja-doch-svoego-znamenitogo-otca-zhan-kloda-van-damma.html
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