The glaring illiteracy of modern schoolchildren and what is its true cause
In the modern world, you can not do without the Internet, the influence of which is quite ambiguous. On the one hand – significant “pros”, and on the other – no less significant “cons”. For example, every year literacy is lost. This problem is especially important for younger generations. Literacy of the child (or rather, its low level) has become a stumbling block in the process of study and upbringing.
From children, you can hear phrases that checking for errors in messages during correspondence in social networks does not make sense, that incorrectly written words - "it's so slang, it's funny.". Such an attitude becomes a habit, and the child does not even think about how to change the situation. Our editors also have children, and we know this problem firsthand. Today's edition. "Site" Tell parents what to do and what to pay attention to improve the literacy of the child.
© Freepik Literacy of the child There is such a wording "innate literacy"She often hides her reluctance to work on herself (“someone has this innate literacy, but I am not given”). In fact, as a scientific expression, it is incorrect.
There are people who, without making visible efforts, write competently. If you ask such a person why it is right, he will not be able to rationally explain. He says, “I feel that way,” and “it sounds better.” It would be better to call it "sense of language".
Because literacy is acquired! Both psychologists and educators agree that the sense of language does not depend on any inherent qualities. But good memory and the ability to analyze information can provide benefits. Let's see. The main reasons why children write illiterately, and how it can be fixed.
Why children write illiterately
Of course, without the efforts of both parents and the child, nothing will work. Yes, it is not easy to learn how to write correctly, but this process can be fun and interesting. Think about it, it depends on your actions how competent and successful your child will be in the future. So dare!
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From children, you can hear phrases that checking for errors in messages during correspondence in social networks does not make sense, that incorrectly written words - "it's so slang, it's funny.". Such an attitude becomes a habit, and the child does not even think about how to change the situation. Our editors also have children, and we know this problem firsthand. Today's edition. "Site" Tell parents what to do and what to pay attention to improve the literacy of the child.

© Freepik Literacy of the child There is such a wording "innate literacy"She often hides her reluctance to work on herself (“someone has this innate literacy, but I am not given”). In fact, as a scientific expression, it is incorrect.
There are people who, without making visible efforts, write competently. If you ask such a person why it is right, he will not be able to rationally explain. He says, “I feel that way,” and “it sounds better.” It would be better to call it "sense of language".

Because literacy is acquired! Both psychologists and educators agree that the sense of language does not depend on any inherent qualities. But good memory and the ability to analyze information can provide benefits. Let's see. The main reasons why children write illiterately, and how it can be fixed.
Why children write illiterately
- The child has a small vocabulary. This is evidenced by many of the mistakes made in school. Children often distort spelling because they don’t understand the meaning of certain words and are unable to understand them from context.
© Freepik What do you do?. Read books! This is the best child literacy simulator. And you need to start from early childhood, read to children aloud. When the child grows up, find an interesting book for him. Gradually show other genres, let the reader's taste develop. Inoculate self-read - it's an important stage.
Literacy skills must be maintained letter. To the visual image is added kinetic (motor). - Children do not know how to check what is written and do not see their mistakes.
The ability to write well comes with experience. Like the ability to analyze, it develops with age. But nothing happens by itself, we need help here too.
What do you do?. Organize for school children cross-check When doing homework. If you have two or more children, have them check each other’s writings. There will be an incentive not to be worse than your brother or sister. But it's very important. Do not scold or humiliate a child for mistakes And don't let the second child do it.
If the child is single, write the text yourself and ask your son or daughter to check. This task will give the child sense of importanceHe was asked to verify what an adult had written. You can deliberately make a couple of mistakes, talk about it, and let your little assistant find the wrong words in the text.
© Freepik And more. Don't be afraid to correct the child.. Repetition is the mother of learning. For children, while they are still young, parents are a role model, a dictionary, and an encyclopedia. Keep an eye on your oral speech and don’t let a small family member get into the vocabulary of words that you don’t approve of. - Children confuse parts of speech and misform words.
Children can speak their native language well from birth, but learning it as a system is difficult at school. And that's because it's hard for them to analyze, Observe internal relationships and patterns. Without it it is impossible to speak and write competently, without it it will not work. qualitatively learn a foreign language - everything is connected.
© Freepik
What do you do?. Be an example! Stay literate regardless of the situation and means of communication. In your messages addressed to the child in messengers, and even in notes on the refrigerator, try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.
Create in your family tongue-trend (Native or foreign, at your discretion) Take part in the Total Dictation campaign, play a thematic intellectual game, write a fairy tale together, arrange a reading evening. In order to improve your child’s literacy, let him Exercise imagination and include creativityLet him write, paint, create postcards.

Of course, without the efforts of both parents and the child, nothing will work. Yes, it is not easy to learn how to write correctly, but this process can be fun and interesting. Think about it, it depends on your actions how competent and successful your child will be in the future. So dare!
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