Regular hero
Regular hero: "Soon the first aid you will have guest workers»
Paramedic ambulance Yekaterinburg told why after two months of work on the new system, the "03" may be completely paralyzed.
- I have come to change public opinion and people's attitude towards ambulance. This is a very dangerous and hard work. Nobody understands. All are confident that they have one - said paramedic Denis (name changed).
- Do you think you'll get?
- I'm not sure. Many on our side jambs, a lot. Not to say that all of us love their work. There are those who can not is engaged in the business. We are just ordinary people like you and the photographer's friend.
"Comrade photographer" is mostly behind him, because Dennis asks him not to show his face in the frame. Paramedic is sure of what he was going to say, he would be fired ("That is not exactly for it. They'll find formal reason, to which you can complain about»).
- We are too tired, too sick, we, we, too, sometimes we are angry - continues paramedic. - It is necessary to do its job quality. I understand that many accumulated anger when their loved ones die, and they could not help. Children die ... People think we have a shot "of all", and placed responsibility. We have a lot of these situations: you come, you ask: "How sick?" - "20 days", - "Where to go, what to do?" - "Anywhere, buy antibiotics at the pharmacy." Yesterday was another death - before the arrival of the brigade. Grandmother atrial fibrillation. Gangrene of the lungs.
- On your hands often, people died?
- I had five deaths at the hands - his eyes lit with excitement. Just yesterday, I worked another change and it seems that has not yet been recovered. Therefore, all questions are answered quickly and accurately, hardly thinks.
- Was it difficult?
- I have always believed that patients should remain anonymous. It can not be patient and to let the soul of the mountain. Otherwise, you can not just work. He should not feel sorry, but to save them.
- And what if you did not save?
- We are not gods. Each doctor has his own small cemetery. Sometimes it is large - says Denis.
It is for this cemetery and often criticized doctors. And here is a letter from an anonymous reader: "On February 13, 14 hospital child died from swine flu, it entered into a coma, a day without leaving the coma, the child died. The child has been disabled since childhood, with cerebral palsy. " Perhaps another baby on someone's cemetery. There are many hours of delay, medical errors, incorrect or untimely diagnosis.
Before talking Dennis asked me to go to the portal "Feldsher.ru" so I could see us, the patients, the eyes soon. Here to talk about their work, doctors ambulance from different cities of Russia. When you read a message on the forum, it seems that every day they participate in hostilities.
"I imagine that's Makaritch will acquire, and while the challenges of the knife go" - says one doctor, his status on the portal - "young professionals." "Work on the" 03 "itself is quite dirty. Sea of Blood, sweat buckets. If you really want something in medicine can find a job and cleaner. Sitting in the hospital and have the breech porridge. However, such a drive as a "03" will not be "- tells him another doctor. His status - "professional».
Denis is also prepared for the meeting - read some news about our ambulance. All the articles that he has chosen, for some reason turned out to be unflattering.
- I read one of your articles - delicately begins paramedic. Looking rushes to the side. The facial expression - a strict and detached. - There is talk about being late. In comments - a stream of mud! Reporters always stand on the side of patients. It is easier to show a social drama.
- Last year, I was the 25th Brigade went to change. We have a report about them - "Drive or the harsh reality." The comments not only dirt. There are also words of gratitude.
- I saw different people's attitude from "superspetsialisty you" to "you - second-class citizens." People treat us as consumers. We are told: "You are required to have to lick you just cleaners." Last change of three youngsters said: "Why do you have from head to toe is not licked?" - "And I tell you, I'm sorry, who?" - "You yourself have chosen this profession." - "I chose the profession - to save people».
Paramedic says many words accompanies nervous hand movements. Often it jumps from one subject to another ("Excuse me, it's because I thought a lot about it").
Patients tell us: "You are required to have to lick you - the cleaners!»
- We do not provide emergency care. First came the sphere of services. Patients see us as second-class citizens. So does the guide. Now it is trying to assess the "quality of service provision." As if we serve coffee in the restaurant.
Soon so it can not be assessed. We are working on standards. There may be people who disagree with them. They will never be satisfied with the quality of our services. For example, you come to the call, the patient said: "Put the shot, I feel bad." But the standard prick he did not need. There is no injection, the diagnosis "bad." I generally kills the diagnosis of "bad." What to do with it? Sit down, hold the handle?
Patients often are deceiving to the brigade arrived. They say that they have hurt the heart, but in fact they have a stomach ache. They are convinced it is necessary to lie so that we arrived, but refused hospitalization. Recently, the child died of pneumonia. Prior to that, to him four times visited emergency team and the mother signed the waiver. Now she says she did not explain that the situation was serious. Yeah, you're lying, you do not explain!
Patients should be fined for refusing admission
Call without hospitalization can be considered false. For this need to enter administrative responsibility. In fact, these patients spend wasted valuable resource of the whole team. In the West, for it would have fined them very much. Under the new law, for false calls to be asking us why the patient is not hospitalized?
People often refuse to be hospitalized because they believe our hospital bad. "There's my husband died, I will not go there!" "Son agreed, waiting for me at another hospital! 'Brigade at will anywhere unlucky patient. Hospital Office determines admission. We are not a taxi. We otvozim patient to a hospital at the place of the call, which serves the neighborhood.
We were forbidden to take on the challenge and stun travmatiku
You have heard that the fire attacked? And in the ambulance - indefinitely. We have no right to use self-defense. We ban traumatic weapons. I do not understand why other services protected by the law, and we - no. Many doctors from the change in tears go.
In 2009, we were taken to a travmatiku, gas cylinders, electric shocks, baton - for self-defense, although it was impossible. Now no one carries, because this is a club and beat us. But then we did not use them. It was a measure of deterrence. I do not even fists ready to apply, to be honest. The only measure of the tightness of the patient - it is binding, and that we have no right to use them in the absence of police. Measures of physical restraint may be used only psycho-brigade.
Came the call: diabetes, "bad." Girl 16-17 years. She's drunk. Ambulance brought a friend. When sugar rolls, plus alcohol, the person becomes aggressive. We wanted to do a cardiogram. We started to insult from the doorway. This mat I've ever had. Then he tried to pull the dog - a dog the size of a grown man. We managed to lock her in the next room.
Asked the girl to lie down, trying on sugar. We started to take a cardiogram. The doctor took her hand, and at that moment was hit in the stomach with his foot. After that, the patient jumped up, ran to the balcony. I started screaming that her murdered, raped. Cardiograph we broke, broke all the wires. We called the police. The police, it turns out, it is very well known. They took to the police. The result - the loss of two hours of precious time teams. During this time you can serve two calls.
Somehow it was a challenge to the famous club "Eldorado", which is going gopota. There was a fight. Man's head smashed the bottle. The result - a head injury with multiple cut wounds. Blood was flowing river. We began to bandage the victim's head. Here breaks a group of drunken young men, all shouting: "bad girl!". And we have a rule: one person at one time. They climbed into the fray. It turned out that she was just drunk in the dowel. We gave her smelling salts, slapped her cheeks - and she immediately start to talk.
Men do not go to work in an ambulance
90% of those who are coming to see you soon - this girl. Guys are very few. They can be counted on the fingers. It happens that the call comes to the team, consisting of girls age 22. And now look at them and think, how they're poor.
The number of teams is rapidly decreasing. According to the standard of the Russian Federation, we should have 140 brigades. In fact, the strength of 80, and 60-70 operate. The city is growing, must have new teams. But take them nowhere. They have no money. Brigades becomes smaller. In the Oktyabrsky district, for example, is now not have its substations: they took the building, he was recognized as emergency. If non-core challenges will be less, rather than be late
There is a certain order of arrival of an ambulance. First of all emergency visits to public places, workplaces, to the pregnant women and children. The second - all the patients at home. Can go home soon and two hours. The third - patients in hospitals. And so they will assist.
Ambulance cancer patients are not served. We can not even them hospitalized. They should be given palliative care at the level of district and other sotssluzhb. It is necessary to call the local doctor. We will not help anything.
We are not allowed to put shots on the temperature. We can bring down its only physical methods - that can make an ordinary person. The problem is that people do not want to answer for himself. It can be three o'clock to wait for an ambulance, but do nothing.
Posted in [mergetime] 1362989483 [/ mergetime]
SARS, hypertension, alcohol intoxication at the address - that's no reason to call an ambulance. People die every year not from the flu, but from its complications. Complications occur due to carelessness. Come to the call. "How sick?" - "10 days." And what can help the patient to the ambulance that 10 days is sick, but still refuses to be hospitalized?
90-95% of the calls that come in an ambulance, - non-core. This is the main reason for delays ambulance. We would not go with Directions to 6 hours if they were not inundated with non-core challenges. Now we take away all drunk we are. This in emergency are very bad. The load has increased significantly. Now, we work closely with the police. Just last change I had a few calls where we had to call yet to the station. This extra time team.
Drivers who do not miss an ambulance with flashing lights, it is necessary to deprive the rights
According to the standard we need to get to the place of call in 25 minutes after receiving the call. Many patients believe that soon there will be on the threshold after 25 minutes after a call for an ambulance. In this fast can be fined for being late if we do not specify a traffic jam. We are told: "Yes, turn on the flashing lights!". But even ambulance drivers with flashing lights is not passed.
Once we were flying to the emergency room with a patient who had a hemorrhagic shock. It was a very serious case. We have no car missed. We even shout shouting!
I think that it is necessary to toughen punishment for something that does not miss a brigade with flashing lights, up to the deprivation of a driving license. Because you're a socially dangerous - you threaten the health of another person.
"Ford" for first - it's a waste of money and a show
Machines are not enough. They break down more than 2-3 years of work can not. They're working in the cold and heat. They look pathetic. They rust, wear. Shelves broken dirt. Sometimes one team breaks 4 times per day. And this is idle an entire brigade.
In the New Year at the substation was only one team, because everyone else is broke. It's the holidays, and during holidays and weekends car mechanics are not working. We buy foreign cars that no one even repair - our car mechanics do not know how to fix them.
I believe that soon we must go to the Russian machines. "Fiat", "Ford", "Volkswagen" for us - a waste of money and just window dressing. Take the same "Gazelle". They are not better or worse, but is much easier to maintain. Foreign cars break down and stand in the garage, there is nobody to repair them, the details do not, and they are very expensive. Sometimes just one part of the machine is removed and put on another machine. And that is already rotting and to the end.
There is another problem. This attitude of drivers to cars. In many fast drivers who do not care about the car. Previously, to get to the ambulance driver, it had to go through a competition. Now take anybody, sometimes migrants. They do not know the address, machine coffin, clutch harness. He will sit better on the repair day than work. Our drivers take extra shifts, only to behold such comrades sat at their car.
Emergency dispatchers can even do not know the city
Recently in Moscow was a scandal, after which the team was fired. There was an accident on the highway. Patients called inaccurate address. It was supposed to serve another team. When it turned out, the team turned around and left. Maybe paramedic was wrong, and had to get help. Then it would just scolded. I believe that punishment brigade in this case - is illegal. They followed the standards. They did not have a choice - to cross the standards or not.
In no emergency logistics service as such. Controllers - not logistics, they may even do not know the city. View outside the program "Double Gees' or somewhere else, they can not. Recorded one call immediately goes another. The emergency logistics - the most catastrophic thing.
If we come to one person, but we see several victims, we begin to sort them. This happens if the call comes from accidents. At first, most difficult, then medium and light weight. About this great Pirogov wrote: "Hurry not help the one who shouts and someone who can no longer cry out in pain, and is silently dying».
We have a call without therapy - 30 minutes, with treatment - no more than 40 minutes. If at this time climb more third parties, the team substituted. We can punish, to deduct from the salary. Earlier punished only the first number - a doctor, and now the whole team is responsible. When we call in a public place and to us at any grandmother asks her to measure the pressure, the team sends its culture. It's not because we do not care about the grandmother, we're just busy. Loving family members are just feet patient
We are often mistaken for porters. If we refuse to carry the patient, we say, then find someone who will carry the patient.
Recently there was a scandal: Call the head doctor and complained that the team has refused to carry the patient. But excuse me - I'm the one with me an elderly doctor, and some grandparents weigh under 100 kg. It turns out that first we have to get him down on his hands from the eighth floor, and then, without breath, shaking hands, give him the first aid. And there was a house full of relatives. All young and strong, but no one suffered.
The funny thing is that a loving family, if the bear, it is usually the patient's legs. A team carries the heaviest. That's how we love their relatives. Once I had six times the wear of patients per day. By the end of the day just could not do anything. Hands fall off the back.
Paid Ambulance - it unprofitable business
Now you can call toll ambulance. In fact, it's the same ambulance. It happens that platniki fail and cause us. They may not be the drugs that we have. I do not know whether they have a license to drugs. We work according to the standard, as it is for them - a question of money. The patient may not afford to help. Only one bottle of isotonic solution is 800 rubles. It is for the state, that is, at cost. And how the same drug would cost them?
Now the authorities trying to restrict us. We are told that the cost of one call should not exceed 2, 5 thousand rubles. This CHI. With us are traded. But soon it is impossible to drive into this framework. We are very expensive thing for the government. Sometimes the challenge is much more expensive. Take, for example, a call to the infarcted patient. The toll ambulance with him can take 20 thousand. Dropper, drug ... oncoming normal.
We need help here and now, with this man, she could not afford to be. Paid ambulance in such cases is not suitable. Paid Ambulance in Russia - it is unprofitable business. I communicate with them. They have over the past year were no more than 3 thousand calls. And we have 2 days - almost 10 thousand. Paid Ambulance is not claimed. There are quite low and wages.
Paramedic ambulance Yekaterinburg told why after two months of work on the new system, the "03" may be completely paralyzed.
- I have come to change public opinion and people's attitude towards ambulance. This is a very dangerous and hard work. Nobody understands. All are confident that they have one - said paramedic Denis (name changed).
- Do you think you'll get?
- I'm not sure. Many on our side jambs, a lot. Not to say that all of us love their work. There are those who can not is engaged in the business. We are just ordinary people like you and the photographer's friend.
"Comrade photographer" is mostly behind him, because Dennis asks him not to show his face in the frame. Paramedic is sure of what he was going to say, he would be fired ("That is not exactly for it. They'll find formal reason, to which you can complain about»).
- We are too tired, too sick, we, we, too, sometimes we are angry - continues paramedic. - It is necessary to do its job quality. I understand that many accumulated anger when their loved ones die, and they could not help. Children die ... People think we have a shot "of all", and placed responsibility. We have a lot of these situations: you come, you ask: "How sick?" - "20 days", - "Where to go, what to do?" - "Anywhere, buy antibiotics at the pharmacy." Yesterday was another death - before the arrival of the brigade. Grandmother atrial fibrillation. Gangrene of the lungs.
- On your hands often, people died?
- I had five deaths at the hands - his eyes lit with excitement. Just yesterday, I worked another change and it seems that has not yet been recovered. Therefore, all questions are answered quickly and accurately, hardly thinks.
- Was it difficult?
- I have always believed that patients should remain anonymous. It can not be patient and to let the soul of the mountain. Otherwise, you can not just work. He should not feel sorry, but to save them.
- And what if you did not save?
- We are not gods. Each doctor has his own small cemetery. Sometimes it is large - says Denis.
It is for this cemetery and often criticized doctors. And here is a letter from an anonymous reader: "On February 13, 14 hospital child died from swine flu, it entered into a coma, a day without leaving the coma, the child died. The child has been disabled since childhood, with cerebral palsy. " Perhaps another baby on someone's cemetery. There are many hours of delay, medical errors, incorrect or untimely diagnosis.

Before talking Dennis asked me to go to the portal "Feldsher.ru" so I could see us, the patients, the eyes soon. Here to talk about their work, doctors ambulance from different cities of Russia. When you read a message on the forum, it seems that every day they participate in hostilities.
"I imagine that's Makaritch will acquire, and while the challenges of the knife go" - says one doctor, his status on the portal - "young professionals." "Work on the" 03 "itself is quite dirty. Sea of Blood, sweat buckets. If you really want something in medicine can find a job and cleaner. Sitting in the hospital and have the breech porridge. However, such a drive as a "03" will not be "- tells him another doctor. His status - "professional».
Denis is also prepared for the meeting - read some news about our ambulance. All the articles that he has chosen, for some reason turned out to be unflattering.
- I read one of your articles - delicately begins paramedic. Looking rushes to the side. The facial expression - a strict and detached. - There is talk about being late. In comments - a stream of mud! Reporters always stand on the side of patients. It is easier to show a social drama.
- Last year, I was the 25th Brigade went to change. We have a report about them - "Drive or the harsh reality." The comments not only dirt. There are also words of gratitude.
- I saw different people's attitude from "superspetsialisty you" to "you - second-class citizens." People treat us as consumers. We are told: "You are required to have to lick you just cleaners." Last change of three youngsters said: "Why do you have from head to toe is not licked?" - "And I tell you, I'm sorry, who?" - "You yourself have chosen this profession." - "I chose the profession - to save people».
Paramedic says many words accompanies nervous hand movements. Often it jumps from one subject to another ("Excuse me, it's because I thought a lot about it").

Patients tell us: "You are required to have to lick you - the cleaners!»
- We do not provide emergency care. First came the sphere of services. Patients see us as second-class citizens. So does the guide. Now it is trying to assess the "quality of service provision." As if we serve coffee in the restaurant.
Soon so it can not be assessed. We are working on standards. There may be people who disagree with them. They will never be satisfied with the quality of our services. For example, you come to the call, the patient said: "Put the shot, I feel bad." But the standard prick he did not need. There is no injection, the diagnosis "bad." I generally kills the diagnosis of "bad." What to do with it? Sit down, hold the handle?
Patients often are deceiving to the brigade arrived. They say that they have hurt the heart, but in fact they have a stomach ache. They are convinced it is necessary to lie so that we arrived, but refused hospitalization. Recently, the child died of pneumonia. Prior to that, to him four times visited emergency team and the mother signed the waiver. Now she says she did not explain that the situation was serious. Yeah, you're lying, you do not explain!

Patients should be fined for refusing admission
Call without hospitalization can be considered false. For this need to enter administrative responsibility. In fact, these patients spend wasted valuable resource of the whole team. In the West, for it would have fined them very much. Under the new law, for false calls to be asking us why the patient is not hospitalized?
People often refuse to be hospitalized because they believe our hospital bad. "There's my husband died, I will not go there!" "Son agreed, waiting for me at another hospital! 'Brigade at will anywhere unlucky patient. Hospital Office determines admission. We are not a taxi. We otvozim patient to a hospital at the place of the call, which serves the neighborhood.
We were forbidden to take on the challenge and stun travmatiku
You have heard that the fire attacked? And in the ambulance - indefinitely. We have no right to use self-defense. We ban traumatic weapons. I do not understand why other services protected by the law, and we - no. Many doctors from the change in tears go.
In 2009, we were taken to a travmatiku, gas cylinders, electric shocks, baton - for self-defense, although it was impossible. Now no one carries, because this is a club and beat us. But then we did not use them. It was a measure of deterrence. I do not even fists ready to apply, to be honest. The only measure of the tightness of the patient - it is binding, and that we have no right to use them in the absence of police. Measures of physical restraint may be used only psycho-brigade.

Came the call: diabetes, "bad." Girl 16-17 years. She's drunk. Ambulance brought a friend. When sugar rolls, plus alcohol, the person becomes aggressive. We wanted to do a cardiogram. We started to insult from the doorway. This mat I've ever had. Then he tried to pull the dog - a dog the size of a grown man. We managed to lock her in the next room.
Asked the girl to lie down, trying on sugar. We started to take a cardiogram. The doctor took her hand, and at that moment was hit in the stomach with his foot. After that, the patient jumped up, ran to the balcony. I started screaming that her murdered, raped. Cardiograph we broke, broke all the wires. We called the police. The police, it turns out, it is very well known. They took to the police. The result - the loss of two hours of precious time teams. During this time you can serve two calls.
Somehow it was a challenge to the famous club "Eldorado", which is going gopota. There was a fight. Man's head smashed the bottle. The result - a head injury with multiple cut wounds. Blood was flowing river. We began to bandage the victim's head. Here breaks a group of drunken young men, all shouting: "bad girl!". And we have a rule: one person at one time. They climbed into the fray. It turned out that she was just drunk in the dowel. We gave her smelling salts, slapped her cheeks - and she immediately start to talk.
Men do not go to work in an ambulance
90% of those who are coming to see you soon - this girl. Guys are very few. They can be counted on the fingers. It happens that the call comes to the team, consisting of girls age 22. And now look at them and think, how they're poor.
The number of teams is rapidly decreasing. According to the standard of the Russian Federation, we should have 140 brigades. In fact, the strength of 80, and 60-70 operate. The city is growing, must have new teams. But take them nowhere. They have no money. Brigades becomes smaller. In the Oktyabrsky district, for example, is now not have its substations: they took the building, he was recognized as emergency. If non-core challenges will be less, rather than be late
There is a certain order of arrival of an ambulance. First of all emergency visits to public places, workplaces, to the pregnant women and children. The second - all the patients at home. Can go home soon and two hours. The third - patients in hospitals. And so they will assist.
Ambulance cancer patients are not served. We can not even them hospitalized. They should be given palliative care at the level of district and other sotssluzhb. It is necessary to call the local doctor. We will not help anything.
We are not allowed to put shots on the temperature. We can bring down its only physical methods - that can make an ordinary person. The problem is that people do not want to answer for himself. It can be three o'clock to wait for an ambulance, but do nothing.
Posted in [mergetime] 1362989483 [/ mergetime]
SARS, hypertension, alcohol intoxication at the address - that's no reason to call an ambulance. People die every year not from the flu, but from its complications. Complications occur due to carelessness. Come to the call. "How sick?" - "10 days." And what can help the patient to the ambulance that 10 days is sick, but still refuses to be hospitalized?
90-95% of the calls that come in an ambulance, - non-core. This is the main reason for delays ambulance. We would not go with Directions to 6 hours if they were not inundated with non-core challenges. Now we take away all drunk we are. This in emergency are very bad. The load has increased significantly. Now, we work closely with the police. Just last change I had a few calls where we had to call yet to the station. This extra time team.

Drivers who do not miss an ambulance with flashing lights, it is necessary to deprive the rights
According to the standard we need to get to the place of call in 25 minutes after receiving the call. Many patients believe that soon there will be on the threshold after 25 minutes after a call for an ambulance. In this fast can be fined for being late if we do not specify a traffic jam. We are told: "Yes, turn on the flashing lights!". But even ambulance drivers with flashing lights is not passed.
Once we were flying to the emergency room with a patient who had a hemorrhagic shock. It was a very serious case. We have no car missed. We even shout shouting!
I think that it is necessary to toughen punishment for something that does not miss a brigade with flashing lights, up to the deprivation of a driving license. Because you're a socially dangerous - you threaten the health of another person.

"Ford" for first - it's a waste of money and a show
Machines are not enough. They break down more than 2-3 years of work can not. They're working in the cold and heat. They look pathetic. They rust, wear. Shelves broken dirt. Sometimes one team breaks 4 times per day. And this is idle an entire brigade.
In the New Year at the substation was only one team, because everyone else is broke. It's the holidays, and during holidays and weekends car mechanics are not working. We buy foreign cars that no one even repair - our car mechanics do not know how to fix them.
I believe that soon we must go to the Russian machines. "Fiat", "Ford", "Volkswagen" for us - a waste of money and just window dressing. Take the same "Gazelle". They are not better or worse, but is much easier to maintain. Foreign cars break down and stand in the garage, there is nobody to repair them, the details do not, and they are very expensive. Sometimes just one part of the machine is removed and put on another machine. And that is already rotting and to the end.
There is another problem. This attitude of drivers to cars. In many fast drivers who do not care about the car. Previously, to get to the ambulance driver, it had to go through a competition. Now take anybody, sometimes migrants. They do not know the address, machine coffin, clutch harness. He will sit better on the repair day than work. Our drivers take extra shifts, only to behold such comrades sat at their car.

Emergency dispatchers can even do not know the city
Recently in Moscow was a scandal, after which the team was fired. There was an accident on the highway. Patients called inaccurate address. It was supposed to serve another team. When it turned out, the team turned around and left. Maybe paramedic was wrong, and had to get help. Then it would just scolded. I believe that punishment brigade in this case - is illegal. They followed the standards. They did not have a choice - to cross the standards or not.
In no emergency logistics service as such. Controllers - not logistics, they may even do not know the city. View outside the program "Double Gees' or somewhere else, they can not. Recorded one call immediately goes another. The emergency logistics - the most catastrophic thing.
If we come to one person, but we see several victims, we begin to sort them. This happens if the call comes from accidents. At first, most difficult, then medium and light weight. About this great Pirogov wrote: "Hurry not help the one who shouts and someone who can no longer cry out in pain, and is silently dying».
We have a call without therapy - 30 minutes, with treatment - no more than 40 minutes. If at this time climb more third parties, the team substituted. We can punish, to deduct from the salary. Earlier punished only the first number - a doctor, and now the whole team is responsible. When we call in a public place and to us at any grandmother asks her to measure the pressure, the team sends its culture. It's not because we do not care about the grandmother, we're just busy. Loving family members are just feet patient
We are often mistaken for porters. If we refuse to carry the patient, we say, then find someone who will carry the patient.
Recently there was a scandal: Call the head doctor and complained that the team has refused to carry the patient. But excuse me - I'm the one with me an elderly doctor, and some grandparents weigh under 100 kg. It turns out that first we have to get him down on his hands from the eighth floor, and then, without breath, shaking hands, give him the first aid. And there was a house full of relatives. All young and strong, but no one suffered.
The funny thing is that a loving family, if the bear, it is usually the patient's legs. A team carries the heaviest. That's how we love their relatives. Once I had six times the wear of patients per day. By the end of the day just could not do anything. Hands fall off the back.

Paid Ambulance - it unprofitable business
Now you can call toll ambulance. In fact, it's the same ambulance. It happens that platniki fail and cause us. They may not be the drugs that we have. I do not know whether they have a license to drugs. We work according to the standard, as it is for them - a question of money. The patient may not afford to help. Only one bottle of isotonic solution is 800 rubles. It is for the state, that is, at cost. And how the same drug would cost them?
Now the authorities trying to restrict us. We are told that the cost of one call should not exceed 2, 5 thousand rubles. This CHI. With us are traded. But soon it is impossible to drive into this framework. We are very expensive thing for the government. Sometimes the challenge is much more expensive. Take, for example, a call to the infarcted patient. The toll ambulance with him can take 20 thousand. Dropper, drug ... oncoming normal.
We need help here and now, with this man, she could not afford to be. Paid ambulance in such cases is not suitable. Paid Ambulance in Russia - it is unprofitable business. I communicate with them. They have over the past year were no more than 3 thousand calls. And we have 2 days - almost 10 thousand. Paid Ambulance is not claimed. There are quite low and wages.