Each chocolate cockroaches

Chocolate is considered a natural antidepressant, promotes the development of the human body of serotonin — "happiness hormone", and no one is waiting that the traditional Goodies includes something extreme. But the last time the Internet began to spread rumors about a hidden threat — the Madagascar cockroaches, allegedly members of each chocolates from the shelves of the store.
Pass such statements we are unable. Let us examine the main points of the article (the link to the article is not published, so as not to propagate incorrect information): 1."When collecting cocoa beans for production in the fall crop insects. In the future, they are in the product, as evidenced found in chocolate cockroach protein — chitin"
We live in the biosphere are not alone, and accidental admixture of any substances, and creatures composed of any product not excluded. Another thing is that this admixture is negligible. Chitin — a polysaccharide that is part of the outer integument of insects and other arthropods. By itself it is considered to be a valuable additive to foods. Chitin and its derivatives, extracted from crustacean shell, is widely used in the food industry for the enrichment of foods that are good dietary fiber. Moreover, eating mushrooms — ceps, chanterelles, russulas, boletus, mushrooms — we also eat a fair amount of chitin, which comprises the cell wall of fungi. This information is not classified, and accessed by any Network user, but for some reason information about chitin in chocolate caused a furore.
It raises questions and the method of detection of chitin. Unfortunately, the article we don't reveal who, when, what method and how much chitin found in chocolate. Serious same resources, after these findings, inform the public, application of test protocols or extracts from them. In this case the above application no. Yes, and they are unlikely to exist, because at the moment no standardised method of identifying chitin in the composition of food products.
Besides, the head of the laboratory of production technology of chocolate and sugar confectionery products FEDERAL state scientific institution "all-Russian scientific research Institute of confectionery industry" Ryseva L. I., for many years engaged in research in this field has assured us that this is nothing more than fiction.
She and her colleagues have never seen that in the processed confectionary factories the raw materials were present in any appreciable admixture of insects. That, together with the cocoa beans in large quantities are ground cockroaches — even more unlikely. Of course, a candy factory, where cocoa powder or cocoa mass is fed in the form of semi-finished products, can be unsanitary, and can be harmful insects, as in any other industry, but not to such an extent.
2. "According to the international standards, when doing a qualitative analysis of the cocoa beans used in production, the value of chocolate is determined more and depending on the amount of chitin contained therein. The smaller the percentage, the higher the level of the elite sweet tiles. Sometimes the contents of cockroaches reaches 5%. Eat 100 grams of chocolate, consider that ate 5 grams of cockroaches"
This sentence looks so strange that it is possible to assume wrong translation. Of course, in any standards — either in our or international — of such a measure of quality of cocoa beans no. And here in the US do have standards that set limits on the contamination of products by insects. According to the standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 100 grams of chocolate may contain up to 60 insect fragments, but, of course, and here we are not talking about the content in grams and percentage. For other types of products acceptable by these standards the content of fragments of insects is approximately the same or higher level. For example, for pasta content allowed up to 100 insect fragments in 100 g
3. "Many people think that they are allergic to chocolate, in fact the Allergy is caused by the body's reaction to fragments of animal organisms in the chocolate. 4% cocoa beans can be infected by insects"
Indeed, particles insects are a common allergen. However, as the chocolate itself. What you are allergic will help to identify the survey at the allergist. And the phrase "4% cocoa beans can be infected by insects" terminologically imprecise, casts doubt on the competence of the author of the material. According to the FDA standards, 4 % of the grains may have been damaged by insects or affected by mould. However, standards for other types of products (raw materials) are about the same — at the level of 4-6% grains or fruits. Remember the usual apples or pears — what percentage of apples can be damaged by insects? But for some reason this does not bother anyone. By the way, for coffee the ratio is higher — up to 10% grains. Again we emphasize: the maintenance of insects and signs of insect infestation is not the same thing. The ISO standards on cocoa beans, live insects in them, should not be at all. Talking about allergies, it can cause only negligible traces of the allergen, therefore in theory any product that can be an allergen, since any product is bound to contain negligible particles insects.
4. "It is better to choose elite varieties of chocolate (65 to 75%), they are more expensive, but the quality is much higher. Cocoa beans are thoroughly cleaned and percentage of chitin content in the product is minimal
The current standards do not share the chocolate variety, and the fact that the manufacturer decided to call their products of luxury, lying on his conscience. The indicators of GOST is the same for "elite" and "ordinary" chocolate. In any case, the quality indicators and their Guest, and in international standards, and the manufacturers are quite different than the content of insects and their parts. Such indicators in the Russian standard or not, and what indicators of quality manufacturers lay in the production of products known as technical documentation (TU), they are usually kept secret.
We suggest to choose chocolates more expensive, not to skimp on quality. However, studies conducted ozpp "Roskontrol", over and over again prove that it is pointless to look for a direct relationship between price and quality. Sometimes the most expensive, among those tested, the sample shows the worst results.published
Author: Andrew Mosul
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: roscontrol.com/community/article/shokolad-kakao-bobi-vperemeshku-s-tarakanami/