When I was a kid, my grandmother would take out a hidden bar of chocolate on a winter evening and make a fragrant drink for me and my sister, and now I do the same.

Hot chocolate is the perfect treat for winter evenings. Why not treat yourself or a loved one with a cup of delicious and easy-to-cook dessert? Tell me, How to make hot chocolate with fruity notes.

Thanks to the berries, the dessert acquires a barely tangible sourness, an exquisite highlight. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients and take them. Chocolate with more than 70% cocoa content.

Hot chocolate with cherry so what we need for one serving:

The ingredients
  • 50g dark chocolate
  • 10 frozen or fresh cherries

  1. If the berries are frozen, then put them on defrosting in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Then we take out the bones and squeeze the juice into the cup.
  2. To the juice add chocolate broken into pieces, again send in the microwave for 3 minutes. It's better to choose defrosting mode. If there is no microwave, you can melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  3. After the chocolate has melted, we add thawed cherries to it. It makes a pretty thick dessert.
  4. To make chocolate more liquid, you can add a little warm milk.
  5. You can decorate dessert with marshmallow, cocktail cherries, whipped cream or cinnamon stick.

You can also prepare delicious hot chocolate with a citrus aroma.

From these ingredients, two small portions will be obtained.

The ingredients
  • 90g dark chocolate
  • 300 ml of milk
  • 1 orange
  • sugar
  • ground cinnamon, ground ginger to taste

  1. Chocolate is crushed with a knife or broken by hand into small pieces.
  2. With a knife for cleaning vegetables, we remove the peel from the orange - only the upper orange layer.
  3. If we use sugar, mix it with cinnamon.
  4. We heat the milk in a small soteinka with a thick bottom, but we do not bring it to a boil.
  5. Add broken chocolate to hot milk. Cook until the chocolate dissolves on a small heat, constantly stirring.
  6. We add orange peel and sugar with cinnamon and ginger to the sauceware. Stir it carefully. Bring the chocolate to a boil, remove from the fire when the first bubbles appear.
  7. Before serving, it is better to strain hot chocolate through a sieve so that the cup does not get peel and spice particles. Before serving, a cup of chocolate can be decorated with marshmallow, a slice of orange or a cinnamon stick.


Such a fragrant and tasty drink will certainly make a winter evening more cozy and give a festive mood. Favorite household members will definitely appreciate homemade hot chocolate made from natural chocolate and with love.


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