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Moscow tiles - held only one winter

Deputy Mayor for Housing and Public Works Pyotr Biryukov said the claims of bloggers to the pavement slab and over the muddy streets. He said that the tiles survived the winter "comfortable and beautiful." "No problems there. If somewhere on the Internet and have a picture of a puddle, then this is exactly on the pavement, not on tile ", - quotes the deputy mayor" MK ". He also noted that during the washing of streets from the reactants no special tools to apply the tile is not planned, because she kept presentable.

Of course, by such news can not come through. The idea to pave sidewalks tile is certainly very good. I repeatedly wrote that the asphalt can be used only on roads. Moscow, like any city needed tiles. However, any good idea can spoil implementation.

Here it is necessary to clarify that the tiles can really serve for decades, but only if it is properly laid. There stacking technology, which should be followed. Doing this should be experts. In Russia simply does not have enough specialists in tiling, so we put her guest workers. Of course, about any subject technology is not out of the question. Existing rules are executed poorly, each builder is sure that "Yes, and so, too, will be fine».

Under the cut 31 Photo © Ilya Varlamov

As a result, Krivolap and thieving workers laid tiles. Not exactly laid and unloaded on the sidewalk. Let's see what happened to the tiles after the first winter. I strolled along the Garden Ring. Of course, that in the first year of tiles, the service life is at least 15 years, greatly deteriorated, you work hard. On the Garden Ring, in my estimation, 20% coverage has obvious signs of marriage. About 5% coverage needs urgent repairs. And this is just the first winter.

01. And here is the clear signs of a marriage. Once again I give the floor to the Deputy Mayor Biryukov: "No problems there. If somewhere on the Internet and have a picture of a puddle, then this is exactly on the pavement, not on the tile. " Of course, the tile could not be puddles. The well-laid tile. Remember - there should be no puddles anywhere, ever. Puddle - a marriage of the coating. To avoid puddles, to do the normal drainage to do gravity layer. The process of installation is as follows: 30 cm cut off the old asphalt, then placed 16 cm reinforced concrete, then 6 cm of cement-sand mixture, and top - Pavement (which thickness of 8 - 10 cm). The water must go through the seams. It is also necessary to provide grooves and grids rainwaters.

02. Here we see a fairly deep puddles. It is unacceptable. So began the deformation. Let's give the floor to our experts Aleksand Sushkov:

"If the tiles in a year comes in waves and appear uneven gaps - it means exactly stacked properly. The whole point of the tile that water therein is not retained in the asphalt, and goes into these seams. But they should be minimal (1 mm) and uniform, plus the porous structure of the tiles must also pass water. In addition, these joints do not give the tile "go in waves," because there is freedom for the thermal strains. The main problem of laying - in properly prepared substrate. Under the tiles should be well-permeable soil water to the water soaked into the ground. But we are in town, and it is essentially nowhere to go, so the base should be made so that the water leaking through the tiles collected and assigned to designated drainage pipe and into the storm sewers. Puddles on large areas because of the fact that the water nowhere to go. And gravity layer should be designed under the tile. »

Do not forget about the older technology devices, imperfect design decisions and their execution. Standards, but they are, firstly, not observed, and, secondly, by themselves become outdated, are not updated. To improve the quality of the road surface is now possible and necessary to apply the geogrids and geogrid, they reinforce the base and prevent subsidence, ruts on the roads and so on. Now we make the road by half a century old technology. In the civilized world is something like this:

03. That tiles, arranged in regular near one of the business centers on the Garden Ring. I tuck it 5 years ago. The picture shows that the tiles in perfect condition.

Neither winter nor years had no effect on this tile. She put the French.

04. perfectly aligned seams, through which, as befits the water goes. Very fast drying tiles and pleases the passers-by.

05. Tile a few meters, which was put migrant workers last summer. Of course, it is laying call it difficult, rather it dumped on the sidewalk.

06. The joints are different, are not filled with a solution. As a result - there gets water freezes and pushes the tile. This work needs to be redone.

07. Laid 7 years ago tile at the business center on the street. The earth wall.

08. But the new tile. Who does it stack? Tender for laying tiles in this area won the company "measurements." Since 2004 is engaged in asphalting, road maintenance and landscaping yards, mainly in the Northern Administrative District. The only owner - Gagik Aslanian, who also owns two construction company "Stroykon +" and LLC "Eurosystem plus G", as well as a nightclub "Mayer" and cafe "Chestnut" metro station Water Stadium.

09. It is evident that the foundation was laid pavement heaving soils (sand) with a coefficient below the frost meet the characteristics of the region, resulting in tile rose, forming waves.

10. As I said - the water gets under tiles and squeezes it.

11. Theft and low-skilled labor = marriage. By the way, the company Gagik Aslanian the largest percentage of marriage my humble estimation.

12. Once again, the word expert. Former superintendent Furs Alex from Minsk, who worked in the field of road construction, "gaps between the tiles should not be, for this after laying tile joints swept out fine sand or peskotsementnym solution (1k 8) in several passes until after the passage of the tile compactors sand does not ceases to crumble. This allows the geometry of the joints endure. None of this has not been done. »

13. "puddles on the tile does not have to stay, whether it is a small sidewalk, or an area of ​​several thousand squares, for the design of the surface with a slope of (1 cm to 1 m). Steal (save) foremen on the material: sand, gravel, gravel. Trough does not come off due to the marks (this is usually around 50 cm), is heaving soils, which is mixed with the material (sand) as a result of waves and everything else. »

14. Yes, it's a brand-new Moscow pavement.

15. Theft in the production of tile made it fragile and short-lived. Within six months after laying the tile in certain areas start to fall out and break.

16. In the production work for some reason, does not make grooves for water drainage from the drain pipes. As a result of strong icy winter tiles.

17. A thick layer of ice covered sidewalks on the Garden Ring in a radius of five meters around the drainpipe. No I did not find the groove.

18. Now, fast forward to the Zubovsky Boulevard. It has put the tiles LLC "Repair and construction company RSK."

19. LLC "Repair and construction company RSK" specializes in the maintenance and reconstruction of heat and sewage facilities and communications, commissioned by the Government of Moscow. The owners - Rinat and Elvira Sitdikova. I hope they remodel the sewers better than lay tile. See for yourself the condition of tile after the winter.

20. In some places, they just fall out.

21. Chic node)

22. Note the tile surface. She collapses. Apparently it was purchased low-quality material.

23. Tile after the first winter.

24. Knot adjacency to ventshahte. A bar is simply not reported. And this attitude is everywhere.

I watched closely how the tiles were laid. And I offer you an example of one area to compare the results. Here Krivolap workers of the company "Avtodor KKB Zvenigorod" decided to steal more. Remember technology? Cut 30 cm old asphalt, then placed 16 cm reinforced concrete, then 6 cm of cement-sand mixture, and top - Pavement. In many areas, only cut off the asphalt and all. In this manner, it is stolen to 50% of the budget.

The result after the first winter. Tile deformed. Note the pool (depth of about 3 cm) in the left corner of the frame and in the right slot. All of this marriage, which now have to redo it. The company "Avtodor KKB Zvenigorod" was founded in the mid-1990s for the maintenance and repair section of the M1 motorway near Moscow "Belarus". Officers: German company KKB Knape / Kirchner Gleis- und Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG and the Ministry of property of Moscow Region.

Here's another hack Krivolap at work. The workers did not make a concrete pad, still heaving soils, which is mixed with the material. As a result, even on such a narrow trotuarchike All tiles must be changed.

Laying of paving slabs - a laborious and difficult task. And we have these migrant workers are engaged. Quality appropriate. In Moscow, there are places where done well - there are tiles in a year so itself does not.

Here I fully agree with Sergey Akimov, a former chief of the repair of roads in one of the districts of Moscow:

The idea of ​​replacing the sidewalks of asphalt on the tiles of course excellent. To be more precise idea of ​​it can not be called. This is common sense. But! Why one year to develop dramatically in this huge amount of money? After all, if before such work is carried out in modest amounts, then how can there be experience with customers and contractors? Who will be in such quantities to produce high quality tiles? Where to take a number of competent handlers? Rhetorical questions. Big Head blurted, small run to perform. As a result, we did poorly.

Upon completion in late summer 2011, the Combined Chiefs of administrative and technical inspections of Moscow, Dmitry Semenov said that the total fines to contractors, stacked paving tiles, applied 288 times, 180 times - for poor organization of work ("during the work untimely removal of construction junk and blocked the way for pedestrians, forcing them to pass through the roadway ") and 108 times - for technological disturbances.

In July 2011, the head of the Department of Housing and Public Works of Moscow Andrey Tsybin said the city "will not pay for any of the defective meter" tiles. Under the state contract, for three years cover any repairs must be carried out at the expense of the executing, and then - at the expense of the Department of Housing of the city of Moscow. We will closely monitor not only for repair, but at whose expense this will be done.
