Why wise housewives put foam on the ceiling
Repair in the apartment is a responsible and troublesome business. You need to spend a lot on materials and the work of masters. First of all, think and visualize what it should look like. For example, it is important to decide in what colors to paint the walls or ceiling.
If you make a major repair, one way or another, somewhere the hand stretches to save. But in order for the final result to please the eye every day, you need to select good building materials. Price does not always guarantee quality. And sometimes, seemingly simple ceiling tiles can exceed all expectations. We will talk about it in today’s article.
How to make a ceiling without spending a lot of money? Someone will choose the easiest way - whitewashing. However, I agree, there is little beautiful in this. The ceiling can also be painted. colored. But there are nuances here. For example, poor quality paint is likely to crack over time.
Is it worth the risk if there are other proven ways? We suggest you pay attention to the budget finishing material. Styrofoam ceiling tile It's good for many reasons. First, there are a huge variety of options for different colors and textures on the market. Secondly, even a beginner in the construction business will be able to cope with the gluing of such tiles.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The original texture tiles will look like ceiling-stuct. It will not only decorate the interior of the room, but also serve as a style-forming element. This finish will especially appeal to lovers of baroque, Renaissance, classicism or modernism.
The beauty of the ceiling tile is that it can be glued even in the case, if the ceiling is not perfectly flat. Moreover, due to its texture, the tile, on the contrary, will hide all the shortcomings. By the way, this material can be fixed on almost any surface. This does not require much time and special construction skills.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
If desired, the tiles can be painted. For example, matte, glossy or latex paint. This surface is quite durable and easy to maintain. After reading a lot of reviews, we identified several incomparable advantages of this material. For example, tile creates additional thermal insulation. It is used as a wall insulation.
In addition, people note that they use foam tiles not only for finishing the ceiling, but also for walls. It is suitable as an easy-to-use material for needlework. For example, from tiles you can make various crafts and even three-dimensional paintings.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Of course, any building material has drawbacks, and this is normal. For example, some types of ceiling tiles are quite low-moisture. It is also easily subjected to mechanical damage.
In addition, it is considered that tiles may turn yellowIf for a long time it will get direct sunlight. But modern manufacturers have coped with this problem. “I have such tiles in my corridor. He's been around for 15 years. For all this time, it did not turn yellow, a user from the Internet shares.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Another drawback that is sometimes complained about is the presence of seams at the tile. However, there is no problem with this for a long time, because it exists. seamless. As a result, on the ceiling it looks like a solid neat canvas.
Of course, not everyone likes it. ceiling-tile. Some even think that it looks cheap and spoils the overall appearance of the apartment. But the taste and color, as they say, comrades are few. If you decide to buy such a finishing material, be sure to read reviews on it. And of course, don’t be afraid to experiment!
I'm sure you were dealing with this stuff. Tell us in the comments how, in your opinion, it is best to decorate the ceiling. Let's share our experiences with each other!

If you make a major repair, one way or another, somewhere the hand stretches to save. But in order for the final result to please the eye every day, you need to select good building materials. Price does not always guarantee quality. And sometimes, seemingly simple ceiling tiles can exceed all expectations. We will talk about it in today’s article.
How to make a ceiling without spending a lot of money? Someone will choose the easiest way - whitewashing. However, I agree, there is little beautiful in this. The ceiling can also be painted. colored. But there are nuances here. For example, poor quality paint is likely to crack over time.

Is it worth the risk if there are other proven ways? We suggest you pay attention to the budget finishing material. Styrofoam ceiling tile It's good for many reasons. First, there are a huge variety of options for different colors and textures on the market. Secondly, even a beginner in the construction business will be able to cope with the gluing of such tiles.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The original texture tiles will look like ceiling-stuct. It will not only decorate the interior of the room, but also serve as a style-forming element. This finish will especially appeal to lovers of baroque, Renaissance, classicism or modernism.
The beauty of the ceiling tile is that it can be glued even in the case, if the ceiling is not perfectly flat. Moreover, due to its texture, the tile, on the contrary, will hide all the shortcomings. By the way, this material can be fixed on almost any surface. This does not require much time and special construction skills.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
If desired, the tiles can be painted. For example, matte, glossy or latex paint. This surface is quite durable and easy to maintain. After reading a lot of reviews, we identified several incomparable advantages of this material. For example, tile creates additional thermal insulation. It is used as a wall insulation.
In addition, people note that they use foam tiles not only for finishing the ceiling, but also for walls. It is suitable as an easy-to-use material for needlework. For example, from tiles you can make various crafts and even three-dimensional paintings.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Of course, any building material has drawbacks, and this is normal. For example, some types of ceiling tiles are quite low-moisture. It is also easily subjected to mechanical damage.
In addition, it is considered that tiles may turn yellowIf for a long time it will get direct sunlight. But modern manufacturers have coped with this problem. “I have such tiles in my corridor. He's been around for 15 years. For all this time, it did not turn yellow, a user from the Internet shares.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Another drawback that is sometimes complained about is the presence of seams at the tile. However, there is no problem with this for a long time, because it exists. seamless. As a result, on the ceiling it looks like a solid neat canvas.
Of course, not everyone likes it. ceiling-tile. Some even think that it looks cheap and spoils the overall appearance of the apartment. But the taste and color, as they say, comrades are few. If you decide to buy such a finishing material, be sure to read reviews on it. And of course, don’t be afraid to experiment!
I'm sure you were dealing with this stuff. Tell us in the comments how, in your opinion, it is best to decorate the ceiling. Let's share our experiences with each other!
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