It was already impossible to look at the seams between the tile in the bathroom, the method of the mother-in-law helped out

Tiles are a beautiful and practical solution for finishing the floor, apron in the kitchen and walls in the bathroom. Even at the stage of laying tiles, a person chooses grout for seams between the tiles. This will depend on the convenience of cleaning, not just decorative design. Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how to clean the seams between the tiles depending on the type of contamination.

How to clean the seams between the tiles In the bathroom Tile is a durable material that is resistant to moisture. Therefore, it is used to finish the walls and floor in the bathroom. The only thing that is not resistant to moisture is grout, which consists of cement or epoxy resin. Over time, moisture accumulates in the seams, and mold is formed.

Mold not only looks ugly at the seams between the tiles, but also harms health. Therefore, if you notice a black plaque on the tile, you need to clean it immediately. Here come to the aid of all sorts of special means, but in the house everyone has funds that are much safer to use in the home.

Chlorine-containing products best cope with fungal contamination, but they often weather for a long time. It is necessary to work with chlorine in a protective mask and gloves, and after working with chemicals, you should wash yourself well with clean water.

Peroxide can also be used for light grout. Chlorine is not suitable if the grout between the tiles is not white. In the initial stages, ammonia can be used, which has a disinfecting effect. It should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the solution with a toothbrush to the intertile space.

A tool that fights the fungus and effectively removes contaminants is in every housewife’s kitchen. Vinegar is good for cleaning tiles in the bathroom. To do this, spray vinegar from the spray on the entire tile and leave for an hour. In particularly dirty places in an hour you can clean the seams with a brush. Then you need to wash the vinegar with water and dry the tiles in the bathroom. It is from the fact that in the bathroom water is always on the tile and rarely this tile has time to dry, mold and lime form on it.

From lime plaque will help get rid of soda. You can use both food and calcified. The latter copes with cleaning surfaces a little better. Due to the fact that soda softens the water, it well breaks down lime plaque. Dilute the baking soda with water to make a gruel. Apply this gruel with a toothbrush to places with limestone. Then rinse with water and dry the tiles with a clean cloth.

In the kitchen, the kitchen apron, even in the presence of an hood, is exposed to fat after cooking. To keep the tile clean, it is advisable to wipe it with a cloth from greasy splashes, so that then you do not have to clean the tile from old fat.

Sometimes the tiles on the apron are so contaminated that only aggressive means can cope with cleaning. But if the situation is not completely neglected, you can try to wash the apron with soda and vinegar. To do this, you need to apply soda on the tile. Then spray the apron with vinegar and leave for exposure for half an hour. Then the apron should be wiped with a wet cloth.

Citric acid works well with fat. It disinfects the surface, and relieves stains, unpleasant smell and sticky fat. In the spray gun, a concentrated solution of citric acid should be made. 30 g of citric acid combined with 200 ml of warm water. Shake the spray, the solution is ready for use. After using citric acid, wipe everything with a wet cloth and wipe the apron dry.

In the hallway, tiles are usually placed, as this space is exposed to moisture, dust and dirt from the street. Soda and vinegar will do well here. If the seams are white, you can make a mixture of soda and peroxide. Sometimes dirt goes well with the help of alcohol-containing solutions like liquid for cleaning glass.

You can clean the tile space with household soap. Brush with soap to clean dirty areas and wash the floor with water. Sometimes the grout looks too bad and does not lend itself to persistent cleaning. In this case, you can consider the option of a new grout.

To make a new grout, it is necessary to remove the old grout with a sharp object. You can use a screwdriver, a sewer or a knife. Then it is necessary to degrease the surface of the tile with a chlorine-containing agent and allow the seams to dry.

Choose a new grout and apply it with a plastic spatula. When the grout is dry, wipe the tiles with a wet cloth. This method is suitable for anyone who wants to refurbish the house at no great cost. The tiles with a new grout look much better, it feels like just done repairs.

The most important thing is to see the pollution in time so that it is easier to cope with it. In the bathroom, you need to turn on the hood and air the bathroom well. And once a month, it is advisable to wash the walls and floor in the bathroom with an antifungal agent. It is easier to fight with fat in the early stages. And if you coped with the bathroom and kitchen apron, you will surely overcome the dirt in the hallway. Have a good day.


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