Cleaning household items with soda

Baking soda is an excellent baking powder, which is most often used to prepare dough. But don't underestimate her!

It is also a universal folk remedy for cleaning. They clean and clean almost everything. Baking soda is safe for health, does not cause allergies, does not leave a smell, is cheap and perfectly cleanses a variety of contamination.


This will prove our collection of 22 ways to use it. Just stock up on a couple of packages of soda - and any old dirt will not be scary for you.

Baking soda
  1. Old upholstery
    Dissolve soda in warm water and treat this tool with furniture, the upholstery of which is slightly dirty and smells unpleasant. After 15 minutes, it was empty and enjoy the freshness.

  2. Teapot
    From kitchen utensils, the kettle is perhaps most often exposed to contamination from the inside. The reason for this may be the quality of the water and the fact that using it, we do not often look inside. The easiest and most affordable way to clean the kettle and get rid of scale is to treat it with ordinary baking soda.

    To clean the kettle, fill it with water, pour 1 tablespoon of soda into the water, bring the water to a boil, then leave it on low heat for 30 minutes. Next, wash the kettle, fill the water again and boil again to remove the residue of soda.

  3. Fat pan
    Mix the dish detergent with baking soda and wipe the fatty pans with this paste. The fat will go away without much effort.
  4. Silver ornaments and cutlery
    If your silver jewelry has lost its radiance, put a sheet of foil on the bottom of a pan, pour 60 grams of soda into it, pour 1 liter of hot water and put the jewelry in water. Then put the dishes on the fire. Boil on the slowest heat for 15 minutes. In 3-4 minutes you will see the metal lightening up. Cleaning silver with soda It brings back their original glory.

  5. Shoes.
    Ordinary baking soda perfectly copes with the unpleasant smell of shoes. It works best on leather shoes and shoes, but you can use it to eliminate the smell of sweat in sneakers or sneakers. To do this, take a small amount of baking soda and pour into your shoes. Then leave shoes, sneakers or shoes in this form for one hour. After an hour, it remains to remove the soda, and there will be no trace of the smell.

  6. Food containers
    They can get contaminated quite quickly. Therefore, refresh them with a sponge sprinkled with soda or wipe the most persistent spots with a paste of this substance with a small amount of warm water.
  7. Dirty refrigerator
    If there are foreign smells in your refrigerator, you can get rid of them with soda. Rub all the walls and shelves with it. Also pour some powder into an open container and leave it on the shelf for a while.
  8. Fruits and vegetables
    To remove wax plaque from purchased products, wash them in a warm soda solution.

  9. All kitchen surfaces
    Almost every dirty spot in your kitchen can be cleaned with baking soda. By mixing it with water, you will safely and effectively clean worktops, stainless steel sinks, microwave ovens, ovens and kitchen appliances.
  10. Kitchen sponges
    After several days of intensive use, kitchen sponges absorb smells and dirt, becoming unsuitable. You can correct the situation by soaking them in a solution of warm water and soda. But do not expect too long service life - sponges should be changed every 2-3 weeks.
  11. Pet beds
    Deodorize the bed is very simple: just sprinkle it with baking soda, wait 15 minutes and thoroughly vacuum.
  12. Smell from the trash can
    Throw a spoonful of soda on or under the bottom of the trash bag. Baking soda is a natural absorbent, it will cope with unpleasant smells, and you do not have to wrinkle with every opening of the bucket cover.

  13. Plum in the sink
    The runoff smelled not the most pleasant aroma, or did he start gurgling, hinting that he was going to clog? Boldly pour directly inside half a glass of soda, then pour half a glass of vinegar. Immediately cover the drain with a dense napkin or saucer - there will be fireworks. You should not be afraid of it, just wait 5 minutes. Then turn on the hot tap and flush.


  14. Old toys
    Walk through the animals with a washcloth soaked in a solution of baking soda and warm water.
  15. Paintings on the walls
    If children have painted newly painted walls, try to remove the doodles with a wet sponge and baking soda, slightly rubbing them.

  16. Mold in the bathroom
    Mold can begin with a small spot and quickly become dangerous to health. Prepare at home a simple, inexpensive and effective remedy for mold in the bathroom. To do this, you will need only hot water, soda and washing powder. A couple of tablespoons of baking soda and a spoonful of washing powder add to a glass of hot water, thoroughly stirring. Then with an old toothbrush soaked in this solution, wash the surface in the bath from the mold. In the same way, you can wash the seams between the tile.


  17. Washing.
    A little soda in each batch of laundry - and colored clothes will be brighter, and white - lighter. In addition, the tool will help balance the hardness of the water, providing protection for the machine. Cleaning the washing machine with soda Extend its service life, get rid of plaque and smell.
  18. Carpets
    Fast and easy to clean carpets will help baking soda. You just need to sprinkle soda on the carpet, and then vacuum. In addition, soda will help to remove the unpleasant smell.

  19. Grills.
    Do not soak, do not lower into water - first cool, sprinkle soda and only then proceed to dry washing with a washcloth or a ball of foil. Alternatively, pour soda on the brush and clean it.

  20. Stuffed animals
    If you have stuffed animals, then you know for sure that this is the perfect dust collector. But they can also be cleaned with soda. To do this, place the effigy in a suitable plastic bag, pour a glass of soda, go out into the fresh air and, firmly covering the bag, shake everything together. Baking soda will help to pull out all the dirt and dust. After that, at low power and from a safe distance, the vacuum was stuffed.

  21. linen
    As with refrigerator shelves, an open pack of soda will solve the problem of the freshness of your towels and bedding. After all, baking soda easily absorbs unpleasant smells.
  22. Garbage iron
    Stubborn traces of rust, scaling and scale can be removed from the sole of the iron with soda. Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste on the slightly heated sole and rub it with cloth.


And what if you combine the beneficial properties of lemon with the properties of baking soda? This combination can do wonders! Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the beneficial properties of combining baking soda and lemon juice.

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