Soda is a great remedy that is always at hand

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, or sodium bicarbonate) is a white powder with a salty taste, soluble in water, is known to man for a long time. Since 1861, after the invention of its synthesis, and is currently widely used both in industry and in everyday life. And what is especially valuable — baking soda can not only wash dishes but also to cure various diseases.
When diseases associated with increased acidity and increased secretion of gastric juice, heartburn often happens. In these cases, baking soda is recommended to take 0.5—1 grams 1/4— 1/2 Cup of water 2-3 times a day, children depending on age — 0,1—0,75 g per reception. Getting into soda quickly neutralizes stomach contents with the formation of sodium chloride, water and carbon dioxide gas, resulting in belching and stop heartburn. At the same time, baking soda helps to reveal the janitor, and the improvement of evacuation function of the stomach.
It is necessary to consider the interaction with other medicines: baking soda neutralizes the active acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), which, respectively, reduces the effect of the latter, impairs the absorption of tetracycline, but increases the activity of Pancreatin and improves the absorption of cyanocobalamin. However, despite the fast and efficient operation, long use baking soda to neutralize the acidity of gastric juice was not worth it. The fact that the resources allocated in this case carbon dioxide, exerting a stimulating effect on the receptors of the mucous membrane of the stomach, increases the secretion of gastrin. This leads, in turn, to repeated gastric secretion, and people start to suffer from heartburn. In addition, regular consumption of sodas is addictive, due to which the dose must constantly increase and after a while the heartburn occurs more frequently and becomes more painful. Therefore, for the treatment of heartburn soda is best used only as emergency funds. But for a more long and regular reception use other neutralizers acidity, for example potato juice, St. John's wort, mint, etc.
For relieving cough 1 tsp of baking soda diluted in a glass of boiling milk, taken at night.
Inhalations with soda solution will help with cough, respiratory distress, poisoning by vapors of iodine, of chlorine, in the treatment of acute and chronic laryngitis, and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract: pour the kettle with 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp of baking soda. When the water boils, the spout put a paper tube (not from a magazine or newspaper!) and breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes.
Gargling and mouth with a solution of baking soda improves the condition of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis: 1-2 tsp baking soda in a glass of warm water, gargle 5-6 times a day.
When cold soda solution can be used as drops: a little (pinch) of baking soda to dissolve in 2 tsp of warm water and instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day.
With conjunctivitis help multiple eye wash is 0.5— 2% soda solution.
Cause headaches often become disorders of the stomach. In such cases, you can drink a glass of milk at room temperature with a small amount of baking soda. After neutralization of the gastric acid, headache, as a rule, soon ceases.
To get rid of migraines, you can try every day for 30 minutes before the meal to drink of boiled water with soda (1/2 tsp. of baking soda per Cup of water): on the first day before lunch — 1 glass, the second day — 2 cups to lunch and dinner etc., bringing up to 7 glasses a day. Then in reverse order, reducing the daily rate of 1 Cup to finish the treatment.
Soda can be used as antiarrhythmic drug: a sudden attack of palpitation sometimes ceases after taking 1/2 tsp of baking soda.
Women if you get an infection in the urinary tract appear frequent urination, pain and burning sensation when it, selection is minimal, but sometimes with blood. At the first such signs is recommended to drink soda cocktail: 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Soda will relieve the uncomfortable burning sensation when urinating.
Soda is a very effective remedy for motion sickness. In these cases, it can be taken in the form of an aqueous solution, tablets or to use a special rectal suppositories containing soda.
Will help soda and when panaritiums — purulent inflammation of the finger. Prepare a strong soda solution (2 tbsp. L. soda in 0.5 liters of hot water), to give it a sore thumb, and hold for 15-20 min. This procedure is recommended 3 times a day.
For bowel cleansing is sometimes used soda enema: 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water — on procedure.
In acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use cold lotions with 2% solution drinking soda, replaced every 30 min.
Cool soda solution (1 tsp per Cup of water) will reduce itching from mosquito bites, the same solution can be used for insect repellent, several times a day rubbing them exposed areas of the body.
Rinse the mouth with warm or hot soda solution (1-2 teaspoons per Cup of water) sometimes helps with toothache, especially when the flux (inflammation of the periosteum).
Best for cleaning teeth soda can be added to tooth powder: 1 tsp per box. In the morning, the teeth may be rinsed with warm water with baking soda or wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in a soda solution, to remove the yellow plaque.
Effective use of soda in the treatment of skin diseases and as cosmetics.
From the action of chemicals, such as frequent washes, hand eczema occurs. In this case, well help ezhednevnaya soda bath (1 tsp per Cup of water) for 15-20 minutes (then the hands should be greased with olive oil).
When the hives with abundant rash all over the body is recommended twice a day to take a warm bath: 400 g of soda each. After the procedure, wipe the body of vodka or water with vinegar or fresh tomato juice.
If your skin has coarsened and become rough, it is useful to do before going to bed for 10 min special baths: 1 tsp. soda 2 tbsp. of soap powder in 1 l of water. Then, obsesiv hands, apply any fat cream.
To remove calluses on the hands 2-3 times a week to keep them for 10 min in the bath with warm soda water 1 tsp soda to 1 liter of water. Then wipe dry and RUB with a pumice stone.
For oily dandruff, it is recommended before washing the head to RUB into the skin soda solution (1 tsp per Cup of water).
Soda does not prevent perspiration, but actively neutralizes the acidic environment in which bacteria multiply, giving sweat, peculiar smell: it is Therefore useful to wipe the armpits with a solution of baking soda — this will save you from unpleasant odor.
To get rid of excessive sweating of the feet, you need to wash them morning and evening with a solution of soda (1 tsp per Cup of water). At night it is advisable to put between the fingers moistened with the same solution fleece. Will itch and zadnici, but we must be patient.
For the treatment of fungal infections of the feet in 1 tbsp of baking soda add a little water at room temperature and RUB this mixture to the affected place. Then rinse with water, dry and sprinkle cornstarch or powder.
Relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs will help foot bath with baking soda (5 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water). The procedure is recommended for 15 min.
With the onset of hot weather in young children frequently appears sudamen — clusters of tiny pink pimples surrounded by a reddened skin. As a rule, it does not bother the baby. For getting rid of heat rash several times a day with a light Pat to treat the affected area with a swab moistened in soda solution (1 tsp per Cup of water).
Widely used soda and how effective first aid.
So, in case of thermal burns and burns strong acids is well to wash the damaged area with soda solution (1 tsp. of baking soda per Cup of water) and apply to it a gauze pad or bandage soaked in this solution.
In contact with the skin and mucous membranes of various poisonous substances, such as trichlorfon, Malathion and other organophosphorus compounds, the juice of poisonous plants (wolves bark, cow parsnip, etc.), mandatory first aid is the treatment of the skin of a 5% solution of soda.
If poisoning by toxic substances is urgently needed gastric lavage with warm solution of baking soda (2 tsp per 1 l of water). The only exceptions are poisoning alkalis and acids: in these cases, gastric lavage, use soda not!
In case of significant blood loss, extensive burns, severe, acute poisoning with repeated vomiting and diarrhea, prolonged fever with profuse heavy sweating and a number of other heavy States to make up for large losses of fluid and prevent the development shock, it is recommended to use a salt-alkali solution (1/2 tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp. of salt to 1 liter of warm water). Give the victim drink 1 tablespoon every 5 minutes.
Abstinence (the hangover) is significantly heavier accumulation in the body large amounts of various organic acids and their equivalents, which can develop into acidosis. In this case, to restore the disturbed acid-base balance uses ordinary baking soda. So, at a relatively mild abstinence condition, we recommend taking 3-4 grams of soda, in moderate — 6-8 grams, severe — up to 10 g. For correction of acidosis can be taken once or in the first 2-3 hours 2-3 g of baking soda, dissolved in 200 ml of liquid, or within 12 hours — at least 6— 7, Another regimen is as follows: in the first day once 2-3 g and then 6 times within 12 hours, on the second day — 5-6 g for 13 hours and on the third day — 2-3 g arbitrarily. Emergency same withdrawal of the state of abstinence is recommended during the first hour to drink 1 liter of water in which dissolved 5-6 g of soda, and during the second hour — not less than 0.5 l 2-3 g of soda. If after taking soda have pain in the stomach (due to resulting in significant quantities of carbon dioxide), the use of baking soda should be restricted to 2-3 g per day.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: fpss.ru/gazeta/
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