How baking soda can be useful to a motorist

My father gave me a ride to work recently. I needed something in the glove compartment, opened it, and there's a packet of baking soda. Honestly, I was a little discouraged. Turns out she wasn't there by accident. For her, Dad found a thousand and one uses. Of course, I knew that soda is a universal remedy, but so...

Today. "Site" It will tell you how soda helps to cope with car windows And a few tricks. A find for motorists!

Frozen windows in the car The car window is foggy.? No problem, especially if you have a pack of soda in your glove compartment. All you need to do is pour some soda into some bag or sock and put it in a convenient place in the car. Soda absorbs excess moisture perfectly. Thanks to this, the bag of glass will no longer fog and freeze.

Soda also helps to get rid of unpleasant smells in the car. Again, you can leave a little soda in a bag near the source of an unpleasant odor. For loyalty, you can spread several bags around the car. The main thing is not to forget to change the filling of bags from time to time.


In addition, soda will help in cleaning the car. Small contaminants are easier to clean yourself than to seek help at a car wash. And that's where soda works best. It is able to clean the rubber from plaque. Mix soda with water in a 1:1 ratio. You will get a thick enough paste that needs to be applied to the surface for a couple of minutes, and then cleaned with a rough brush.

The tyre looks like new after this. In addition, it will help to extend the service life of tires for at least one season. It’s amazing how much simple baking soda can do.

However, you should not use soda to clean the car from the outside, yet soda can damage the surface and leave scratches on it. Use it carefully.


Soda is also useful in emergency cases when you need to urgently make a mini-repair. Soda and superglue together create a great seam on burst plastic parts. You just need to glue the surface with superglue, and sprinkle soda on top. Hold on for a few minutes, and it will stay safe. Thanks to soda, the seam will become hermetic.

This is how you can seal any cracks. My dad used to fix the cooling system. In principle, you can glue cracks on the windshield in this way, but they will be noticeable. It only works as a temporary measure.

As you can see, soda is an amazing tool, without which a wisely experienced motorist can not do. For example, I always leave socks with soda in my car at night. I've forgotten what the car windows are. Have you put a pack of soda in your glove compartment yet?


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