Principles of Pet Care
When you bring home a tiny fluffy lump, be sure to take care of the pet’s comfort and safety. The appearance of a pet in the house Not just joy for the owner, but also a long list of duties to a living being. Even limitlessly loving owners make mistakes that may not be aware of when caring for an animal.
Before giving birth to a child, women go to the courses of young mothers and prepare for upbringing. To get a dog, the Swiss must pass an oral and written exam. It would be good for all animal owners in the world to pass such an exam.
When people get a dog or a cat, they don’t know many of the nuances of keeping an animal, which is why our smaller friends don’t always feel good. Today, the editors will tell you what mistakes pet owners often make.
What kind of pet to have at home?It's up to you. And to worry about the comfort and safety of the animal is a prerequisite. Leave enough water before going to work, don’t leave the animal waiting for you in the car, explain to children how to behave with pets. I hope that your furry happiness will give joy for a very long time, as you do to it.

Before giving birth to a child, women go to the courses of young mothers and prepare for upbringing. To get a dog, the Swiss must pass an oral and written exam. It would be good for all animal owners in the world to pass such an exam.
When people get a dog or a cat, they don’t know many of the nuances of keeping an animal, which is why our smaller friends don’t always feel good. Today, the editors will tell you what mistakes pet owners often make.

- Change of feed
You can not one day replace natural food dry. The transition from natural to dry food and vice versa is a gradual process, it takes at least a week. The pet should get used to new food: new food is sprinkled to the main small portions, increasing its amount every day. So the animal is more likely to adapt to food and will not experience food stress. In addition, you need to remember that constantly mixing food is not recommended, as this negatively affects the health of the pet and can cause a visit to the veterinarian. - Each cat has its own tray.
If several cats live in the house, then they should not only have separate bowls and places for rest, but also trays. Firstly, it is necessary that the cats do not go on business past the tray, and secondly, cats mark their territory and, if they smell the smell of an opponent, can not just make a dirty trick to the owner, but also refuse to eat or even stop going to the toilet on the tray. - Not fat, but furry.
The Internet is generous with cute photos of well-fed pets. Toasted dog owners often hear condemning exclamations from fans of fattening furry friends. It is worth saying that there are both breeds prone to round shapes, and, at first glance, very skinny. Those who do not understand this, no doubt, will say that, for example, the Russian dog greyhound or the Hungarian burned - dogs are underfed and unhappy, but this is not at all true. To see if your pet has recovered, you need to look at it from the back. The waist should be clearly visible, and there should be a small percentage of fat between the ribs. If the body of the dog is more like a nightstand, then you should review its nutrition and in no case feed it from the table.
If a spherical creature lives on four legs at home, you should immediately consult a veterinarian and adjust the dog’s nutrition. Too heavy torso puts pressure on the joints of the pet, not to mention heart problems. - Ritual phrases
What dog likes to go to the veterinarian? Remember how many times you have persuaded a four-legged man to say, “Everything will be fine,” “don’t be afraid.” There are times when you say these words, but in other conditions the dog behaves inadequately. Dogs are very consistent creatures, they associate words with events. If some words are associated with stress, such as cutting your claws or going to the vet, it will be another test for him, even if you just decide to play ball. Always watch your words, and in stressful situations, try to remain calm, because pets feel this. - Water.
Keep an eye out for clean water in your pet’s bowl, especially if you feed it dry. In the heat or in the heating season and drink hunting, but if you leave the pet without water for the whole day, it can end badly. - Special feed
Small puppies, young, castrated, lactating dogs and cats need a balanced feed, and this food varies in the number of useful trace elements needed in a certain period of life. For example, feed for active breeds has a high calorie content compared to what is given to inactive breeds of pets. Food for neutered and sterilized pets is low-calorie, because these animals tend to be full. - Inconsistency
If a dog is allowed to jump on you during a game, don’t be surprised that when he comes home after a walk or meets you from work, he will jump on you. To avoid this, you need to be able to stop the game and make it clear that a decent dog can not jump and scratch his legs. - Free access to food
Never leave a bowl of food unless your cat or dog has eaten it at the right time. Dog breeders and veterinarians recommend feeding dogs at the same time, if the pet does not want to eat, the bowl should be left empty until the next meal. In the warm season, the appetite of the fluffy disappears and one portion of food per day may be enough for them, especially if it is dry food. If the pet is not disturbed by anything, but does not want to eat, it is normal in the heat. If the bowl with food will be filled constantly, there is a risk that the pet will overeat, and this is not good. - Warm battery
With the arrival of winter, cats move to warm batteries, but it is not safe for them. Constant lying on a hot battery provokes overheating of internal organs. Therefore, it is better to at least line a thick blanket to protect the cat. - Unauthorized walks
Domestic cats are not particularly keen on the street, but if the house is private, you should take care of the safety of furry friends. Although the cat can find a way home, it is not superfluous to put on it an addressee and a collar from fleas and ticks.
What kind of pet to have at home?It's up to you. And to worry about the comfort and safety of the animal is a prerequisite. Leave enough water before going to work, don’t leave the animal waiting for you in the car, explain to children how to behave with pets. I hope that your furry happiness will give joy for a very long time, as you do to it.