Here are 6 ways that your pet heals you and prolongs your life

Site publishes facts, proving the benefit of owning Pets. For example, cats reduce, but not increase (as many thought) the risk of Allergy in children. Prevention of Allergy among children was Previously considered that the presence in the house cat or dog increases the risk of allergies in children. And if there is a genetic predisposition, the doctors recommended not to have Pets. But this view is not just outdated, now science has turned him around 180 degrees.
A growing amount of research proving that children growing up with Pets (no matter cat or dog) are less likely to develop allergies and asthma.

Pediatrician, scientist James E. Gern, MD, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison conducted a study, testing the blood of children immediately after birth and through the year. Children growing up with a pet dog, much less suffer from allergies — 19% vs. 33% of those who grew up without Pets. They have also generally had lower levels of eczema. In addition, children growing up with Pets had higher levels of certain immune system components.
Reducing the risk of death from heart disease Several scientific studies have shown that post-heart attack patients with Pets live longer than found themselves in the same situation, but without Pets.
Male pet owners also generally suffer less from heart disease.
In addition, there are studies that prove that the risk of sudden death from a heart attack from pet owners is much lower. Researchers from the University of Minnesota estimated that the chance of death from heart attack in cats 30-40% less than those living without Pets.
Lowering blood pressure-Dr. Karen Allen conducted a study among randomly selected 48 brokers (working in a constant stressful situation). For the study compared 24 the owner of domestic animals and 24 persons living without Pets and found Pets improve blood pressure and levels of stress hormones better than drugs (ACE inhibitors).
Reducing the level of cholesterol in the early 90's was distributed survey data American Health Association thatthe owners of cats in General, the lower the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Moreover, the study finds that the establishment of a pet reduces these levels.
Too high level of triglycerides could potentially contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

Reducing stress In one study, researchers showed that people who received a stressful task showed lower levels of stress, if they were their Pets. This level was even lower than in the presence of a spouse or friend. Probably because Pets love the owner unconditionally and do not appreciate his actions.
Generally there are several studies conducted to prove that Pets play the role of a natural "drug" exerting a soothing influence in the inevitable stressful situations. For example, one of them has been studied, how much time is required to restore normal values of pressure and heart rate of the person after stress. It showed that owners of dogs and cats are experiencing less psychological and physical stress and able to recover faster. It is therefore hardly surprising that some people take everywhere with you beloved Pets.
General health promotion In the early 90-ies of the last century, a group of researchers from Cambridge University found that those who acquires a pet, just a month improves General health. These positive changes persisted for 10 months of the study. It was noticed that the owners of the Pets less likely to suffer colds or headaches. It was later discovered that the male owners of cats or dogs have a more steady pulse and blood pressure stable than those who have not got a pet.
There is also scientific observations, showing an overall greater life expectancy of pet owners.

via www.zozhnik.ru/nauchno-dokazannye-fakty-polza-koshek-dlya-zdorovya/
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