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Monastic herbalist: don't want to get sick — go dig yourself three root — burdock, couch grass and dandelion

An excerpt from an interview with the monastic herbalist Elena Fyodorovna Zaitseva:

We cherish the potatoes and the weeds are thrown. And they are more valuable than potatoes. No weeds can not be disposed of. The day will come for every man when he will not need potatoes, and treatment.

All weeds are treated!

All of these difficult-to-eradicate weeds argue its necessity for all life on earth.

I always say, "don't want anything to hurt — go dig yourself three root — burdock, couch grass and dandelion". From these roots you will make the collection and will drink it. I collect 25 roots, but you will not be able to collect enough three.

Wheat grass is a pernicious weed, which the Lord gives us literally under the feet of our treatment. No vegetable garden, that it did not grow. There is not a single disease, so it is not treated, starting with the eyes and ending with cancer. They treated all the wild animals, cats and dogs. For a man it is priceless that restores the disturbed metabolism. Infusion and decoction of the rhizomes is used in dropsy, edema of various origins, cystitis, incontinence, kidney stones and gall bladder, and all diseases of the lungs, kidneys, chronic bronchitis, intestinal disease, diabetes, hypertension. The roots of couch grass is used as a pain reliever in gout, rheumatism, lumbago, various arthritis. The juice and decoction of the fresh plant can be taken during the summer, he is very good with partial loss of vision. The root of Wheatgrass cures degenerative disc disease, ovarian dysfunction in women, pulmonary tuberculosis, exudative diathesis, boils. Contraindications for its reception no. From the roots of Wheatgrass we grind flour and bake bread. It is healthier and tastier than wheat. It is possible to make porridge, coffee. In lean years, he helps out all.

The root of the dandelion is also a weed. In early spring it is necessary to collect dandelion leaves, soak them in salt water for two hours, went to the bitterness, and make a salad. Leaf we made soup, and the roots roasted. Dandelion root treats malignant anemia, cancer of the stomach and liver, inflammation of the lymph nodes, diathesis, deforming arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, joints. In the fall, if you see a dandelion that bloomed and gave all the power to blossom, dig it.


I once gave a lecture and said, "There's this academic who heals all diseases. Sitting in the land of academic burdock and waiting people will take and they will be treated". Now people are almost all sick. Cancer just mows people. And burdock cures all cancer. Treats diabetes, bronchitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, fractures, herniated disc, atherosclerosis, diseases of the ear, chronic coronary insufficiency. Burdock cures hepatitis! In Moscow, a lot of people, especially men, sick with hepatitis. Even persistent hepatitis C cured by burdock without a trace. After two or three months of treatment, there is no hepatitis. Burdock root treats tumors of the liver and even cirrhosis of the liver! Treats cholecystitis, kidney disease, crushes stones in kidneys and gall bladder. It cures all skin diseases: burns, bedsores, eczema, sores, hair loss, sores, psoriasis, red lupus, and so on. None of the dermatologists can not cure all skin diseases and it can! During a flu epidemic, people run to the doctors we prescribe antibiotics. And burdock root cures the flu, reduces fever. In a war we had no shoes. Already cold, and we all go barefoot. Sometimes a cold, a fever. Mom would give us a burdock root and Linden flowers, warm to wrap up. We will propodeum, and no temperature we have. Burdock root cures paralysis! No one ever paralysis is not treated. And he heals. From these roots we baked bread, cooked cereal, did dressing. From young leaves of burdock cooked soup and salads. The root is fried, baked, made him coffee. When my house coffee I drink and think: is this coffee! Coffee to do from the roots of chicory, burdock and Wheatgrass. Mom used to make this coffee — it was incredible!

In my practice there was a case: I treated one priest in Sergiev Posad, which had a large herniated spine. He had to do surgery medical luminaries in Moscow. I told him, "Let your lights one month wait." He drank the infusion of the roots after a month I saw it: from the car to me free and said, "I don't Have any hernias!"

Rule of brewing roots

The most valuable roots in the early spring, but you can dig and fall.

Burdock is a biennial plant. Had to remove the one-year burdock, whose young leaves — the root is very strong. And burdock with dried leaves and burdocks already useless, he gave all the power to bloom. It is possible to collect burdocks, leave and rinse sore teeth will relieve the pain. The roots dig, wash, dry. Burdock root is thick, so it should be cut. One tablespoon dried minced root pour two cups of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes. Two hours to insist. Strain and drink half a Cup three times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating. When you drink the medical infusion before meals, his blood immediately absorbs and spreads throughout the body. You can drink the collection of roots of burdock, couch grass and dandelion in equal proportions or one root: a week — burdock, week — dandelion, week — Wheatgrass.


Healing herbs

The Lord gives us all the right herbs. No need to buy foreign herbs, to go after them in China or somewhere else.

Quinoa adds to the soup. We in the childhood grilled and eaten with potatoes. Goutweed is used in the soup instead of cabbage. From seed chirici make flour, add them in pickling cucumbers.

Wormwood is kept closer to people. If you have a fever, inflamed bladder — take it. This strong sedative. Wormwood removes all injuries, bruises, tumors. Cures alcoholism, arthritis, paralysis, stroke, pain in the pelvic area. Wormwood (or wormwood), treats epilepsy, impotence in men, nervous and female diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach cancer, colon and sarcoma.

The cocklebur grows on the banks of rivers. Cures cancer, nephritis, disease for men. In China all drink it, and there is much less cancer.

Geranium wild meadow treats angina, osteoarthritis, colon cancer, the stones. Thistle cure skin cancer, hemorrhoids. Thistle cure breast cancer.

I make infusions from 14-15 herbs, and every weed you can find where the inflammation, stagnation, swelling, and will heal. But you can drink and one grass.

Always advise everyone to pack a bag of knotweed. This can be done in the fall. After four or five days the grass will dry up, and it will be half a sack. And as you just a bit sick of her drink. The Polygonum, or knotweed, is growing each house, filled all the trails. Last year there was a drought around Moscow all have dried up. While knotweed is not a staff. He has very nutritious seeds, the birds eat them. It would not be him — they would have died. It's called the grass-grass or goose grass. The Lord gives it to us.

If you have a sore back, joints, it will expel all the salt. This herb is rich in salts of silicon. It crushes stones in gall bladder, bladder, kidneys. Scratch, scratch these stones, they turn into sand, and for two or three months no stones there. And doctors just wondering.

Highlander bird treats tuberculosis, cystitis, kidney, stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, rheumatism, obesity, anorexia, prostate cancer in men, cancer. Contraindications it does not.

Herbs not only treat, but also every tree. The flowers of Rowan are treated even multiple sclerosis. Rowan drives bile, prevents the appearance of kidney stones. Lowers cholesterol, treats obesity, disease of thyroid gland. Infusion and decoction of mountain ash help for cancer.

Kalina common cures malignant tumors of different localization, gallstones and urolithiasis, diathesis. It can be mixed with honey and eat. Even bone it useful. It can be the infusion in breast cancer. Aspen helps men with prostatitis. Hawthorn treats heart, birch buds, oak — heart, alder — intestine, pine — light. All the trees treated!

How to infuse herbs?

For preparation of a medical infusion take two heaped tablespoons of collecting herbs (mix of herbs in equal proportions), pour in a porcelain or enameled kettle and pour two cups of boiling water. Cover with a lid or towel and let stand 30 minutes. Strain through two or three layers of cheesecloth or a strainer and drink half a Cup three times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating. To brew the infusion is necessary in the morning every day, as drinking yesterday's infusion useless.


The course of treatment — one and a half months. To drink of the same herbs we have a month necessarily. Herbs treat, but cure slowly, quietly, gently. If the man was immediately cured, he would, perhaps, not good. The Lord tells us so, show diligence, patience.

To avoid habituation, a month of herbal treatment five days of rest and then drink some more. Running the disease should be treated three to five months. In a thermos grass is better not to brew — there is dead water. Before in the whole of Russia used the kettles. To drink the infusion can be warm and cold. But to brew it every day once in the morning for the entire day.

There's a poisonous weed, they too serve man — Hemlock, jimson weed, but they insist on vodka and drink drops. There are harmless grass — like knotweed. There are slightly toxic herbs such as celandine, tansy, wormwood. They can only infuse one teaspoon in two cups of boiling water.

When to gather herbs?

Herbs, like people: they sleep. Wake up in the morning, dew and wash and take God's energy. Man blooms from 18 to 45 years, giving birth to children creates. And herbs: when they bloom, they are the strongest. So they gather when they bloom. And when they faded, they gave all the power in the seeds. Grass is better to collect with a prayer on a clear Sunny day after the dew until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Dry in the shade in a ventilated area, preferably in the attic. If the grass dries in the sun, it will give back the divine energy that took.

Dried herbs grind hands. It is impossible to keep the grass in plastic bags, she chokes and loses half of its properties. You can store in paper bags, canvas bags, glass jars. Grasses are stored from one year to two years.

When collecting leaves?

In the early spring. First collect the kidney: birch, aspen, poplar. As soon as the leaves have blossomed, it is necessary to collect the leaves of birch, aspen, hazel to Trinity. When the ground thawed and got nettle, dandelion, celandine, goutweed — they need to collect. The leaves are harvested before flowering. Many herbs are harvested and seeds.

Fees for different diseases

The stomach (gastritis, catarrh, ulcers, poor digestion) in the acidity.

The one who is nervous, adrenaline and burns the stomach. Need soothing herbs: motherwort, mugwort, lycopus, Bukovica, mint, lemon balm, calendula, mother and stepmother, yarrow, cudweed, sage, white dead-nettle, birch leaf, St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain lanceolate, hops. Valerian root and cyanosis blue. At low pH, the same grass, but add the plantain.

The liver.

First you have to get an ultrasound to make sure that the liver has no stones, otherwise they are from the herbs can get under and go into the ducts.

Collecting when there's no stones: tansy, Helichrysum, calendula, goldenrod, agrimony, marjoram, dymjanka, St. John's wort, nettle, hair of corn, cinquefoil goose, leaves mother and stepmother, knotweed, horsetail, hops, succession, celandine.

Collection, if there are stones: St. John's wort, buckthorn bark, peppermint, flax seeds, fennel seeds, nettle, tansy, hops, celandine, knotweed. All herbs take one part, and the knotweed — five parts — he surprisingly breaks up the stones.

Drink burdock root, chicory, couch grass.

Cardiovascular fee (hypertension, infarction, tachycardia, etc.): Astragalus, immortelle, horsetail, cottonweed. Flowers hawthorn, motherwort, mugwort, peppermint, or any, Melissa, oregano, clover, Linden flowers, Arnica, yarrow, Adonis, birch leaves, roots of Valerian, mistletoe.

Collection pulmonary (pneumonia, bronchitis, catarrh of the lungs, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer):
sage, thyme, wild rosemary, Althea, mother and stepmother, lungwort, nettle, plantain, black elder flowers, viola tricolor, nettle, birch leaf, knotweed, pine buds.
Roots: soapwort, elecampane, licorice, lovage, iris meadow.

The kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, renal failure): horsetail, knotweed, birch leaf, bilberry leaf, fireweed, yarrow, goldenrod, lungwort, blueberry leaf, plantain, mother and stepmother, Lanka, pyrola rotundifolia, fennel seeds, yarrow, mint, immortelle, roots of couch grass and burdock.
Kidneys filter your blood from salts. When they fall ill and cease to perform this function, salts are deposited in the spine, knees. Therefore it is often necessary first to treat the kidneys.

Collection diabetes: folds green beans (rich in insulin), clover, blueberry leaf, blackcurrant leaf, strawberry leaves, birch leaves, bilberry leaf, Galega officinalis, mint, nettle, Melilotus officinalis, Polygonum, calendula, horsetail, St. John's wort, plantain.
Roots: burdock, chicory, dandelion, peony, elecampane, licorice.

Hypertension: birch leaf, clover, licorice, marjoram, mother and stepmother, plantain, horsetail, fennel, anise fruit, lemon balm, motherwort, hawthorn, immortelle, cudweed.

Female trouble: chamomile, plantain, yarrow, calendula, peppermint, celandine, Bukovica, St. John's wort, nettle, shepherd's purse, yarutka field, knotweed, cuff, clover, cinquefoil, fireweed, birch leaf.

Collection to treat different types of cancer: nettle, calendula, tansy, St. John's wort, immortelle, celandine, horsetail, knotweed, blueberry leaf, birch leaf, hyacinth, convolvulus arvensis (whole plant), forest geranium, clover, oregano, clover (flowers and leaves), cuff, peppermint, plantain, mallow, cudweed, Thistle, sage.

The roots of couch grass, burdock and dandelion.

Collection in breast cancer: celandine, calendula, yarutka field, white dead-nettle, chestnut color, Boudreau field, tansy, nettle, Hypericum, marjoram, clover, plantain, couch grass. For food use beets, carrots, horseradish. published

Zaitseva Elena — a famous herbalist. Knows more than 1100 species of herbs, their use for the treatment of various ailments. Herbs started in 8 years. At 89 years of age traveled to many parts of the country, including Altai, the far East, collecting and harvesting herbs. At the invitation of churches and monasteries goes with the conversations about the treatment of herbs. Delivers public lectures on herbs in Moscow and other cities, including qualified health personnel research and therapeutic medical institutions. Has a son who serves in the rank of Bishop of the ROC.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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