Top 10 health apps according to the version Robohunter
Eighty million five hundred seventy seven thousand seventy
It's great that a modern mobile phone can be used not only for calling, sending messages and surfing the Internet, but also to maintain your health. We have selected for you 10 apps that will replace the various doctors and will help to better understand the needs of your body.
1. PERIOD TRACKER Price: free
Download on Android
Download on iOS
The program is designed for women who want to track your menstrual cycle. At the time of its start you press a special button, which begins to count down the days.
The calendar puts all the required data required to compute the average menstrual cycle over the last decade to predict when the next menstruation. The calendar will allow to determine the delay. In the application there is a field for notes about your health during menstruation.
2. GET IN SHAPE Price: 7,99 $
Download on iOS
Will be the best tool for a healthy lifestyle. In it you need to create your personal profile, which recorded growth rates, age, information about the work and time spent on sport. Then you choose a task for yourself: to make "beach shape", "clear body", "to go on a diet". Analysis of these data will allow the application to plan for you an individual training program to track the condition of your body, you need to calculate the number of calories.
3. "AB WORKOUT" Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
The app will help strengthen the abdominal muscles — one of the problem areas of both female and male body. The program will make the individual selection of a set of exercises specifically for your abs. Diligently exercising, you will become the owner of (-lnica) perfectly flat tummy.
4. POCKET STUDIO Price: free
Download on iOS
Download on Windows Phone
This application is developed in the famous manufacturing company
decorative cosmetics Make Up For Ever. It is logical that it will allow you to identify the main mistakes you make when applying makeup. The app will tell you what care your skin needs. It also has a large number of video tutorials with the secrets of beautiful make-up from leading make-up artists.
5. WATER BALANCE Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
As is clear from the name, the app is meant to track the body's water level is extremely necessary for our health product. It supplies our cells with oxygen, nourishes the body with micronutrients. The app will calculate the required amount of water for your body, so it can work as a clock.
6. ONDOC Cost: free
Download on iOS
This app is significantly better personal medical records. It contains the most important data (weight, heart rate, physical activity). The service will provide you a personal health Analytics, will talk about the risks and specific ways to avoid them. Many physicians cooperate with ONDOC, helping them to create concrete and clear to each user of the recommendation. Your data a user makes on their own. If you visit the connected hospital, the application will be acquainted with the statements and recommendations of doctors and even lab results. ONDOC will remind you to take your medication, control weight, pulse, blood pressure, measure blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
7. CARROT HUNGER Cost: free
Download on iOS
This development is the latest in a series of original applications, which rudely forced to exercise. The program is rigorous calorie counting, closely monitors the weight of its owner and not allow him to overeat. Carrot Hunger very loudly inform when your weight as close to its limit, will tell you what exercise you need and what time they should run to the extra pounds are gone. The presence of sensors, iBeacons allows you to control when you approach the fridge. And once this happens, the app is a very loud cry tells its owner to stay away from the fridge. CarrotHunger is a new version of the popular smart app Carrot Fit.
8. LIFESUM Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
This app has long been a favorite of all those wishing to get rid of extra pounds, it not only counts calories, but also gives advice on how to come to a beautiful figure and a healthy lifestyle.
Once you enter your current performance, the app will forecast the timing, in which a user can achieve their goals. The most simple function is to record everything that was eaten during the day. Lifesum in the database has a large number of products, detailing the composition and quantity of calories. The program keeps a record of indicators of physical activity and interacts with several other sports apps. How was effective in terms of physical activity a day, the application will be informed at the end of the day, holding at the same time evaluating and incorporating data in a graph showing progress. In the library Lifesum contains a list of standards and principles on which is based many popular diets. If necessary, you can create a customized dietary program.
9. "BREATHALYZER" Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
This application will monitor you during noisy parties, informing you that "enough already" and make a prediction as to when the alcohol leaves your body. The calculations it makes based on such indicators: gender, height, type of alcohol you drink and the amount consumed.
"Breathalyzer" is an undeniable assistant for owners of cars. Some of the apps even give the option to select country where you are now, and will also show the norm of alcohol for drivers, which can prevent an attempt to get behind the wheel drunk.
10. HEALTH Cost: free
Download on iOS
It's a versatile app intended for operating system iSO 8 and already has a lot of fans of a healthy lifestyle. The app is a chart where you can put the most famous health information (allergic reaction, time of medication available blood sugar and cholesterol). Health have the function of collecting the necessary data from other apps iPhone, to be able to form the most comprehensive picture of health in one app. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.robo-hunter.com/news/top-10-prilojenii-dlya-zdorovya-i-krasoti-po-versii-robohunter
It's great that a modern mobile phone can be used not only for calling, sending messages and surfing the Internet, but also to maintain your health. We have selected for you 10 apps that will replace the various doctors and will help to better understand the needs of your body.
1. PERIOD TRACKER Price: free
Download on Android
Download on iOS
The program is designed for women who want to track your menstrual cycle. At the time of its start you press a special button, which begins to count down the days.
The calendar puts all the required data required to compute the average menstrual cycle over the last decade to predict when the next menstruation. The calendar will allow to determine the delay. In the application there is a field for notes about your health during menstruation.
2. GET IN SHAPE Price: 7,99 $
Download on iOS
Will be the best tool for a healthy lifestyle. In it you need to create your personal profile, which recorded growth rates, age, information about the work and time spent on sport. Then you choose a task for yourself: to make "beach shape", "clear body", "to go on a diet". Analysis of these data will allow the application to plan for you an individual training program to track the condition of your body, you need to calculate the number of calories.
3. "AB WORKOUT" Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
The app will help strengthen the abdominal muscles — one of the problem areas of both female and male body. The program will make the individual selection of a set of exercises specifically for your abs. Diligently exercising, you will become the owner of (-lnica) perfectly flat tummy.
4. POCKET STUDIO Price: free
Download on iOS
Download on Windows Phone
This application is developed in the famous manufacturing company
decorative cosmetics Make Up For Ever. It is logical that it will allow you to identify the main mistakes you make when applying makeup. The app will tell you what care your skin needs. It also has a large number of video tutorials with the secrets of beautiful make-up from leading make-up artists.
5. WATER BALANCE Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
As is clear from the name, the app is meant to track the body's water level is extremely necessary for our health product. It supplies our cells with oxygen, nourishes the body with micronutrients. The app will calculate the required amount of water for your body, so it can work as a clock.
6. ONDOC Cost: free
Download on iOS
This app is significantly better personal medical records. It contains the most important data (weight, heart rate, physical activity). The service will provide you a personal health Analytics, will talk about the risks and specific ways to avoid them. Many physicians cooperate with ONDOC, helping them to create concrete and clear to each user of the recommendation. Your data a user makes on their own. If you visit the connected hospital, the application will be acquainted with the statements and recommendations of doctors and even lab results. ONDOC will remind you to take your medication, control weight, pulse, blood pressure, measure blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
7. CARROT HUNGER Cost: free
Download on iOS
This development is the latest in a series of original applications, which rudely forced to exercise. The program is rigorous calorie counting, closely monitors the weight of its owner and not allow him to overeat. Carrot Hunger very loudly inform when your weight as close to its limit, will tell you what exercise you need and what time they should run to the extra pounds are gone. The presence of sensors, iBeacons allows you to control when you approach the fridge. And once this happens, the app is a very loud cry tells its owner to stay away from the fridge. CarrotHunger is a new version of the popular smart app Carrot Fit.
8. LIFESUM Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
This app has long been a favorite of all those wishing to get rid of extra pounds, it not only counts calories, but also gives advice on how to come to a beautiful figure and a healthy lifestyle.
Once you enter your current performance, the app will forecast the timing, in which a user can achieve their goals. The most simple function is to record everything that was eaten during the day. Lifesum in the database has a large number of products, detailing the composition and quantity of calories. The program keeps a record of indicators of physical activity and interacts with several other sports apps. How was effective in terms of physical activity a day, the application will be informed at the end of the day, holding at the same time evaluating and incorporating data in a graph showing progress. In the library Lifesum contains a list of standards and principles on which is based many popular diets. If necessary, you can create a customized dietary program.
9. "BREATHALYZER" Cost: free
Download on iOS
Download on Android
This application will monitor you during noisy parties, informing you that "enough already" and make a prediction as to when the alcohol leaves your body. The calculations it makes based on such indicators: gender, height, type of alcohol you drink and the amount consumed.
"Breathalyzer" is an undeniable assistant for owners of cars. Some of the apps even give the option to select country where you are now, and will also show the norm of alcohol for drivers, which can prevent an attempt to get behind the wheel drunk.
10. HEALTH Cost: free
Download on iOS
It's a versatile app intended for operating system iSO 8 and already has a lot of fans of a healthy lifestyle. The app is a chart where you can put the most famous health information (allergic reaction, time of medication available blood sugar and cholesterol). Health have the function of collecting the necessary data from other apps iPhone, to be able to form the most comprehensive picture of health in one app. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.robo-hunter.com/news/top-10-prilojenii-dlya-zdorovya-i-krasoti-po-versii-robohunter
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