Key announcements Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
Yesterday in San Francisco as part of the Worldwide Developers Conference Apple made several important announcements. They relate to the new operating system for tablets, smart phones, watches and computers Apple, and the technology, including CarPlay and Swift.
iOS 9
This is the next version of iOS. For developers, it is already out , everyone else will be able to get acquainted with the "nine" during a public beta in July. New Operating System for installation requires only 1, 8 GB of free space. This is considerably less than the iOS 8 (4, 6 GB). 9 is compatible with iOS devices within the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 (both released in 2011) inclusive.
Now the payment system will be compatible with a large number of banks and operators of bank cards. The system adds support for loyalty cards stores. Among the first Walgreens, Kohl's, Coca-Cola, Dunkin 'Donuts, Panera Bread and Wegmans. Points are added to the card as well as the bank. It is reported that when reading Apple Pay will select the desired data and provide it.
Apple refuses to Passbook app Wallet, which collects credit cards, store cards and loyalty cards. The application maps can be viewed, which stores maintain Apple Pay.
Swift 2
Apple increases productivity and makes a number of other improvements. But the most important news is the gateway to the open source compiler and standard libraries later this year. Apple will support Swift on iOS, OS X, and Linux.
Added support for screens of different sizes and high-resolution displays. The Apple CarPlay added the ability to use applications from car manufacturers to control the car's functions. Apple described the wireless mode, but so far it does not support any one machine.
Soon Apple HomeKit receive the support of many new "smart" devices, including security systems, motion detectors, carbon dioxide and blinds. Currently HomeKit works only with basic devices: lights, locks. HomeKit will be easier to manage outside the home. Now this requires a set-top box Apple TV, will soon need will disappear - the device will connect to iCloud directly.
For seven years, the number of downloads of applications has gone beyond $ 100 billion. Since the launch of Apple has paid developers $ 30 billion.
Apple Watch
The developers can create their own applications with access to the microphone, speaker and accelerometer (now these features are not available). You will be able to play video from the scene showed the application is Vine. Widgets Complications from third-party developers can be located on the home screen clock to show small amounts of information. Time Travel feature helps to scroll the time to understand the content and the calendar of future events. Native support fitness applications. Siri can control training. Support for multiple colors to draw in Digital Touch. FaceTime Audio. The answer to e-mails from the clock. < In iOS 9 added support for Apple Pay bonus cards. In hours, it will be too. Activation Lock for hours to hinder theft device. The most important announcement was left at the end. For $ 10 a month or $ 15 for a family up to six people (need iCloud Family Sharing) can access the service that combines streaming, downloading music and radio. For comparison, Spotify subscription for two people is $ 15 a month. The first three months are free Apple Music. Available at launch - more than 150 countries, including Russia. Apple Music will be launched on June 30 version for Android will be released in the fall. Total available when 30 million tracks.
Contribute users can download albums and playlists for offline listening. Unpaid available radio Limited skippable tracks. By using the Connect musicians will be able to share with fans of his works. Connect - a blog with subscriptions, comments and huskies. Siri helps you find the desired track. Voice Assistant understand queries in natural language, for example, "play a top track summer of 1982". Songs can be synchronized to Apple Watch.
According to the materials of text broadcasts ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251692/
iOS 9
This is the next version of iOS. For developers, it is already out , everyone else will be able to get acquainted with the "nine" during a public beta in July. New Operating System for installation requires only 1, 8 GB of free space. This is considerably less than the iOS 8 (4, 6 GB). 9 is compatible with iOS devices within the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 (both released in 2011) inclusive.
- Today Siri handles a billion queries a week. Voice Assistant to become much "smarter". There was a function Proactive, which alludes to compete with Google Now. Proactive use of context: time of day, location, connected devices. Music can be involved right from the lock screen, if you connect headphones to jog in the morning. Now Siri «knows» what applications are installed on the smartphone, and offer right at the moment. If an unknown number calls, according to information from emails helper can guess who it is. From Mail Assistant learns about appointments and mark them on the calendar. Then he recalls that it was time to hit the road on the basis of congestion. All this and much more are located in the tool Spotlight, which appears when you swipe down on the home screen. You can see the recommendations given by the on the basis of calendar events: the people with whom you need to be contacted, applications that run in this time of day.
- Search Spotlight deep: the new API, you can get the content of the applications instead of discovery. Spotlight can transfer units without having to do a web request. Siri already have these features, but requests have to pronounce, and not to gain. As they say at Apple, the data is not sent, the computation is done directly on your smartphone.
- The algorithms are aware of the user's life a lot scary. But Apple says that privacy also remained high. Correspondence and photos are sent to the "cloud" of its constituents by random and anonymous - they are not associated with the Apple ID. Apple does not share information with third parties. Everything happens on the device and is controlled by the user.
- In the built-in Notes application adds new features: image recognition, to do lists and notes by hand. It felt swipe at Evernote.
- Maps updated and added routes of trains, buses and subway lines to support more than 20 cities. Among them are New York, San Francisco, London and Berlin. Thus, the back features lost in case of failure on the default Google Maps in 2012.
- Apple kills Newsstand. Instead, he proposed a new app News, the name of which should be getting news content from different sources. Articles are presented in a mobile format, they are provided with informative animations and images. With Apple cooperate CNN, Time, Wired, ESPN, Buzzfeed and other news sources. The application can show articles on any link, but it is better to use it to read a specially prepared content. News something like Facebook Instant Articles, and the type of application Flipboard. Apple promises that News «umneet" with use: the app will offer content and articles based on user interest. News is only available in the US, UK and Australia.
- An important function can be called multitasking for the iPad. This term is defined here as the ability to run two applications on one screen. Breaking possible with a ratio of 50 to 50 or 70 to 30. Previously such plates could boast of Microsoft Surface and Samsung Galaxy, native support of this regime is in the future Android M. In both halves are working multi-finger gestures. You can view video clips on the "picture in picture". Added a new task switcher. Split screen mode will only work iPad Air 2. Picture-in-picture and the ability to scroll through the application will be available to older Ipad. Multitasking должен had appeared in iOS 8, it should be even были seen in the bowels of the system.
- In the iPad onscreen keyboard shortcuts to add copy / cut / paste. The keyboard can be converted into a trackpad to control the release of the text. Fixed key Shift.
- Low Power Mode. Due to him on one charge can appear three additional hours of life. Details about the details of his work are scarce, probably more than ever limited work processes in the background.
- The new font based on San Francisco from Apple Watch.
- Created an application Move to iOS, which helps users Android upgrade to iPhone and iPad. Move to iOS prompts replacement applications and automatically adds them to your wish list, if the application from Google Play has a paid version in the AppStore.
- Now passkody must be at least six digits. This will enhance the security
This slide has caused a satisfied laughter. On it it demonstrates how quickly users to upgrade to OS X Yosemite, but also shows that Apple's competitors such success can not boast. Em>
The new version is called El Capitan. It is not difficult to guess its origin: in a national park Йосемити, which was named for the current version of OS X, is a granite rock El Capitan . El Capitan will be released this fall and will be available wherever works Yosemite. For Developers Operating System is available now, and a public beta, it comes out next month.
- The system will change with the font Helvetica Neue on San Francisco, the font Apple Watch, also migrated to iOS.
Now the payment system will be compatible with a large number of banks and operators of bank cards. The system adds support for loyalty cards stores. Among the first Walgreens, Kohl's, Coca-Cola, Dunkin 'Donuts, Panera Bread and Wegmans. Points are added to the card as well as the bank. It is reported that when reading Apple Pay will select the desired data and provide it.
Apple refuses to Passbook app Wallet, which collects credit cards, store cards and loyalty cards. The application maps can be viewed, which stores maintain Apple Pay.
Swift 2
Apple increases productivity and makes a number of other improvements. But the most important news is the gateway to the open source compiler and standard libraries later this year. Apple will support Swift on iOS, OS X, and Linux.
Added support for screens of different sizes and high-resolution displays. The Apple CarPlay added the ability to use applications from car manufacturers to control the car's functions. Apple described the wireless mode, but so far it does not support any one machine.
Soon Apple HomeKit receive the support of many new "smart" devices, including security systems, motion detectors, carbon dioxide and blinds. Currently HomeKit works only with basic devices: lights, locks. HomeKit will be easier to manage outside the home. Now this requires a set-top box Apple TV, will soon need will disappear - the device will connect to iCloud directly.
For seven years, the number of downloads of applications has gone beyond $ 100 billion. Since the launch of Apple has paid developers $ 30 billion.
Apple Watch
The developers can create their own applications with access to the microphone, speaker and accelerometer (now these features are not available). You will be able to play video from the scene showed the application is Vine. Widgets Complications from third-party developers can be located on the home screen clock to show small amounts of information. Time Travel feature helps to scroll the time to understand the content and the calendar of future events. Native support fitness applications. Siri can control training. Support for multiple colors to draw in Digital Touch. FaceTime Audio. The answer to e-mails from the clock. < In iOS 9 added support for Apple Pay bonus cards. In hours, it will be too. Activation Lock for hours to hinder theft device. The most important announcement was left at the end. For $ 10 a month or $ 15 for a family up to six people (need iCloud Family Sharing) can access the service that combines streaming, downloading music and radio. For comparison, Spotify subscription for two people is $ 15 a month. The first three months are free Apple Music. Available at launch - more than 150 countries, including Russia. Apple Music will be launched on June 30 version for Android will be released in the fall. Total available when 30 million tracks.
Contribute users can download albums and playlists for offline listening. Unpaid available radio Limited skippable tracks. By using the Connect musicians will be able to share with fans of his works. Connect - a blog with subscriptions, comments and huskies. Siri helps you find the desired track. Voice Assistant understand queries in natural language, for example, "play a top track summer of 1982". Songs can be synchronized to Apple Watch.
According to the materials of text broadcasts ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251692/