Facts about the iPad mini

Apple sent out invitations to the presentation on October 23, has not said specifically what will. But no one doubts that we are talking about the iPad mini. What is this device? Tuesday evening, Apple sent out invitations to the presentation, which will take place on October 23. Although the company did not say it was Cho demonstrate to the public, hardly anyone doubts that we are talking about the iPad mini, a smaller version of the iPad: the whole world for a long time discussing the nuances of the product, the existence of which Apple to save the intrigue still not officially recognize. What is this device? As Steve Jobs has resigned to "small iPad»

Rumors about the future "small iPad» there since the appearance of the "big". Now their concentration exceeded the critical mass: it is highly unlikely that all coming from different sources of information proved to be false. Especially considering finally announced the presentation. But what about the fact that Steve Jobs himself called the 7-inch screen is not suitable for tablets, saying that such devices are deprived of mobile smartphone, but really do not get the benefits that compensate for this. To understand why the general line has changed, helping a letter sent to Apple vice president Eddy Cue other key employees in January of 2011 (it became public during the trial Apple Versus Samsung): «I believe in the emergence of the market 7-inch tablet and that we, too, should make such a device. During the period from Thanksgiving Day several times I spoke to Steve about this and the last time he looked very receptive to the idea. In my opinion, reading mail, books, using Facebook and watching videos a 7-inch screen copes perfectly. The weak link - the Internet, but it can be used. " Mini - the correct name, and sales will begin in noyabre

Guess the name of the new Apple product is not as easy as it may seem, when the company released the first tablet, many were waiting to hear the word iTablet. A small version also leaves room for imagination (eg, iPad nano by analogy with a player iPod nano), but now everything has come together at the source version iPad mini. This name is also common with other product Apple - miniature system unit Mac mini. From the date of commencement of sales is simpler: the forecast can be made based on how much time passed between the presentation and go on sale at the previous major products Apple. This interval was about ten days - means that if the scheme does not change, the first buyers will get the device at the beginning of November. Of course, we are talking about countries in the queue on the iPad first - up to Russia when it comes to a good New Year. How much is the iPad Mini

On the Internet walking screenshot depicting allegedly service interface German chain MediaMarkt: in it the price of iPad mini starts at € 249 (8-gigabyte version with Wi-Fi) and go up to € 649 (64-gigabyte Wi-Fi access and 3G). This data can not be so definitely trust: Apple does not usually reported prices in advance, even the partners, besides, according to another rumor, 3G iPad mini at all will not be. The issue of pricing in this case is very interesting. Now 7-inch sector occupied by cheaper tablets such as Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire, so before Apple faces a difficult dilemma: to produce a budget device, which the company usually does not, or to convince consumers that for its product is worth to pay compared to the already familiar . If you believe "mediamarktovomu" screenshot, Apple are dropped its premium image: € 249 on a pocket where a wider range of buyers than € 479, which in Europe is asking for "big» iPad. How it looks and that vnutri

The network has already got a lot of photographs of the different components of the iPad mini. Some of them might be fake, but overall they are many and they are quite similar to each other, to draw conclusions. And receive such conclusions: the tablet will look like a "big brother" to retain the aspect ratio of 4: 3 (and not follow the example of «strung» iPhone 5). From the external differences, in addition to reducing the diagonal to 7 and 85 inches can be noted more rounded sides. The screen resolution is expected to be 1024 × 768 pixels (as a conventional iPad, while in 2012 it has doubled in both directions). Because the model budget, instead of the good processor it is likely to get A5, used in the iPad 2. As it would be logical to assume, it became the new connector Lightning, much less than before. He first appeared in the iPhone 5 - previously released accessories can be connected only with an adapter. iPad mini yet, and already covers gotovy

When you start any new Apple product, some companies are starting to make bags and accessories in advance, based on hearsay, to have time to offer them first. It is a gamble (if the size of the device does not coincide with the expected, the party has issued covers can throw), so go to a few. But, as the experience of the iPhone 5, Apple is no longer so good to deal with leaks, and forecast accuracy increases - and with it the number of those who based on these projections. So Brian White from the company's Topeka Capital Markets, having gone to Asia and communicate with local companies, I have found some of them already packaged and ready to sell accessories for the device, whose very existence had not yet been officially confirmed. iPad mini as a "reader": the new version iBooks

According to several sources, a lot of attention at the launch of iPad mini will be given to an application to read books iBooks. Of course it is an application developed by Apple, has long been known, but can be represented by a new version, it is markedly different from the current one. Such attention to the books is quite logical: Surf with reduced tablet is less convenient than with a "full", but read it fits perfectly, selecting the format of paper books. In addition, the book emphasizes and Amazon - the main competitor of Apple in the market for 7-inch tablets. To discourage a share, you need to show customers that the iPad mini to cope with the same tasks at least as good. What else will Apple October 23?

Some news does not concern the plate, and its presentation, it is reported, is presented on October 23, it may not be the only one. Candidates called 13-inch MacBook Pro screen Retina (now such display is only for 15-inch) and an updated Mac mini. This rings true: not the first company to supply a basic presentation of the "additive" (eg with the iPhone 5 had presented new "iPods") and Mac mini been waiting for an update. So most curious, if the company does not intend to update and at the same time monoblock iMac: they, too, will not prevent any Retina-displays, nor new CPUs, nor ports USB 3.0, also long been rumored about their thinning.
Source: www.forbes.ru/sobytiya-slideshow/169520-shest-glavnyh-faktov-ob-ipad-mini