
Initially, Steve Jobs wanted to make it iPad, and this idea was born phone iPhone, and not vice versa as many believe. And even was made a prototype tablet and only saw him, they struck all that get a good phone.
Therefore, even as it hurt - iPad could see the light of a few years earlier.
As soon as the world learned the name of the new tablet iPad (Ipad), the fun of the name of the rose. The fact that in English Pad meaning "female strip." Critics claimed that the women will not buy this product because of the name, but ...
1 million applications for the iPad users have downloaded the first day of sales. 1 million iPad tablets have been sold in 28 days.
According to expert estimates the cost of the iPad does not exceed $ 300.
Standard splash iPad - «Pyramid Lake (at Night)» (Pyramid Lake in the night) is a photograph of a famous photographer Richard Misrach. He sent 10 of his photos to a contest and one of them won.
Did you know that in direct sunlight iPad will give you a message about the need to cool the device? iPad can be used from 0 to 31 degrees Celsius. Do not use the iPad in the cold.
Home sales outside the US was postponed for a month due to an unprecedented demand for the device in the United States itself. Rumor has it that the company's analysts are not counted such demand, although maybe it was just another PR move.