
Frogs - it amphibians that inhabit almost all parts of the world. They are found everywhere - in ponds or swamps, on the ground, even at a depth of several meters in a solid layer of clay on the trees.
This could not but affect the species diversity of frogs.
These amazing amphibians are divided into three types: the actual frogs, toads and frogs.
Frogs have smooth or slightly lumpy skin, teeth, located on the upper jaw and swimming webbed hind legs.
The largest representative of frog world - Goliath frog (Conraua goliath). This giant frog can weigh more than three pounds, its length is about 90 cm. Strong Goliath frog legs allow it to make jumps of length of three meters.
The smallest frogs that live in Cuba, have a body length of 8, 5 mm to 12 mm.
Unlike toads frogs have no teeth. The skin of toads thoroughly covered with tubercles, it is darker and drier than the skin of frogs. Behind the eyes they are located parotid gland well developed. In general, members of the family of toads prefer to live on land, going to the water only during the breeding season.
The world's largest toad - a cane toad, it can weigh more than two kilograms. In addition, the cane toad - one of the most toxic among the toads and frogs. The world's smallest frog has a length of 2 to 4 cm.
Frog - it is the small family among these three. Tree frogs differ from other species by the presence of extended drives on your toes to help them climb up. Some species of tree frogs are able to "fly", strictly speaking, it is not flying in the full sense of the word, and planning. This ability allows the frog to escape from their enemies, they can "fly" over a distance of up to 12 meters.
Sight frogs arranged such that they can simultaneously looking forward, sideways and upwards. They never close my eyes for a long time, even during sleep.
Moist skin of frogs has antibacterial properties. Our ancestors knew about it, threw them into the milk, so it does not sour.
However, not all frog species are harmless. For example, a frog "Coco", living in the jungles of South America, and Colombia, have been recognized as the most venomous land animals on our planet. Poison frogs that are thousands of times stronger than potassium cyanide and 35 times stronger than Central Asian cobra venom.
In Japan, as a symbol of good luck frogs.
In ancient Egypt, the frogs were a symbol of resurrection and even mummified along with the dead. This is probably due to the fact that many species of frogs that live in temperate and cold latitudes annually go into hibernation, freezing, and raised again in the spring. The fact that frogs produce antifreeze molecule - glucose. Fluid in the tissues becomes syrupy frost without forming ice crystals, allowing amphibians survive.