The most unusual collection of designer handbags

There are many models of bags that delight their aesthetics and style. Especially nice if the product is not exclusive and individual, and mass, because then there is a possibility to buy new and more interesting specimens.

Judith Layber, Hungarian designer, began to create his collection in 1963. Among her works are hundreds of unique beautiful knick-knacks in the form of cakes, shells, cakes, apples, animals and flowers. Judith works exhibited in many museums around the world, her handbags are many actresses and models.

Collection of handbags Judith Layber

Handbag macaroni

Handbags fruit

Bouquet and cake

Handbags heart and hive

The designer of Polish origin from France Monica Jarosz creates handbags from cane toads, which are abundant enough in Australia. The cost of one handbag is 250 euros. Toad bags are sold in Japan, China, Germany, USA.


Bags with the decor of toads

Preparation skins

Bags Wilardy Will Hardy created in 1948. As a child, he charmed the form of a plastic box, to which he attached a chain. Thus was born the idea, and then he put it into the collection Lucite. The same word was named plastic that is resistant to fading and cracking. Bags must have been like gems. The most expensive bag was sold in 1956 for $ 75, while the monthly cost as renting an apartment. Today, some designer bags are in private collections.

Handbag collection Lucit

Handbag collection Lucit

Handbag collection Lucit

Handbag collection Lucit

Handbag collection Lucit

Handbag collection Lucit

Collection Temi Italian company Braccialini is exclusive and unique. Particularly pleased that the bags are available today that are infinitely happy lovers of unusual accessories.

Handbag Braccialini: horse

Handbag Braccialini: owl and needle

Handbag Braccialini: elephant

Handbag Braccialini: peacock and toad

Handbag Braccialini: snail