Unfashionable bags and how to replace them. If your hands do not reach to throw away the old stuff, I advise you urgently.

In the wardrobe of every woman there are things that are pathetic to throw away, but you do not want to wear at all. And this concerns not only all sorts of sweaters or shabby shoes, but also such an indispensable accessory as a ladies' handbag. It is no secret that a well-chosen bag will become an indispensable part of the basic wardrobe, will help to make a bright note of the boring image and will simply become a useful “carrier” of all kinds of ladies’ things, without which one can not leave the house.

"Site" I'll tell you about the most fashion trends of women's handbags Spring-summer season, which will help in 2018 to look like a cover.

Trends in women's handbags
  1. Strawbag
    If earlier such styles of bags could be seen only on the beach, today with a straw accessory is not ashamed even on the red carpet to appear. Bags are the top trend of 2018, because they are found in almost all fashion collections. The basket weaving was preferred by designers Giorgio Armani, Michael Kors and fashion house Miu Miu. A delicate bag-basket, decorated with colorful ribbon, or a bag in the form of a straw bag will appropriately emphasize a new spring dress or bring flavor to the everyday street image. Bags for the summer It's better not to.

  2. Brown skin
    Oddly enough, but it is brown that appears in the new collections of accessories of almost all eminent designers. Whether it is a bag over the shoulder, a clutch or, for example, a city backpack, a product made in this color will clearly stand out from the rest. And even if such an accessory seems very restrained, it will be a great basic thing in your wardrobe! And all sorts of chains, zippers or brushes on the finish of the bag will add an image of femininity and flirtatiousness.

  3. Miniature bags
    Size matters this season! In 2018, designers chose to reduce the usual models of handbags to almost microscopic sizes, and the smaller the better. And let this bag fit only lipstick and phone, it looks damn stylish, perfectly combined with images in the style of casual and favorite boho.

  4. Belt bags.
    Previously, belt bags could only be seen on the market, currency exchangers or conductors on public transport. Time goes by, fashion changes, and belt bags turn into most sought-after accessory this year. And if earlier such an accessory was considered a sign of squalor and bad taste, today this attribute of a woman's wardrobe has changed beyond recognition, has become elegant and stylish, but has not lost its original purpose, namely: it has remained as convenient and practical.

  5. Bahroma
    In spring-summer collections fringe is used almost everywhere - on clothes, shoes and accessories. Interestingly, the style and size of the bag with fringe is not particularly important, because the fringe looks great both on tiny clutch and on overall shopping bags. The fringe may be of the same material as the bag itself, or it may have a different texture. The length of the fringes also varies, but most often in 2018 you will find accessories with a long volumetric fringe, which is usually larger than the bag itself.

  6. Reptilian skin
    Last year, fashionable python leather bags were ubiquitous. In the same season, fashion catwalks captured accessories made of crocodile skin of completely different shades and styles. Crocodile leather bags are practical, moderately strict, suitable for both business ladies and more relaxed ladies. Especially stylish look square bags tout or models of satchel in the form of a chest.

  7. striped print
    Dresses and blouses in stripes were always, but a bag with a striped print is not so often found. And if you have not yet got such a playful accessory, rather think about this stylish purchase. Such a bag will fit perfectly into any wardrobe and fit completely any shoes, the main thing is to choose a shade of shoes that harmonizes with one of the strips on the purse. Must have!

  8. Round shape
    Not the most practical style of bag, but so stylish! Accessories round or semicircular shape is a real hit of the spring-summer season 2018. Fashionable will be both monochromatic colors and bright abstract prints. And the materials from which such bags are made are also full of variety: leather, plastic, straw, felt. We recommend buying such a model for those who are used to attracting attention to themselves.

In 2018, designers give fashionistas freedom of choice and allow them to experiment as they please. Walking through the streets with a wicker basket, wearing a leather bag on your belt or even taking several at the same time is up to you! But we do know that there are not many bags in the ladies’ wardrobe.

We hope that our stylish selection inspired you to update your wardrobe by spring and without remorse to say goodbye to old accessories. Be sure to save our article and share it with your friends on social networks!


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