In the showrooms will MINI Clubvan - first commercial vehicle in the family of MINI.

autumn of this year will be in showrooms MINI Clubvan - first commercial vehicle in the family of MINI. Five-door Double Clubvan, in all the appropriate style line MINI, the world's first compact wagon premium. The main feature is the presence of MINI Clubvan separate cargo compartment, occupying all the space from the back door to the front seats. Access to it can be carried out through the wide opening double-leaf rear door and a side poludvertsu Clubdoor in the right side of the car. Two seats, fixed partition between the cabin and cargo compartment, and opaque panels rear windows allow you to enable MINI Clubvan in the category of vehicles for commercial purposes, subject to a lower rate. MINI Clubvan is available in three versions: MINI One Clubvan capacity of 98 liters. a., MINI Cooper Clubvan capacity of 122 liters. p. and MINI Cooper D Clubvan with 112-horsepower engine.